All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
199 chapters
He's not your brother
Bryan had already confided in Betty about the anonymous message he received, and she offered to accompany him to investigate. So, Bryan drove through the city until they arrived at the location indicated in the message. As they stepped out of the car, they were struck by the seedy environment. The area looked run-down and unsafe, and they instinctively went on high alert, ready for anything."Let's be cautious," Bryan said to Betty, his eyes scanning the surroundings."Absolutely," Betty agreed, her hand on her phone, ready to call for help if needed.Together, they approached the dilapidated building, their senses on high alert, prepared to face whatever lay ahead.Bryan dialed the number from the mysterious message, and to his surprise, the person answered on the first ring. "I can see you from where I am," the masculine voice said. "Just wait where you are. I'll come to you."Bryan's eyes narrowed, trying to pinpoint their location. "Who's with you?" the voice asked, and Bryan glan
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Intimate Kiss
Bryan felt as though the ground had shifted beneath his feet when the shocking revelation hit him like a ton of bricks. The news that Sam wasn't his brother but had been pregnant even before drugging his father sent his mind reeling. Accusing him of a pregnancy that wasn't his doing added insult to injury.As he tried to wrap his head around the truth, a sense of disbelief and confusion washed over him like a tidal wave. His heart raced as he grappled with the implications of what he had just learned. The weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders, leaving him speechless and unsure of what to do next.After a moment of stunned silence, Bryan managed to find his voice. "Thank you for sharing that information with me," he said, the words feeling foreign on his lips. "It's going to take some time to process all of this."The man who had delivered the unexpected news nodded solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I appreciate your time and understanding," he r
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Bryan scoffed, a hint of playful banter in his expression, as he attempted to catch Betty's gaze. However, Betty averted her eyes, choosing to look out the window instead."What are you looking through the window for? Isn't it better to gaze upon me? I am a sweet sight to behold," Bryan quipped, a touch of pride evident in his tone as he teased her gently. The playful exchange of words added a light-hearted dynamic to the moment, mingling with the unspoken emotions that lingered beneath the surface.In response to Betty's words, Bryan chuckled softly, a mix of understanding and reassurance in his expression. Sensing Betty's apprehension, he reached out with his right hand to gently take hers, a gesture of comfort and connection as he continued driving with his left hand. The touch of their hands conveyed a silent message of trust and support, bridging the gap between them in a moment of shared vulnerability and understanding.As he steered the car with practiced ease, his gaze never l
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Are you feeling jealous?
Bryan's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he addressed Sam, his tone careful to avoid any hint of anger. “Sam, who told you we aren't planning for your marriage. Don't we have the right to discuss it again, especially now that you're about to be married?” he asked, trying to maintain his composure.Sam's response was sharp and biting. Her words lashed out with an edge of irritation. “The fact that you're always the first to speak is incredibly annoying. Do you always have to be the one talking? Can't you be silent when necessary?” she retorted. Bryan’s reaction was a mixture of disbelief and indignation as he scoffed at her dismissive words.As Bryan's temper flared, his words carried a warning tone as he confronted the young man. "Young man, watch your manners. I am older than you and in a superior position, do you understand?" he charged, his voice firm and commanding.The young man, unphased by Bryan's authority, responded defiantly. “Superior, my foot. Let me correct you.
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Don't test me
Lisa maintained a stern demeanor as she refused to engage in argument. "I won't argue with you. Instead, I'll get straight to the point," she stated firmly, redirecting the conversation. Without further preamble, she pointed to the card she received from the office, her expression inscrutable.Bryan feigned innocence as he attempted to playfully retrieve the card. "Oh, did someone send you a card? Why are you showing it to me?" he asked with a smile, reaching for the card. However, Lisa swiftly withdrew her hand, a sense of determination in her actions.Lisa's confusion was evident as she sought clarification. "What are you talking about? Didn't you send the card?" she inquired, her tone filled with uncertainty. Bryan's sarcastic chuckle hinted at a playful exchange as he responded, "Oh, did you think I sent that? You're unbelievable. Why would I want to send you a card?"The question lingered in the air as Lisa pondered aloud, "Who could have sent this?" Her bewilderment echoed amids
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Lisa's enraged outburst reverberated through the room, the frustration evident in her clenched fists and furrowed brow. Gripping her ear in disbelief, she struggled to comprehend how everything had unraveled right before her eyes."Who could have orchestrated this betrayal?" she mumbled to herself, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and anger. "Who's behind all of this? What do they know that I don't?" The questions hung heavy in the air, unanswered and unsettling, leaving Lisa to grapple with the unsettling reality of the situation.Lisa's mind raced with uncertainty as she made her way back to her luxurious villa, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on her shoulders. Upon entering, she wasted no time in retrieving her phone, her fingers tapping frantically as she dialed one of her trusted private investigators."I need your immediate attention on this matter. It's urgent," she stated firmly, the urgency in her voice evident. "I can't rest until I have some answers. Pl
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Let me give you a hint of who I am
Lisa's personal assistant, Emily, walked into her boss's lavish corner office, her posture straight and professional. With a slight bow of her head, she greeted Lisa with a polite, "Good morning, ma'am." Lisa's response was a scornful scoff, her dark eyes hard and demanding."Nothing is good about the money. What did you find out?" Lisa's tone was sharp, revealing her impatience and eagerness to hear the results of Emily's investigative work. The expensive perfume in the air mingled with the tension in the room, creating an almost palpable sense of power dynamics between the two women.After her initial greeting, Emily proceeded to deliver the results of her thorough investigation to Lisa. Standing tall in the opulent office, she relayed her findings with a mix of frustration and determination evident in her voice."I checked all the supermarkets and stores you sent me to, and I even visited two more, but I didn't get any information," Emily reported, her brows furrowed in disappointm
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This is getting tougher
The cryptic statement hung in the air, leaving Lisa paralyzed with fear and confusion. What did he mean by taking what belonged to him? Her mind raced, trying to make sense of his ominous words. The weight of his threat pressed down on her, suffocating her with dread.In that moment, Lisa felt a surge of helplessness and desperation. The unknown intentions of this mysterious man haunted her thoughts, filling her with a deep sense of foreboding. As she stood frozen in fear, the night seemed to close in around her, enveloping her in a shroud of uncertainty.Lisa stood frozen, her breath caught in her throat at the revelation that reverberated through the phone. The words echoed in her ears, the weight of their implications crushing down on her like a ton of bricks. She could feel her world tilting on its axis, her mind struggling to process the bombshell dropped by the man on the other end of the line.As the realization sank in, a wave of panic washed over her, leaving her feeling dizz
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Closer look
Lisa hesitated before stepping into the grand hall, the light filtering through stained-glass windows casting an ethereal glow around her. Her gaze traveled across the room and settled on Bryan, whose presence made her stomach churn with repulsion. She averted her eyes, feigning nonchalance as she navigated the elegant space to reach her designated seat.Bryan, his posture rigid with purpose, fixed his intense gaze on Lisa as he closed the distance between them. His assertive voice cut through the air like a sharp blade as he addressed her, "Director Lisa, what took you so long?" The underlying tone of irritation mingled with his words, adding an edge to his already commanding presence.Lisa couldn't help but let out a mirthless chuckle at his words, an expression of scorn twisting her features into a mask of disdain. Her reply dripped with sarcasm, a veiled contempt lacing her words as she retorted, "I was busy," her voice laced with a subtle hint of mockery. The tension between them
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My girlfriend
Bryan's words echoed in the tense silence that enveloped the room, his voice firm and resolute as he laid out his plan of action. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, a palpable shift in the dynamics of the meeting."I think it's time we informed our shareholders and alerted the authorities to do their jobs. They will no doubt invite you both for questioning soon," Bryan declared, his gaze flickering from the CEO to Mrs. Jerrie.A sense of urgency colored Bryan's tone, his unwavering determination setting the wheels of justice in motion. The gravity of the situation settled over the room, a storm brewing on the horizon as the repercussions of his words reverberated through the stunned participants. Mrs. Jerrie's expression remained unreadable, her eyes locked on Bryan, absorbing his words with a steely resolve that mirrored his own. The stage was set for a showdown, and the impending confrontations loomed ominously on the horizonBryan's voice softened slightly as he turne
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