All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
222 chapters
170; Getting the job done
Chapter one hundred and seventy; Getting the job done. The sun had barely broken through the horizon when the ladies were summoned to clean the rooms before the day’s activities began. Morning dew clung to the windows, and a soft chill filled the air, a contrast to the fiery energy simmering inside as the women grumbled about their task. They were expected to clean up before slipping into yoga pants and heading out for their group pallet session, while the men had been assigned the far more pleasant task of fishing. Sinclair, standing tall with her arms crossed, eyed Emily with an expression that could only be described as mildly condescending. The room they were tasked to clean wasn’t particularly messy, but the faint smell of the outdoors had seeped in through the cracks, and scattered clothes from yesterday’s rush lay strewn about. Emily, her youthful energy evident in her bouncing steps, glanced around before meeting Sinclair’s gaze. "You should start with the floors," Sinc
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171; A distant friend.
Chapter one hundred and seventy one; A distant friend. The morning sun crept higher into the sky, casting a golden glow over the sprawling estate as the women emerged from their rooms, one by one, wiping their hands on their pants after a begrudging round of cleaning. The air was thick with complaints and laughter as they finally escaped the confines of their rooms and made their way to the wide patio where their morning pallets awaited. Stephany stood outside Sandra’s door, tapping lightly before opening it slightly. “You ready?” she called, leaning against the frame. Inside, Sandra was finishing up with her own room, tossing the last of the crumpled clothes into a hamper by the door. She turned around with a bright smile, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Sandra replied with a grin. “Let’s head out.” The two women walked side by side through the winding corridors until they reached the patio. The large open space stretched out under the morni
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172. He’s so hot.
Chapter one hundred and seventy two; He’s so hot The sun hung lazily in the late morning sky, casting a golden sheen across the estate as the men returned from their fishing trip, looking rugged and effortlessly handsome. They moved toward the kitchen area, their catch slung over their shoulders, ready to hand it off so meals could be prepared. The ladies, who had just finished their morning pallet session, turned to watch, eyes drawn to the sight before them.At the front of the group, Chris walked side by side with Rider, their low voices drifting over the sound of footsteps. Chris, with his strong build and relaxed posture, exuded a natural charm that made heads turn, while Rider, tall and lean, seemed equally captivating in a quieter, more mysterious way.Ever since the fishing trip, where Rider had defended Chris from an unexpected challenge with another guy, the two had struck up a comfortable camaraderie. Rider, who had grown up with his grandparents in Asia, had shared bit
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173, we would have been first
Chapter one hundred and seventy three; we would have been first After the men returned with their catch and the ladies finished admiring them, everyone headed inside to get washed up. The sound of running water filled the air as they hurried through the house, eager to freshen up before breakfast. The dining hall was soon filled with the aroma of freshly cooked fish, eggs, toast, and coffee. Conversations flowed easily as the group settled down, energy building for the day’s next event.The Preston family sat together, an air of tension surrounding them despite the cheerful atmosphere. Henry, Stephany’s cousin brother, sat beside her, his jaw tight, hands fiddling with his coffee cup. He hadn’t taken well to the idea of Stephany being the head of the Preston house. After all, he had always been the one pushing himself to be in charge—strong-willed, assertive, determined to make his mark. But now, the family leadership had been passed to Stephnay. Still, Henry struggled to accep
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173; Officer Connor’s one man mission
Chapter one hundred and seventy three; Officer Connor’s one man’s mission While the rest of the group was deep in the competitive energy of the family games, Connor had slipped away unnoticed. The commotion and the laughter that surrounded the estate provided the perfect cover. Connor had always been skilled at moving in the shadows, staying under the radar when necessary, and today was no different. He had a mission. The estate where they were staying was secluded, situated on the outskirts of the city, which made it easier for Connor to slip into the nearby town without raising suspicion. His goal was simple: to dig deeper into Jeremy Paul's financial dealings and uncover any hidden connections to the notorious bank with which Paul conducted his illegal transactions. Connor had spent days researching Paul's operations, and he knew that Australia was home to one of the key banks connected to Paul's illicit empire. He just needed to find it.He moved quickly through the narrow
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175, ladies man
Chapter one hundred and Seventy five; ladies man The games had finally come to an end, leaving everyone exhausted but in good spirits. Chris was heading back to the main house to quietly take care of some work, he had been meaning to check on a few things regarding the financial institute since both and Sandra were away from the compan, when suddenly, he heard footsteps running up behind him.“Chris!” Emily’s voice came out in a tremble, and when Chris turned around, he saw her rushing toward him, her face pale and her eyes wide with worry.Immediately, Chris could tell something was wrong. Emily was usually composed, but right now, she looked on the verge of tears. He walked toward her, his concern deepening. “Emily, what’s wrong? What happened?”Emily reached him, her breathing ragged, and she quickly wiped at her eyes, trying to keep herself together. “It’s my uncle,” she began, her voice shaking. “Connor... he snuck out earlier today. He said he was going to do some detective i
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176, hunting teams
Chapter one hundred and seventy six. Hunting teams The group had just begun to relax after the day’s events when the announcement came through. A staff member stepped forward, gathering everyone’s attention with a wide smile.“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the next event of the day: hunting.”There was a murmur of surprise and excitement among the families, but for Chris, it was the perfect opportunity to cover for Connor’s absence. He had spent the last few hours trying to figure out a way to keep things under wraps, but with Connor still missing, time was running out. This hunting activity would give him the chance to maneuver things discreetly.The staff member continued, “This hunt will be family-based, but unlike the earlier games, we’ll be merging families into three larger groups. Each group will be assigned a portion of the nearby enclosed woods. Creatures have been placed within the area for the hunt, and each family’s goal is to capture or tag as many as possible.
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177; saving Stephnay
Carpeted one hundred and seventy seven; saving Stephnay The growl grew louder, sending a chill down the spines of everyone in the group. Chris’s heart raced as his eyes darted through the dense foliage. Whatever was lurking in the shadows was no ordinary creature. The map hadn't mentioned wolves, yet the sound unmistakably belonged to something predatory and large. Suddenly, a blur of movement shot out from the trees, and before anyone could react, a massive wolf-like animal lunged directly at Stephany. "Stephany!" Chris shouted. Without thinking, he sprinted toward her, shoving her out of the way just as the wolf’s sharp claws grazed his arm. The beast snarled, circling them, its eyes glowing with a feral intensity. Stephany, shaken but unharmed, scrambled to her feet, her eyes wide with fear and disbelief as Chris stood between her and the creature. The wolf growled again, baring its teeth as it prepared to pounce. Chris, adrenaline surging through his veins, grabbed a near
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178, lost in the woods
Write chapter one hundred and seventy eight; Lost in the woods After that event, things went back to normal, the forest was alive with the sounds of nature, leaves crunching underfoot, branches snapping in the distance as different groups moved through the woods, tracking their prey. Chris had just spotted a deer grazing a few yards away, and after hours of waiting and strategizing with his team, this was the perfect moment to make the catch.Holding his breath, Chris raised his bow, pulling back the string in one smooth, practiced motion. The silence in the woods seemed to thicken around him, every muscle in his body coiled with concentration. He had hunted many times before, but there was something exhilarating about this particular moment, it was both the thrill of the game, the competition, and the knowledge that the hunt was about to conclude.Just as he released the arrow, a sharp sound split the air: the gunpowder signal, echoing through the trees. The deer bolted, but Ch
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179, Connor to the rescue
Chapter one hundred and seventh nine; Connor to the rescue Connor moved cautiously through the trees, his steps quiet and calculated. He had been away for several hours, investigating something crucial, but now it was time to return. Checking his messages, he noticed Chris’s update about the hunting event. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since the message was sent, but he figured going straight to the hunting area would provide a plausible cover for his absence. If he brought back a game, no one would question where he had been.Connor’s instincts kicked in as he moved deeper into the woods, scanning for signs of life, any tracks, broken branches, anything to indicate a nearby animal. He was focused, but something tugged at the edge of his attention. There was a strange silence in the air, a stillness that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.Suddenly, he heard a faint rustling not far from where he was walking. His senses sharpened, and he followed the sound, th
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