All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
223 chapters
200: Helping a star
Chapter Two hundred : helping a young star The atmosphere in Blue Garden was alive with laughter and chatter, and joke, the perfect backdrop for a reunion of old friends. Among the guests were not only Loretta’s classmates but also a few teachers, including Mrs. Maxwell, a beloved figure from their school days. Known for her elegance and modern style, Mrs. Maxwell had a way of connecting with her students that was both nurturing and inspiring. Today, she was accompanied by her daughter, Emily, who had just turned sixteen. Emily was a striking young woman with long, wavy hair and bright blue eyes that sparkled with excitement. The two of them stood out in the crowd, their beauty undeniable and their presence magnetic. As they entered the venue, several heads turned, and compliments flowed freely.“Mrs. Maxwell, you look stunning!” someone called out.“And Emily, happy birthday! You’re glowing!” another voice chimed in.As the compliments swirled around them, Loretta couldn't help
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201; The subtle Hero
Chapter 201: The Subtle HeroThe day in Australia had begun as a casual sightseeing adventure, a perfect escape from the pressures of Chris's life. The cool breeze of the coast whispered through the trees, and the sprawling landscape was illuminated by the fading sunset. The group had decided to visit one of the local attractions, hidden trail leading to a magnificent cliff overlooking the ocean. It was an experience meant to be serene and peaceful, but Chris could feel something... off.Ever since becoming a cultivator, his senses had sharpened, allowing him to detect even the faintest disturbances. Tonight, that ability was buzzing at the back of his mind. He had a nagging feeling, like something was watching them, waiting for the right moment. But Chris remained calm, knowing he had mastered the power of his Aegis Guardian Sword. He wasn't sure what lay ahead, but he was ready for anything.As they walked along the winding path, Chris stayed close to the group but maintained en
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202; A night of complaints and uncertainty
Chapter 202: A Night of Complaints and UncertaintyIt was getting late, and the crisp evening air began to settle in as the group made their way down the path, their conversations still buzzing with the adrenaline from the strange encounter earlier. The bus waited for them at the end of the trail, parked just outside the small visitor center. Everyone was eager to head back to their hotel, ready to put the eerie experience behind them. But as soon as they reached the bus, a new problem emerged.The driver tried to start the engine, but instead of the usual hum of the motor coming to life, they were met with a sputtering cough and then... silence. He tried again. Nothing."What now?" someone in the group groaned.A murmur of complaints quickly spread through the group as people realized what was happening. The bus wasn’t starting, and with each failed attempt, the frustration among the group grew.“Are you kidding me? First, that creepy thing in the woods, and now this?” one of the t
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203, Cliffside Adventures
Chapter Two hundred and Three: Cliffside AdventuresThe sun had dipped lower in the sky, casting an orange hue across the landscape. As the group sat waiting for their transportation, restlessness began to set in. It had been hours, and still, there was no sign of help. The air was filled with a mixture of grumbling and impatience, the earlier frustrations creeping back in.“We can’t just sit here all night,” Leo grumbled, pacing back and forth. “We should at least try to find somewhere more comfortable to wait.”Connor nodded in agreement, leaning back against a nearby tree. “Yeah, I’m not sitting on this cold ground for another hour. Let’s go look for a better spot.”“Why don’t we walk together?” Rider suggested, standing up and brushing off his jeans. “There’s gotta be somewhere nearby we can take shelter for a while.”“I’m in,” Adrian chimed in, already on his feet.Micheal, Sandra, Stephany, and the rest of the group slowly began to rise as well, ready to take matters into thei
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204, unwanted attention
Chapter Two hundred and four: Unwanted AttentionAs the group made their way to a more open area, the mood was light. They had found a decent spot where the bus could easily pick them up, and there were large rocks scattered around for them to sit on. The night air was cool but pleasant, and most of them were glad to finally rest after the day's adventures.Chris, who had been silent for most of the trip, pulled out his phone to check his messages. He hadn’t expected anything unusual, but his inbox showed three new video messages. He opened them, realizing they were forwarded by Loretta, and recognized the name: Emily, Mrs. Maxwell’s daughter. Loretta had mentioned Mrs. Maxwell’s request during the gathering, and it seemed she had sent over Emily’s audition tapes for him to evaluate.Chris clicked on the first video. Emily appeared on screen, dressed in a casual outfit, and began her attempt at comedy. She was clearly talented, her expressions well-timed, her delivery smooth. Chri
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205, enough is enough
Chapter Two hundred and five: Enough Is EnoughChris had always been patient. Over the years, he’d grown used to their sneers and taunts, their efforts to drag him down and make him feel small. It was the same story every time they gathered: jokes about him being a live-in son-in-law, about him being beneath them, and about his supposed lack of importance. Normally, Chris let it slide. He knew the truth, and that was all that mattered. But today was different. As he watched Stephany walking away, something inside him snapped. She was leaving with her head down, and he knew it wasn’t just him they were mocking anymore. They had crossed a line. This wasn’t just about them laughing at him; now they were humiliating someone close to him, someone who had always defended him and stood by his side. “Henry,” Chris said, his voice low but firm. “Give me my phone. Stop this now.”But Henry, always eager to push things further, was only encouraged by Chris’s demand. The look in his eyes was
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206; The awakening is the ring
Chapter Two hundred and Twenty six: The Awakening of the Ring As the laughter around him faded, Chris began walking away from the group, his thoughts consumed by the events that had just unfolded. His heart was still pounding from the rush of energy he’d felt when Henry fell. It wasn’t an accident; he knew that much. It had happened the exact moment he wished for it, and that wasn’t a coincidence. Then, something caught his attention. A faint glow emanated from his left hand. Chris stopped in his tracks and glanced down, his eyes widening. The ring on his finger, the one Jack Stone had given him was glowing faintly, a soft light pulsing from its smooth surface. He had forgotten all about the ring, which had seemed so ordinary up until now. For a moment, Chris stood still, staring at the ring. It had been months since Jack Stone handed it to him with a cryptic smile, telling him it was a token that identified him as a shadow cultivator. Jack had spoken of its power in passing,
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107, a familiar face
Chapter Two hundred and seven: A Familiar FaceEmily Connor's niece had been minding her own business, sitting a little distance from the group, when the loud laughter caught her attention. She looked up to see the men—Henry, Leo, and a few others—gathered around Chris’s phone, passing it among themselves. They were teasing Chris, and though she didn’t know what the joke was, the way they were acting made her curious.At first, she didn’t think much of it. She had seen these men act like this before, poking fun at Chris every chance they got. But when she heard Henry laughing about a video of a “beautiful young girl,” her interest piqued. Henry was standing nearest to her, waving Chris’s phone in the air like a prize. Without even thinking, Emily leaned forward slightly, craning her neck to get a glimpse of the screen. She wasn’t trying to be nosy, but something about the way Henry was going on about the girl’s looks made her stomach turn.As the phone came closer to her, Emily’s e
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207; Shelly’s escape
Chapter Two hundred and Seven: Shelly's EscapeAs the night settled over the group, the tension in the air became palpable. The group of students and friends had managed to distract themselves for a while by taking daring leaps into the warm waters and enjoying the night breeze. But as the minutes dragged into hours, the reality of being stuck in the woods without proper transportation began to weigh heavily on everyone.Phones buzzed with messages to worried parents and guardians, each one more frantic than the last. Shelly, the American president’s daughter, sat quietly apart from the group, scrolling through her phone, frowning slightly at the messages her father’s staff had been sending her. She knew this would be a big deal for her father, who never liked the idea of her being in a situation that wasn’t entirely under his control.It wasn’t long before the sound of distant rotor blades echoed through the sky. At first, some of the students dismissed it as part of their growin
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209, Chris to the rescue
Chapter Two hundred and nine: Chris to the RescueThe night grew darker, and the tension among the group increased. Complaints were coming from every corner. Some were murmuring about how they shouldn't have had to deal with such inconveniences, while others busied themselves calling their parents, hoping they could pull some strings to send them helicopters or private cars. Chris, who had been standing quietly on the sidelines, listening to everyone’s complaints, felt an itch to solve the problem himself. He wasn’t one to enjoy seeing people frustrated, especially when it was something he could fix. He stared at the bus, which sat motionless on the road, its engine refusing to roar back to life. His mind began to wander, thinking back to the many high-profile meetings he had attended as part of his work with MTD. One particular partnership came to mind—the one with BMW.MTD’s collaboration with BMW had given Chris the chance to learn a lot more about vehicles than he had ever expec
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