All Chapters of My Wealthy Legacy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
193 chapters
Chapter 141
Alexander and Elena walked side by side inside the Goldanigia company. Alexander was here so she could get to buy shares with them, due to the rumours spreading that Goldanigia has a 100% profit assurance. People have been testifying, so she also wanted to buy some shares.As they both entered the company, just then, in a sudden, someone stepped on Elena's foot and kept walking. She raised her head in anger, and even without seeing the person's face, she immediately knew it was Amelia. How could she do something like that and not care? She was mad and couldn't hold it as she stormed at her even before Alexander could stop her. As Amelia was about to enter the elevators, Elena grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back."Where the hell do you think you are going after stepping on me? Am I a stick?" Elena's voice was heated, her eyes flashing with anger as she confronted Amelia.Amelia smirked. "Oh, did I hurt your precious little foot? My apologies, sweetheart," she taunted, her tone
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Chapter 142
Elena gazed at Alexander, and Alexander smirked back at her. Sophia glanced at the other securities. "What are you waiting for? Just throw him out already."The man cried at the top of his voice, so loud, "Please, please forgive me. I'm sorry."Sophia then motioned for them to leave him, then told the man, "Okay, your life doesn't determine to me, but to the people you really offend. It's up to them to forgive you or not."Alexander looked at Elena who nodded slightly, then Alexander stated, "Okay, we heard you. We forgive you."The man apologised so earnestly, then Sophia turned to Elena and Dylan."Now, can you both tell me what happened?" she demanded. Elena chose not to talk. Dylan looked at her, and after seeing she wasn't responding, he said instead, "She slapped her.""She just slapped her without any reason? Make it make sense," Sophia said.Elena spoke up then, "Will you even believe us if we say anything? You are already siding with them already."Sophia scoffed, "Real
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Chapter 143
Alexander watched as Amelia left the company, feeling embarrassed. Being replaced by Alexander as the temporary CEO was one of the worst things to happen to her.Sophia, who was beside Alexander , uttered, "I can't understand why she would hate you for doing good."Alexander scoffed, "I don't understand either. I wonder what her reaction would be if she found out I am the real CEO."As Sophia was about to respond, her phone rang. It was from the assistant general of Goldanigia. Surprised, she picked it up."Hello," she started, then listened attentively to what he was saying. Suddenly, she shouted, "What! How... what happened?"Alexander turned to her, his face furrowed in concern, wondering what was happening.Sophia's hand trembled as she lowered the phone, her expression grave. "Mr. Davis l... he's dead. Killed," she whispered.Alexander 's eyes widened in disbelief. "Dead? How... who would do such a thing?"Sophia shook her head, her voice shaky. "I don't know... the assistant
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Chapter 144
Layla was so fast in shielding Alex away from her suitor, “You just need to calm down, not what you think, okay!” Layla kept screaming not knowing How else to control him, “ are you needing serious right now, is this what is about, leaving me for this piece of shit is that it!”He screamed at her, Alex was getting passed off by his attitude towards Layla, he couldn't hold back any long As he tried to move his legs and arm just so he could get enough pressure on it, he liked it as she tried so hard To get the man away from him, at all cost, but this angers the young man the more, “ it not what you think I promise “Layla just kept pleading to hope, that would change his mind or any guard would walk into control his anger Or take him out, “ you expect me to believe that with you all over him in your room and on your bed, are you kidding me !”He had had enough of the talk and wanted to heat the hell out of Alex, but Layla got in his way again, which made the The young man slaps
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Chapter 145
Alexander arrived at the house, which has a heavy barricade ad the gate, and many security could be seen outside the building, each of them with Their guns, he gulped and coughed out before stepping out of the vehicle and walked to them.The bodyguard outside knew what he was doing there and opened the door for him. the compound was very far, but full of security, he wondered What's for.He headed in, and finally met the Firelord, a man in his 70’s, with a moustache and a very rough face, and beside him was also stiles, waiting for him, already on their seat.He bowed down and greeted him, “Here I am”.Firelord gazed up and scoffed, “Wow, this is your face, you have grown up!Your father would be very happy with what son you have turned out to be, he would be very very proud of you!”.Alexander didn't utter anything, and just gazed at them waiting for them to go straight to the point.Alexander remained silent, his gaze fixed on the Firelord, waiting for him to continue. The tension in
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Chapter 146
Alexander returned home to find Elena and Kate outside, puffing on her cigarette, waiting for him.“Wow, you look haggard! So haggard! You must have faced a lot,” she said.Alexander chuckled and walked closer. “Sister, how do you think I can get out of all this shit? I'm really tired! Please.”Kate scoffed. “The only way we can stop this is to end it—find everyone who is involved in Father’s death, finish them, and then find out their little secret. Firelord? We will take care of him, don't worry.”Alexander nodded in assurance and was about to enter the room when his phone rang. It was Mr. James.“Hello. What is it?” he asked.“Sir, our database has been breached just now, and… the people behind it seem so professional, we can't even find the route they are attacking us with,” Mr. James reported.Alexander's heart skipped a beat. He clenched his fist, trying to maintain his composure. "Put the IT team on it immediately," he ordered, his voice laced with urgency."We already have the
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Chapter 147
Alexander was surprised to see Elena there. She had vowed just days ago that she wouldn’t come to him, and yet here she was again.“Elena, what are you doing here?” he asked curiously.Mr. James stepped forward. “I called her. Mrs. Elena once told me she was very skilled in hacking, though she didn’t want to show it. She has demonstrated her abilities to me before, so I’m confident she has something to offer us now.”Elena didn’t say a word and simply stepped forward to see what was happening. The IT director quickly summarized the situation for her.“Do you have a cryptic cosmic adapter?” she asked.The director nodded and ordered one of the staff to bring it to her. As soon as she received it, Elena sat down, her fingers flying over the keyboard. Everyone watched in wonder, curious about what she was doing.The staff member arrived promptly and handed the cryptic cosmic adapter to Elena. Without wasting a moment, she inserted it into the port and continued her work. Her fingers danc
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Chapter 148
Alexander arrived at the given location—an unfinished building. He made his way inside, walking carefully while on a call with his sister through his AirPods.As he entered the wide, quiet building, he looked around but couldn't see anyone."Have you seen him?" Kate asked through the AirPods."Nope, no one..." he began, just as he was about to finish his statement.Suddenly, a gang of men in sharp suits and dark sunglasses emerged from the shadows, moving toward him with purpose. Their polished shoes echoed ominously against the concrete floor as they closed in. He quickly whispered to Kate, "Engage."He then stepped back, waiting for them to attack.But instead of attacking, the leader of the group stepped forward, his expression unreadable behind his dark glasses. With a surprising show of deference, he bowed low before Alexander and, in a deep, respectful voice, addressed him as "Master."The others immediately bowed as well. Alexander frowned, confused by what was happening."Why
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Chapter 149
“Stiles, Stiles, Stiles,” Alexander hollered as he heard the sound of the gun.“Be calm, he is still alive, for the moment. Now, he is my hostage, so I'm giving you just three hours to return my gold, or else, I will kill your brother,” the voice said before hanging up.Alexander sighed, and Kate approached him. “What are you going to do now? Stiles’ life is in danger.”Alexander scratched his head, while Lion stepped forward. “You should meet him and return the gold. I have another way to catch him.”Alexander asked, and Lion explained the plan to them.****Stiles was forced to sit down on the sofa, with several bodyguards pointing guns at him.“I can’t believe this is happening, Firelord. You’re like a father to me. You… you watched over me until I grew up, and now you’re doing all this, why?” Stiles asked.Firelord gulped his wine and scoffed, “Father? I’ve never seen you as a son. I saw you as a mere investment I had to protect. And even now, you’re more valuable than you think!”
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Chapter 150
Elena was with her son, Charles, when they got out of the taxi and entered a bookstore. Charles needed some textbooks for school.As they entered and began searching for the books they wanted to buy, someone intentionally pushed Charles so hard that he stumbled into the shelves, causing them to collapse and spill books all over the ground.Elena quickly rushed to Charles' side, her heart racing. "Are you okay, Charles?" she asked, her voice filled with concern as she knelt beside him. Charles winced and pointed to his ankle. "I think I scratched it," he replied, his face showing a mix of pain and confusion.Elena's worry quickly turned into anger. She stood up and scanned the area, spotting the boy who had pushed Charles. Without hesitation, she marched over to him, her fury evident in every step. "You hurt my son! How could you just push him like that" she shouted, and before the boy could react, she knocked him back in the head.The boy stumbled back but quickly regained his footi
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