All Chapters of The Zombie Catastrophe: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
67 chapters
Kevin fell to the ground, curling up like a foetus in the womb as Max marched forward, firing unending bullets at the zombies that rushed at them through the hole in the wall. As the last one fell, Kevin was aware that Max had not shot the gun at him, but past him. Grabbing the part of his body where his mind had deceived him into thinking he was shot and raising the hand he grabbed with to his eyes, he saw that there was no blood. Turning around, he saw Max lower his gun, with his back to him. “I saw you last night, Kevin. You made an empty beer can rise in the air like magic.” Kevin heaved a sigh as he rose up, regaining his composure well enough to stand behind Max and press the barrel of his gun into his back, even though he shook from the shock he had just been through. “And you said you were the Allfather, Sergeant Maxwell Johnson.” “There is a lot we have to tell each other, then.” Max answered, turning around to look at Kevin while pushing the barrel of his gun down
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Kevin only sighed, putting his cigarette to his mouth again as his eyes surveyed everything around him with a tired look.“I don't know who the Allfather is, or why he is doing this, or why he is even sparing me, but I swear I am going to kill him if I ever find him.”“You think we should leave this place and find him?” Max asked.Finding the Allfather was a line of thought that Kevin had only subconsciously let out, but as Max asked the question, he was forced to ponder upon it. This house— He and Gina had saved up a lot of money to buy it, and it was dear to him despite its shabbiness, but he was not sure he could continue to stay there forever, given that there had been no more evacuation attempts since the first day.“We should probably leave, Kevin.” Max added, an afterthought. Kevin only looked at him, tossing the butt of his cigarette away. “I know, Maxwell. I know. I love this house so dearly, but it brings me a lot of pain to leave it, and even more to keep staying. Gina an
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The evacuated victims who had escaped on the helicopters on the day the zombies broke out had been taken to an old underground bunker preserved from World War II, made by the government of Middlestown at the time to protect against explosives dropped from flying planes on the attack. In recent times, the bunker had come to be used as a storage facility for imports, and that was where the people of Middlestown found refuge. It had been made large enough to contain and keep two thousand people safe, the town's population during World War II, but the emergency had now forced three thousand out of Middlestown’s five thousand people population within — a thousand more than the expected number, most of the remaining two thousand lost to the zombies and a few managing to escape despite the overwhelming numbers of zombies that swept through the city, two of them Kevin Santorini and Maxwell Johnson. Although equipped with electricity and a number of new technologies, it was far from having t
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Angela Lewis had seen a bit too much for a seven year old her age.The only daughter of her parents, she had been playing with her teddy bear alone in their living room when the foulest, scariest creature she had ever laid eyes upon broke down the door. There was no skin on the chin, and she could see the bone down to the side of its head where an ear was supposed to be.For the first few seconds, she paused and stared at it, frightened, then it began to come for her, making some scary sound that put fear in her little heart as grey, rotting skin from its chest fell to the floor, exposing a dark hole in its torso.She took in a deep breath, and exhausted it all on a scream that alerted her father and brought him to her.Her flight instinct pushed her to stand on her feet and run, but the thing was bigger and faster than she was, and it grabbed her leg, pulling her up in a tight grip and closing its jaws around the part of her it held. Her scream was twice as loud and now laden with p
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Annie Lewis had spent all her time in the bunker a broken woman, only held together by the thin hope that somewhere amongst the three thousand people in this bunker was her husband and their three month old child, Nico. She was so focused on this hope that she held her daughter, Angela close in her arms, refusing to let go as though she was afraid to. The only member of her small family she could still see, she was so afraid of losing her daughter, and she strove to keep her close while battling with the voice in her head that told her that her husband and Nico never made it out of their house alive, refusing to believe it. Her daughter was breaking her too. The girl's eyes seemed to pierce into her soul when she gazed into them, as though she could see what her mother was thinking about. Together, they cried, but what Annie did not know was that her daughter cried for a much different reason than she did. It was only when she saw both her daughter's legs the next morning when t
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Only a lone man stood witness to the horrible scene.It was Doctor Robertson, and he had seen every single thing.He had been unable to fall asleep as the fact that he could not reach those he left behind in the institute building still pricked him and made him restless. The thought that some kind of harm had befallen them weighed heavy on his mind, and it kept him awake when most of the people in the bunker were sound asleep.He had tried to reach all three men as much as a hundred times to no avail, so he rose up to occupy himself, trying not to allay his fears to anyone else, not even those on his team who had gone with him. Despite the coolness of the bunker, he still felt the sweat on his skin.Feeling the need to move about, at least to do something to occupy himself, he paced for about thirty minutes, first admiring how bright the lights in the bunker were, powered by solar panels outside. Thankfully, his wonder over the lights were able to distract him from his troubled though
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That was how Middlestown woke up to something far worse than the horrors they were hiding in the bunker from.The thing that had been Angela Lewis swallowed the other half of her mother, and then moved to another patient in the Quarantine Room, a middle-aged woman who had not yet mutated but was only arching her back. It did not hesitate to devour that one with the same predator's instinct that had moved her to swallow Annie Lewis as prey. Worse, another man who had been bitten and given the vaccine was now twisting where he lay and growing in size, his bones moving under his skin the same way it had with Angela. Increasing until he completed his morphing into a hideous, rotting zombie, he was worse, being the size of a truck and almost twice the size of the first one.The horrified doctor turned to run off but only fell because of how his body shook, never being more confused in his life. Now that the solution had only helped to compound the problem, what was he to do?Other people
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The slightly-less-than three thousand souls within the bunker were faced with the hardest choice they would ever have to make at that point.They had come into the bunker running away from zombies on the prowl in their numbers, and it had offered safety for them until the so-called vaccine they had gotten to curb the virus rather turned the bitten victims among them into mutant zombies worse than what they had come in to escape.It was a dilemma over which was better for them to face. The five, big creatures here in a locked bunker, or the thousands that roamed all over their city.And different people made different choices with regards to this.No one knew who, but somebody opened the main door, deciding they had a better chance outside, and those who could flooded towards it in an instant, running into the starless night. That did not go without consequences, as several people fell to the ground and were trampled to death, everyone in too much of a haste to notice their pained crie
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Stefan Kingsley had been a popular athlete in high school, winning several local races with shiny gold medals and coming out of several marathons in the top five, but all that had not stopped other people from outrunning him in a bid to get out of the bunker.A student away from the rest of his family living far off in another city, he had survived because he could outrun the zombies, and an old woman watching from her window rushed to open her door for him to get in as he ran from the walking corpses that followed him.The morning had begun for him with an early jog as was his daily routine, until everyone began to run helter skelter. Still, he stood still, confused, until his eyes saw two of those horrifying, walking corpses coming straight for him.Nothing could have kept him standing still after seeing that, and he ran off at top speed, with them rushing after him. Still, they had been gaining on him and he was losing hope, until he saw an open door and a woman screaming “Run in h
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Not everyone had been as unlucky as Stefan Kingsley, however.For Laila William, she did not need to do much. With everyone shoving and pushing in an attempt to be anywhere but close to those things — those former, fellow residents of Middlestown turned into devouring beasts, she found it easier to let herself be pushed towards the underground bunker's entrance, instead of pushing herself and losing her energy.As everyone around her shoved and pushed, she was only careful to keep herself breathing properly and to not fall, and although it broke her to do so, she found herself stepping on fallen people to keep her head up above the smell of stale sweat and unwashed bodies that filled her nostrils.Soon, she was outside, in a freer place for her to breathe, and she began to run as fast as her legs would carry her, wanting to be anywhere but near those things.On and on she ran into the darkness, until she rushed into a thicket and finally, stumbled upon a stone. Her body crashed into a
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