1. The False Tears

Opening my eyes the first thing I saw was darkness which gave me shivers especially the fact hands and feet tied on the chair I sat.

if I remembered correctly, I was in the hospital and gained consciousness after three months in a coma. The day I woke up the realization hit me harder like thunder the fact I lacked the answers about myself. I couldn't recall anything. What could be worse than that?

I remembered the doctor who told me , I might have abnormalities among my senses even if would not show up now slowly I would start experiencing those problems.

He didn't have to try so hard to explain because at that time I had already noticed such changes in my body.

In the dark, steps slowly approached me. When the steps got closer the torch lightened up and I had to close my eyes from sudden light exposure. When I adjusted I lifted my eyelids to the person.

He was a young man, less than twenty years maybe, with amazing looks with his long auburn hair looking at me with a murderer's gaze.

He approached me with darkened expression, and without understanding the reason his fist landed heavily at my face. The intense pain burnt my cheek as if he put everything on it and I tasted the iron.

I didn't get to ask and he kept throwing fist after fist which I barely endured and wished to tell him to stop but his eyes said all, he curved to destroy me as he did.

The time he let go of me his fist turned red and blood dripped on the floor. Why?

Inside a plain room with one small window, I was sleeping on the floor. I wasn't tied as the last time nor in the dark but changed nothing because my body couldn't move from pain.

I wished to cry but tears failed me instead I laughed like a frustrating madwoman

"You son of b*tch ...!"

The door slammed open and since the memory of what happened last time still on me, my body tensed and immediately moved my eyes to the exit.

There, a man, responsible for my situation, so ignoring the pain I helped myself to sit and leaned on the wall.

"Celine was only 18" He started the man with a voice full of anger "Wherever she is must be scared. Where is she?"

I didn't even understand what he talked about.

He rushed towards me and grabbed my throat to bang my back on the wall. With a forceful bang, I felt my bones crashed, Will the pain end?

"I planned to kill you by my hands If I fail to get anything from you. Where is Celine?!" he growled and increased the strength in his grip.

I breathed with difficulty and the moment I was about to loose he threw me aside. My body too tired to stand so I remained on the floor.

He made steps to stand closer and crouched. I wouldn't have any answers to whatever he might ask me. I grabbed his hand and tears rolled down my cheeks. I could see him taken aback but I clinged letting my tears show the hidden pain which kept eating me alive.

"I don't know what happened to me. I'm sorry I don't remember anything..."

He watched me for seconds then he rose his hand to my facial skin wiping the tears. I flinched from his action but I let him do what he was doing.

"You don't have to use false tears at least to me, Riley!" He stated the words with a force between his teeth

Damnit! This was about to get easier but I had to try harder. Riley? Must be the name he knew me of.

Realizing no matter what I wouldn't get away I stopped my fake cries and sat properly.

"I don't have anything to give you. I was meant to have died anyway, so do hurry up and grant my wishes"

"You have no idea what you are asking!"

Soon he dragged me outside. I moved my eyes to grasp where I was, I met the dark sky. In short I wasn't in a house or any sort of building instead... Was a ship. Ship is underestimates, was a luxurious cruise ship middle of the sea. Am I still in Hong Kong?

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