3. For Us

Sitting in the wheelchair, she gazed out the window, something she had grown accustomed to since regaining consciousness last week.

It wasn’t as if the view was particularly engaging. She was confined to a secret chamber, and all she could see was the corridor. She sat there, watching the person walk by to visit her.

She envied them. Their freedom.

The door creaked open, and a woman with short black hair stepped in, moving to stand beside her. She had noticed her arrival but didn’t bother turning her head, keeping her focus outside.

“How much longer do I have to stay here?” she asked, still not facing her.

“You’ll have surgery in the next few days,” the woman replied.

"Surgery? Good" She remained quiet for a moment before muttering, “I hate knives.”

The woman scoffed. “As if,” she said, recalling one of Lijun's favorite weapons—a stiletto dagger.

While they spoke, Lijun absentmindedly scratched her hand with her nails, a feeble attempt to soothe the growing frustration and anger she felt with each passing day. Despite her ghostly appearance, she was closer to breaking than anyone realized.

Blood began to trickle from the scratches, but she barely noticed.

Rochelle, now alarmed, grabbed Lijun's hand, her eyes narrowing as she watched the self-destructive behaviour "What the hell are you doing?!"

"I.. was bored"

Rochelle reached for handcuffs.

But before she could act, Lijun caught her wrist. “I was just bored and angry, looking for something to do. No need for that”

Rochelle ignored her innocent tone and cuffed her to the chair anyway.

Afterward, Rochelle left, instructing the officers to keep a close eye on her. She had to leave early today, as officers from China had arrived to take Lijun back to her country to face charges.

It still baffled her that they hadn’t been able to find Celine, and the authorities had all but concluded she was dead. How could a supposed kidnapper lose all memory of all things?

Her steps faltered as she thought about it. She didn’t even know how to define Lijun’s case, and now she had to hand her over without solving the mystery. All while the citizens demanded justice and death sentence for Scupper.

Meanwhile, Lijun the Scupper, as they called her was lying in bed, mindlessly flipping through TV channels. Two officers, a man and a woman, sat nearby.

“Bitch!” the female officer snapped. “Behave yourself unless you want those murderous hands of yours restrained!”

Lijun ignored the outburst, lighting a cigarette she’d somehow acquired. She puffed out smoke lazily, eyes with indifference.

The officers stared in disbelief. The male officer patted his pockets, searching for something he froze, his eyes narrowing at Lijun in confusion.

“It’s just a cheap cigarette,” Lijun said, exhaling another puff. “You can buy another.”

The female officer rushed toward her, furious. Not only had Lijun somehow stolen the cigarette from them, but she was smoking despite her poor health.

However when she extended her hand to take from her, Lijun extended further while the other hand took a handcuff from officers' pants pocket swiftly.

When the officer tried to gasp what happened Lijun locked officers one hand on the bedframe.

She had wanted to do that for a long time, and her lips curled into a slight smile as she watched the officer panic.

The officer wasn’t afraid of Lijun, she assumed her damaged legs rendered her harmless. But now, seeing that dark grin, she tried to pull her hand free, momentarily forgetting about the key.

Her partner didn’t hesitate to draw his pistol, aiming at Lijun.

“Don’t get so worked up,” Lijun said, raising her hands in surrender. “I was just playing. No need to shoot me... though I’ve forgotten your names.”

Just then, the door opened, and a nurse walked in, freezing as she sensed the tension in the room.

The female officer managed to unlock herself and promptly cuffed Lijun. Then, she raised her hand landed on Lijun face, the sound echoing through the room.

“That should remind you where you are,” she spat, snatching the cigarette from Lijun.

Lijun lowered her head as if she was wronged.

“You shouldn’t have hit her,” the nurse scolded. She had brown skin, long curly hair tied in a ponytail, and wore a pink gown.

The officer stared at the nurse never failed to notice the sharp glare in her eyes. Was she imagining things, or did the nurse just give her a death glare for hitting Lijun?

“She...” the officer began, but the nurse cut her off sharply.

“She’s my patient,” the nurse said, her gaze like a dagger. “So don’t you dare lay a hand on her!”

The officer frowned, glancing between the nurse and Lijun, who now looked pitiful, her head lowered after the slap.

“Can you step out? I need to check on her,” the nurse said

Once the officers left, the nurse approached Lijun with a tray in hands. As she put on her gloves, she asked, “How come it never crossed your mind to get out of here? You’ve disappointed my excepetions.”

Lijun turned toward the nurse, surprised by the question. She had never brought up something like this before. What exactly did she expect?

“Are you making fun of me?” Lijun asked, her voice flat.

“I can help you. All you need to do is ask.”

Lijun glanced at the cameras. The nurse didn’t seem worried about anything. Was she even a real nurse?

“Your enemies know where you are. This place isn’t as safe as you think. You’re just bait for something bigger... And don’t tell me you actually trust that corrupt investigator.”

“You didn’t need to tell me something I already know,” Lijun muttered, irritated. She accepted the pills and water handed to her.

“I’m not any better than them, but I have no intention of killing you,” the woman admitted.

Before Lijun could respond, she felt strange, a slow smile creeping onto her face as she realized she’d been drugged.

“For what?” she managed to ask.

“For us. And for those who are waiting for you, Lin Lijun.”

The nurse’s voice faded, and within moments, Lijun slumped onto the bed, unconscious.

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