Hadjar looked at her. He tried to drive her away… Tried to explain that he couldn’t keep the oath he’d given to her mother, he couldn’t help her become a human. That his life path was at an end. But Azrea continued to swim.

It seemed like an even more powerful fuel was burning inside her than had previously burned inside Hadjar. But did the tiger want revenge? No.


Would Hadjar, the Mad General, let the prediction of an old, stupid piece of wood come true? Was that how pathetic he truly was?

Hadjar twitched. Through the dark haze of pain and death, he assumed a vertical position. He moved his hands for the first time, trying to swim up toward the light.

As far as…

Suddenly, the world changed. The darkness disappeared. Hadjar stood on the shore of a small pond and peered into its depths. He saw his parents’ house and his parents waiting for him in front of it. Nero and Serra were with them. They called out to him.

Then a maiden appeared from the pond. She was very beautiful. She h
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