Chapter 2679
After meeting with Evie and his mother, Isaac asked Hallie to find a way to contact Talbot from the Kingdom of Northwing. Then, he headed into the depths of Otto Mountain.

Silverfox lost two more of his granddaughters and was extremely anxious. Isaac arrived just in time to witness the situation.

At this time, Silverfox finally realized that the Kingdom of Vriweth had a new ruler, and his granddaughters had been captured by people from the Royal City.

Later, Silverfox invited three other ninth-level demon beasts from Otto Mountain. Isaac then came up with the idea to ask for their help, promising them some benefits once the task was completed.

At this moment, the more than 200 martial arts experts remaining nearby dared not approach, because the demon beasts surrounding the four demon kings were too powerful.

They only dare to circle from afar.

High up in the sky, Nathanael's face was pale. He raised his hand, pointed toward the four demon kings, and shouted angrily, "You beasts,
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