This Is Not the Time

In an instant, the news of Felix's disappearance spread as quickly as a sudden downpour of rain in the day's heat. I don't know who spread it, but it was clear that everyone was very surprised. Especially the top brass of the company. When this news reached their ears, they immediately rushed to hold a meeting. Once again, the atmosphere that had been quite calm was now in an uproar.

Some were genuinely worried about Felix's safety. Still, others were just pretending, and some questioned the project they would run even though clarity about the person in charge had already been agreed upon.

Those who were not in favor of Clarita's presence in the company from the start, of course, immediately took advantage of this issue to push her back. Mr. Wesley did just that. He was full of emotion and provocation, continuing to throw out word after word that made others couldn't help but agree with him.

"What Mr. Wesley said makes perfect sense. Chairman Felix suddenly disappeared after Ms. Clari
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