Shocking News!

The sun rose above the mansion of the Jacobs family and every single worker was already up and moving about to tend to their daily chores.

The kitchen was bustling with life and the scent of several kinds of meals caressed the air and intoxicated their nostrils.

They didn't know what their young master would like to have for breakfast but they weren't going to use that as an excuse to slack off and not prepare anything. After he was satisfied, they would serve the rest of the helping hands around the house their breakfast and begin to clean up and prepare for making lunch.

Ryan let out a tired yawn and turned to his side. The pain in his wrist stung and he winced and opened his eyes.

The drip had been discontinued but the pain in his wrist still remained. He sat up with a groan while rubbing his head. How long was he out? He wondered.

The sun was the one who answered the question. Through the floor to ceiling window that led to the balcony, the sun peeked in from a slight opening
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