Chapter 10: Error¿

The next person to step out was another girl, although not as confident as the girl Zelah, she also didn't seem tense compared to the others.

She stood before the machine and stretched her arm pointing at the red circle. Some seconds later, a small ball of water had formed in front of her palm and the ball of water was shot straight at the machine. The machine once again counted as the numbers rolled up and came to a halt at 35.

"Wow, that's a high score!" Tom said surprised at what he saw. The others seemed to agree with him and nodded.

"Next person," Instructor Blake called out, staring at the remaining three. The girl or more accurately, the lady that came from Marko Town with Alex and Tom decided to go next as she noticed the boys weren't bulging.

She like the other girls before her took a stance and then charged at the machine. She threw her fist out and hit the red circle spot on. But unlike the others, her score was lower than that of Zelah who scored 11.

'Her ability is also not offensive and she was smart enough to choose a suitable division unlike the other girl' Instructor Blake thought as he took a glance at Zelah, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"I'll be going last, so it's your turn," Alex said to Tom. The smallish-looking teenager wanted to retort but bit his tongue, he had heard that Alex did well in the Academy Selection despite using no ability. Offending someone stronger than him was the last thing he wanted to do.

He took in a deep breath and readied himself. He shifted backward leaving a space of about 10 metres between him and the machine and then ran to it with his fist balled.


He covered the short distance in the blink of an eye and punched out at the right time hitting the machine squarely at its center. It made a loud banging noise and the numbers rolled up once again. 1...2..3...4 it continued and came to a stop at 14.

"Yes! I did it!" He shouted feeling smug at the moment. It was a surprise outcome. Due to how smallish Tom looked, most would mistake him for a middle school student, and his nervous attitude didn't help in proving otherwise.

Tom was a speedster. His ability was one that enhanced his speed and acceleration. If he were to just hit the machine directly, his score would have been lower but due to his added speed, the force his punch carried was multiplied.

'Good thinking. He has a good head on his shoulder' Instructor Blake commended.

It was finally Alex's turn to take the first test. He stood before the machine and closed his eyes trying to feel his energy. He aimed to use his ability. He had used it once but after that, it left him feeling incredibly tired. If he used it once more, he was sure that his score would be high.

He stood in place searching patiently to get that warm and mild feeling. He had become accustomed to it, after all, he daily practiced the meditation his Dad had taught him.

The wait became awkward as nothing seemed to be happening.

'Come on, where's it? Feel it, feel it' Alex tried but to no avail, he felt nothing. The thought of him having no ability crept into his heart but he quickly shut it. He had an ability, he had used it once. Was it a dream?

"You've been standing motionless for some time now, kiddo. Is everything alright?" Instructor Blake asked.

"Yes, Instructor." Alex replied. In a bid to hide his panic, he suddenly struck out with a punch. The machine did its job once more and the number 10 was displayed.

Alex stared at the figure on the screen of the machine. That was his score, it was low. That wasn't how he had planned it to go.

Instructor Blake took a look at the screen of the device in his hands. As he quickly read the information on it.

"You must be Alex? don't have an ability, that is what is stated here... How is that possible?" Instructor Blake was shocked and confused that he had to re-read the information. Never in his life had he seen someone in the world of Clodia without an ability.

Alex felt a wave of sadness wash through his entire being. The other new students were equally as surprised as their Instructor.

"I think there is a mistake somewhere. After now I'd personally take you to the Academy ability detector,"

"Now, let's go into the second round of tests," he said with a smile.

He took them to another section of the room where there was a different machine. This one had two protruding hands sticking from its top with a kind of rail at the bottom front of the machine.

Instructor Blake explained they were to hold the two protruding hands of the machine while they ran at full speed on the rail. This was a test that Tom was excited to try out as it suited him, because of his enhanced speed.

Meanwhile, Alex was beginning to feel unmotivated about the whole test. With no ability to augment his physical prowess, his score was bound to be lower than the other's.

They proceeded to the third and last test which tested their stamina and endurance. At the end of it all Zelah, the violet-haired girl who still bubbled with confidence had a total score of 36, making her a level 1.

The second girl who took the first test after her came out scoring the highest being 55 which made her a level 2 ability user. The lady from Marko Town got a total score of 30. Tom had a total score of 47 which was quite surprising to him. And finally, Alex had a total score of 20.

Their scores were registered by Instructor Blake after which he dismissed them and took Alex to the Detector machine. It was the same familiar box-like device connected to a pad that Alex was asked to place his hands on.

He felt a warm energy spread through his entire body from his hands. The pad shone brightly for a few seconds before the light died down and a printed copy of the result was made.

Instructor Blake held the piece of paper a bit dazed. After some time, he handed it to Alex showing him its contents.

[Ability name: Error]

[Ability type: Error]

[Ability grade: Error]

"This is strange. I've never seen anyone with this type of result." Blake sighed.

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