Chapter 12: System Activated

The proposal made by Tang was generous and nice, after all, Holster Academy was a large place with lots of buildings.

Alex and Tom accepted his offer and walked with him.

"Do you mind showing us the boy's dormitory so we can drop our luggage?" Tom asked.

"I don't mind, I'll take you there right away" Tang replied.

The duo followed Tang as they transversed through the Academy. They were greeted with sights they had never seen before.

"There are so many students," Alex whispered under his breath and it seemed like Tang heard him because of what he said next.

"Yes, Holster Academy has about 50 thousand students aside from the new students that would be joining this period."

Not long after, Tang, Alex, and Tom arrived in front of a black gate with fenced walls. Inside was a large semi-circular building. It was fenced around giving it plenty of space both at the center and around the building. It was a cluster of rooms fixated with three storeys.

"This is the dormitory of first-designation students," Tang said.

They walked through the wide open gate and searched for their room, moving along the various apartments.

"My apartment number is 521," Tom said.

Alex brought out his card and looked at it. He could see that his was also stated 521.

"Mine is 521 too. I guess we would be sharing an apartment."

"Each apartment is shared by three persons so you have one more roommate."

After locating their apartment, Alex and Tom dropped off their luggage inside. The apartment had a bathroom and then a sleeping area. Three beds were laid out and also three separate wardrobes in which Alex and Tom kept their luggage. There was nothing fancy about the apartment and the space was quite small for three people.

They followed Tang out of the boy's dormitory as he showed them different areas he deemed were most important. He took them to a large dome-like building, it was the largest building in Holster Academy being the assembly ground. It resembled a stadium capable of housing several thousands of people. Then the Academy Library, the credit shop where one bought credits in exchange for coins.

There are three different types of coins used in the world of Clodia. The blue, red, and gold coins. A blue coin is equivalent to ten credits, a red coin is equivalent to 100, and finally, a gold coin is equivalent to 1000 credits.

This also meant that 10 blue coins were equal to a red coin and then, 10 red coins were equal to one gold coin.

The credits were to be used in buying techniques from the Academy, renting a well-equipped training room, hiring a personal trainer, buying materials from vendors, and so on.

The group of three didn't dwell too long in the places they visited and were constantly moving from one place to another. From time to time, Tang would look down at his wristband, he seemed to be communicating with someone. Alex had taken a peak before and discovered Tang was two levels above him, being on level 3.

"How does this wristband actually work" Alex asked. He had always had an interest in crafts and the wristband was something that fascinated him.

"The wristband, it's used to track the location of students when it's lights out. Every student is expected to be in their apartments by then, if not, you could be tracked and punished."

"Also we receive notifications from the Academy through the wristband. It can be used to communicate with fellow students whose contact you have saved," Tang explained.

'I remember the lady from the Administrative block also saying it is used to transfer credits. All in all, the wristband is an amazing creation. I can't take it off my wrist. I wonder who created it?' Alex thought as he fiddled with it.

The three of them had been out exploring the Academy till it was evening. They had spent hours taking in the view of the Academy. Tom's stomach made a loud grumbling noise drawing the attention of the other two.

"Man, I haven't eaten anything today," Tom complained, his face flushed, a bit embarrassed.

"I feel hungry too. Let's head to the canteen and get some food, after that, I'll be taking you guys to meet a friend of mine." Tang said with a humble smile.

'Something about this Tang guy doesn't seem right. Why would he be so jovial and waste his time with newbies like us?' Alex thought but couldn't make out why. He too was starved and needed something to eat so the three of them headed to the canteen.

Just like the other buildings in the Academy, the canteen was also large, being separated into three areas, each one for the different designation of students.

Tang ordered three bowls of food which he paid for. They dug into the food consuming it in a jiffy.

They thanked Tang with smiles but still Alex was feeling skeptical about the guy.

"Now, it's time, let's meet up with my friends," Tang said.

The sky was dark but each building had light bulbs or things that looked like lines at the corners of buildings. They radiated a soft white light providing sufficient light. Tang moved leading them through an alley that was quite dark. Not many students were seen in that area.

"Um...sorry to ask, Tang, but do we have to go through here?" Tom asked a bit skeptical.

"Go through? We ain't going through, we're here," Tang said a cunning smile making its way on his lip.

It was then Alex and Tom saw the silhouette of someone else other than Tang in front of them. The figure was huge and shadowed over them, with the light being insufficient they could only make out his lips curved in a smirk.

"This is my friend, Big Dave, he has quite the anger issues so you shouldn't get him angry," Tang said and chuckled.

"Which one of you has the storage ring?" Big Dave asked, his moved between the two teenagers.

"I knew there was something fishy about you from the get-go. Your unusual kindness and generosity, this was your aim all along" Alex said through gritted teeth, his face contorting in anger. The two students looked at him with amused smiles on their faces not replying.

"Tom, can I trust you?" Alex suddenly asked as he stepped forward shielding the frightened Tom with his body.

"Trust me? do what exactly?" He asked shaking in his booths.

"RUN!" Alex shouted as he quickly took off his storage ring and threw it at Tom, although stunned and confused, Tom subconsciously caught the object thrown at him.

Seeing this, Tang and his friend Big Dave rushed forward but were a step too late, Alex had already predicted their next move and slammed his body right at them, while Tom ran away with the use of his ability. Now it was impossible for them to get the ring even if they chased after Tom, how could they catch up to one with enhanced speed?

"Damn it! You shit!" Big Dave reacted immediately after and punched Alex in the face. It was a heavy hit that made blood spill from Alex's mouth. Following next was a diagonal slash from Tang that cut across Alex's chest.

The cut wasn't too deep but still, blood gushed out. Alex placed his hand on his chest and grabbed the necklace that had been cut before it fell off.

The two students relentlessly rained curses and kicks on Alex who was now collapsed on the floor bleeding out.

"Do you think he's still alive?" Tang asked, not that he cared or was bothered. He wouldn't be held responsible if anything of that sought happened. At most, he would get to slap on the wrist.

"He is...for now. Let's go find the other runt." Big Dave said.

The two of them left Alex bleeding on the floor. The gem of the necklace in his hands suddenly began glowing a fierce red colour. Alex who was on the verge of losing consciousness tilted his head ever so slightly, just in time to see the gem burst into tiny particles that moved entering through every orifice in his body.

His nostrils, his eyes, ears, and mouth. The feeling was suffocating and more blood gushed out of him.

'Am I going to die?' Alex wondered but lost control of his thoughts.

Just as his eyes were slowly closing, several lines of words appeared in his periphery.

[New Gene - Dragon Bloodline: Activated!]

[Host has acquired A System]

Alex wasn't able to make out the words as they were blurry to him. It also didn't help that he was in a lot of pain.

'I my..end.'

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