6. Fair enough

Jason walked up to the tree from behind, approaching them as slowly as possible, he did not want to be noticed by the culprits or else they might run before he got to them.

But while he got closer, one of them saw and signaled the others and at this time, Jason did not know that they saw him approaching them from behind and had come to stop him from ruining their fun.

As soon as he noticed two men walking up to him, Jason scoffed,


Feeling like they would overpower him so easily, both men walked up to Jason so confidently and attacked him without hesitation. But it was amazing how Jason dodged each blow so effortlessly, it appeared that a few years of boxing had paid off in the most unexpected way possible.

Taking on two men at a time was quite a hassle, but Jason did not relent in his fight, if anything motivated him to keep going then it was the voice of the lady in danger, he just couldn't relax until he had saved her from these promiscuous fools.

When he had had enough of the seemingly endless fight, Jason picked up a large rock lying next to a grave and slammed it against one of his opponent's head without a second thought.

Blood gushed out of the left side of his head and the impact left him unconscious on the ground. The other was easy to deal with because Jason had the upper hand in combat.

He lifted his opponent off the ground, and struck a blow to his jaws, leaving him with a mouth full of blood as some of his teeth were forcefully pulled out, and he had bitten off the top layer of his tongue.

Tossing his unconscious body to the side, Jason rushed to the tree where the lady was still struggling with one of the last men. Jason knew that only a fool would watch his fellow mate get killed for an offense but goes ahead to commit the same crime.

Without so much effort, he pulled the thug away from the lady and delivered a punch powerful enough to break his rib cages, but the man did not budge. Rather he fought against Jason with so much resilience that even Jason himself was impressed,

“At last, a worthy opponent,” He thought.

As for the lady, she ran off and hid behind the same tree, her whole body trembling in horror and she reacted to every single blow from the fight, whilst hoping that her savior would emerge victorious.

She didn't know whether to run now or wait behind to thank the man who had saved her, but what if he didn't win this time?

The lady didn't have to contemplate for so long before watching her savior drop another unconscious body to the ground with a sigh of relief. She wondered if she was staring at a guardian angel or a beast.

She was too afraid to leave her position until Jason's voice called out to her,

“Are you okay, miss?”

She peeked from the side of the tree and quickly nodded her head,

“Yes,” she said,

“I'm fine, thank you so much for saving me, I… watch out!” The lady screamed, but before Jason could react, a medium-sized log was struck on the back of his head causing him to fall face flat on the hard floor full of stones and tiny branches.

Jason was quick to get back on his feet because he knew that whoever attacked him would not stop after the first strike and he was right. Jason escaped being hit a second time by quickly moving out of the way and springing to his feet.

He couldn't believe that there were four of them, all after one lady. He had to admit that she was good-looking, but that gave them no rights whatsoever to make the lady go through such illegal trauma.

Without thinking twice about it, Jason pulled the log from his final opponent, this one wasn't as strong or tactful as the previous ones, so it only took Jason less than a minute to bring him to the ground.

Once done, he quickly turned to see if the lady was fine, but he didn't see her where she was just a moment ago. But before he could attempt searching, he spotted the lady kicking one of the unconscious men in the groin.

“Fair enough,” Jason let out a slight chuckle,

“But they won't feel anything.” He added,

“These fools!” She exclaimed and continued what she was doing and Jason just let her. Honestly, her actions were justified and if only she had other means to pay them back for what they were about to do to her, she would not have hesitated to do that.

“Thank you so much for saving me sir,” she turned back to thank Jason, almost falling on her knees as she did, but Jason stopped her.

“It's okay,” He said,

“What brought you here though?” He asked, even though the answer seemed very obvious.

“My parents,” the lady replied with a long sigh,

“Their bodies are buried not too far away from the tree. I had only come to drop some tulips when these men ambushed me. I honestly thought I was going to die today…but you came like a savior, I honestly can't thank you enough. I'm so sorry about your head, are you injured?” She asked, moving Jason around to assess him.

She saw that he was covered in numerous scratches and bruises, but the back of his head was just fine, although Jason reacted to some kind of pain when she touched that area.

“It's okay, I'll be fine,” Jason said, signaling the lady to stop her assessment. He was about to say something else but was cut off by his ringtone. He looked around and spotted his phone on the ground.

“It must have fallen off my pocket during the fight,” He thought to himself and picked it up. Equally, the lady he saved received a call as well and she proceeded to pick up.

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