The sound of survival

Mason had Titan power the cannon and shot at the juggernaut, but this time it did nothing than push the juggernaut a few meters back. Mason’s face showed excitement; he was loving the fight. 

Meanwhile, Jake’s team was managing. Due to the help of the initial sonic canon, the agility of the hyper-ragers were slowed down. It made things easier for them. Rita was a beast; severing heads like she was playing a zombie video game. Maria who was weak was getting a hang of it. She would use the spear given to her by Jake, piercing the heads of ragers. Though she was slow. Rita killed four per one of Maria’s kills. 

Sam had no problem getting close to ragers. His shooting skills made him keep his distance. Alex and Liam were clumsy as usual, making jokes of everything. Jake on the other hand was weak, still feeling pains from the shockwaves of the explosions. 

We are done over here” Jake yelled over to Mason, breathing so fast.  

Titan, increase the output and the frequency of the blast. Let’s shut this mother fucker down”

“Language, Sir”

A high-pitched hum filled the air. Mason looked around, he knew this blast would cause some ruckus. Shouting on top of his voice, he said; “I would need you guys to cover your ears pretty fast. This could cause a bit of discomfort

Jake’s team quickly covered their ears and Mason released his blast. The cannon sent high energy sound waves hurling towards the juggernaut. It hit the enormous Rager and the shock wave sent everything in its path flying. Jake’s team looked in amazement, their ears ringing a bit. They had never heard of such a weapon. Jake turned to Mason, a sense of gratefulness on his face. His was just about to lose his family all at once.

Thank you – who are you?” Jake asked. He tried to raise his right arm to give Mason a handshake but he noticed his hands were still shaking. 

The name’s Mason but We have no time for no introductions. We need to leave first and hide. That blast could kill the hyper-ragers but it wouldn’t keep the juggernaut down for long. It’ll be up soon” Mason said panting. Jake had a bit of confusion on his expression.

hyper-ragers? Juggernauts?”

Mason sighed. He figured out Jake didn’t have any names for the ragers. However, that was not the time for that.

 “In minutes, maybe seconds, that thing would be up again, ready to tear us to shreds. And my cannon still has to charge.  We need to hide.

 Jake signaled to his team. He had a lot of questions for mason but he needed to get his team safe. They saw a building not far away from the store and decided to rest behind it. They would have retired and gone home but they didn’t know if there were more ragers lurking around. They couldn’t risk anyone following their trails back to the base. They had children to take care of.

 On the other hand, Mason had gotten the test he needed and he had the resources he needed to go back home. But feeling pity for Jake and his team, he felt the need to help them escape the dire situation. There was a struggle in his mind between the choice of going home to his daughter, or helping Jake out. He let out a heavy sigh and had made his decision. He took out his device and whispered something to Titan. Just after, one of the drones made a humming sound and then zoomed off into the area. Mason turned to look at Jake’s team, he could see the fear on their faces. Though Jake’s expression had no fear, Mason could tell that he feared for the life of his team. 

A true leader.  

Tightening his fists and with a smile slowly appearing at the corner of his lips, Mason said;

Wakey, Wakey; It’s hunting season and who is prey. It’s us”

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