Virus profile - 1

N-23 Virus Profile

Written by Mason Grey,

Scientist and technologist.


Over time, I, Mason grey had carried out various theoretical and practical experiments on these Ragers, to come up with a survival profile for them. Some of the results, shocking and the mutations, breathe taking. This document delves into the scientific intricacies of how the virus hijacks human physiology, the mutations that have given rise to various Rager variants, and the countermeasures that have shown some promise in containing its spread.

The following sections will detail the virus’s transmission, transmission phases, biological mechanisms, and the emerging strategies to counter this unprecedented threat.

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and never underestimate the cunning of the N-23 virus.


The N-23 virus, also known as Necrovirus-23, is a highly engineered pathogen designed with a sinister purpose. Its origins remain shrouded in mystery, but its effects are devastatingly clear. The
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