Three weeks later.

Ethan sat opposite his mom in the dining.

His mother remained quiet for a while before dismissing him. 

She even walked in right time after Ethan had left for his room. She came to clear the table and after that returned to the table to sit right across Evenly.

Mrs Coker's knuckles turned white as she placed them on the table. She even noticed that and placed her hands on Mrs. Coker's hands giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Madam I’ve told you to stop thinking. The doctor detected that your heart was getting weaker than before.”

Mrs. Coker pursed her lips to stare at them evenly and forced a smile.

“I’ll be fine.” She answered simply.

“No, you aren’t going to be fine if you do not stop thinking. What are you still thinking about?” Evenly asked with a genuine tone.

Mrs. Coker shook her head.

“Listen Mrs. Coker, I know I’m not your child or relative but I want you to know that you’re so important to me and I wouldn’t tolerate it if you keep thinking, I won’t also forgive myself if something happens to you. I know you were thinking over these years on how to approach your son, now he is here but you’re still engrossed in your thinking.”

Evenly wasn’t Mrs. Coker's daughter but Mrs. Coker has always treated her like one, she impacted her life positively and helped her to become the woman of confidence that she is today.

So with this favor, Evenly vowed to forever remain indebted to Mrs. Coker. 

But for the past two years, her mood changed and worsened every day. She’s always talking about her son, weeping.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to think. It’s just that…” she paused, nibbling on her fingers.

“Just that what?” Evenly arched her brows. “Your son is back so you have no reason to think again.”

She even said almost like she was scolding her boss. Their relationship was much like that of a mother and daughter.

“Have you told him about your Ailment, Mrs. Coker?” Evenly inquired, peering into her bosses eyes.

Mrs. Coker shook her head and answered swiftly. “He doesn’t need to know.”

“He doesn’t need to know? He’s your son.”

“Yes, he doesn’t. At least for now."

She even rolled her eyes before rising to her feet.

“I’ll take my leave now.” She uttered, with gaze still locked on Mrs. Coker.

“Take care Evenly and be here on time tomorrow.” Mrs. Coker said.

Evenly nodded, and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her cheeks and forehead, before retracting her steps to walk away.

Meanwhile, Ethan stood at an extreme listening to every conversation between his mom and Evenly.

What illness was she trying to hide from him? He would have confronted his mother but shrugged off the ideas.

Judging from the countenance of his mother, she was not really in a good mood, and his questions might trigger some things.

“Mother, aren’t you sleeping?” He asked and his voice startled her.

She nodded positively and he approached her. He stood beside her, flashing a warm smile.

“What is wrong mother? Care to share?” He asked, and his mother lifted her face to him.

She paused for a while and when he called her repeatedly, she startled holding onto her chest tightly.

“Mom what’s wrong…” Before he could pronounce his words his mother collapsed, clutching her chest tightly.

He was confounded at that moment afraid of what to do. Suddenly, the door pushed with Ethan directed his gaze toward the door.

It was Evenly, and her eyes widened at the current state of Mrs. Coker. She hurriedly rushed inside while screaming at Ethan.

“Give her a chest compress.” 

Ethan nodded doing it while Evenly arrived a few minutes later with a glass of water in one of her grips and another thing in her hand.

She hurried towards Ethan and his mother, squatting while she dropped the glass of water.

“Force her lips open.” She ordered.

Ethan did as he was ordered but his brows furrowed, his hands gripping Evenly wrist.

“What’s that?” He snarled. “What are you intending to feed her?”

On the other hand, it was an electric shock and bizarre sensations that she had never experienced the moment Ethan’s hands wrapped around her wrist.

She stared lost at him. Ethan had to shake her before she regained herself.

“I said what’s that in your hands?” He repeated.

“Her pills.” She stuttered. “Allow me to feed her then later you may interrogate me.” She forced her hands out of Ethan’s grip and dropped the pills in Mrs. Coker's mouth.

“Lift her head a little.” She instructed the water into Mrs. Coker's mouth.

A few minutes after, Mrs. Coker opened her eyes and when Ethan was going to talk, Evenly fingers reached for his lips, pressing them together.

“Sssh…” she shushed.

Ethan frowned and stilled for a moment then brushed her hands away softly. 

He felt his heart lighten with joy the moment Evenly’s fingers had pinned his lips.

“Let’s take her to her chambers.” She said with Ethan reading her lips.

He just realized that Evenly wasn’t even bad-looking and … he carried his mother in his arms up to her room.

Mrs. Coker was lying on the bed while Evenly was already in tears calling the doctor on the phone. She explained the situation of Mrs. Coker to the doctor over the line.

After the call was terminated, Evenly rushed to fetch a blanket to cover Mrs. Coker.

She said, “Coker I won’t forgive you if anything should happen to you. I know I’m not your child and I’m not in any place to question you, but you’re also like my mother. How do you want me to be if anything should happen to you?” Her voice trembled in tears alongside her fingers.

Ethan stood at the edge watching the whole scene unfolding. He began to wonder the kind of relationship that must have existed between his mother and the young lady before him.

She wasn’t looking bad, but it seemed like she’d be older than him.

Just a thought not that he knew her age. What if she’s already married?

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