The next morning.

Ethan was dressed in a black suit, giving off an air of dominance and power. His mother gifted him a Maybach Lamborghini while also reminding him that everything she owns belongs to him.

"What if she still pursues the divorce, mother? I really love her." Ethan kept a sober face.

His mother sniffed the air through her nose and rested her palms on his shoulders. She flashed him a smile, then helped him with his collar.

"You are Frank's son, Ethan. If she insists on the divorce agreement, find a better woman who will love and respect you for who you are.” She paused, looking into Ethan's eyes.

She rubbed his combed dark hair gently, "Just do as I said. Better days are ahead."

"Okay, mom." Ethan said and slipped inside his new car, winding down the window and smiling at his mother, who waved at him.

Ethan drove to the court magistrate's office, where Ruby had texted him to appear.

He was delayed on his way and arrived slightly later than expected.

Ethan stepped out of the car holding his iPhone 15 Pro Max. When his phone rang, he licked it to see it was Ruby.


"Shut the hell up and tell me where you are so I can come get you. My wedding is in two hours, and you are yet to arrive. Are you trying to prevent me from getting married?" She screamed across the line.

Ethan maintained silence.

"Hello," the voice repeated calmly across the line, and he responded.

"I am already here. Stop shouting." He said.

“You're already here? Then wait outside while I come to meet you."

Even though it was 9 a.m., the sun was scorching, so Ethan went back to his car to rest.

When Ruby arrived on the premises, she lingered around looking for Ethan. Not seeing him irritates her greatly.

"Is he trying to play a mind game with me?" She thought inwardly as she took out her phone and dialed his number.

Ethan's phone rang, and he realized she was already on the premises, waiting for him.

He picked.

“Where the hell are you, poor man?" She yells, veins popping out of her forehead.

"I am right here, behind you." He responded, and she turned to see Ethan emerge from a Maybach Lamborghini. 

Her brows furrowed at that, also her eyes squinting. Is that Ethan?

Esther, on the other hand, became concerned when her daughter failed to return after making an excuse to see Ethan before walking to the magistrate's office.

Out of panic, she dashed outside to see Ruby conversing with a handsome man whose back was glued to a new Lamborghini.

"Has my daughter's beauty captured the attention of another business mogul?" She thought inwardly and strode towards them to examine the man.

If the man turns out to be more handsome and wealthy than her intended groom, the wedding will be canceled.

Her mood worsened as she moved closer and recognized the man as Ethan, the useless loser whom her daughter was about to divorce today.

The desire to kill him became unbearable to her. But he looked good, and that car? Where did he get that from?

“Did you go on to rent a dress, and a car to convince my daughter into marrying you? I bet you're high, and pyscho.“ Esther reacted aggressively toward him.

"I am here to tell Ruby to reconsider her decision to divorce me, and I did not rent the car or my clothes; I own them.

Both mother and daughter burst out laughing. "You didn't, what?" They chorused.

"And you believe we are gullible for you? 

"Do you think my daughter and I will fall for your cheap trick?"

"You should not have rented all of this. She will still divorce you regardless."

"I do not mind if she divorces me. If she does, that is her gain. And please, it is hot out here. Can we head to the office so I could input my designated signature?“ He said innately.

"Oh, all I'm seeing is a pained and jealous man feigning to be strong. Do not cry, boy, and pay attention to this information." Esther says to brush up her bruised ego.

So he never loved her daughter? Well, that sounds good and is not offensive.

"When you get in there, you have to smile and act as if you were the one who suggested the divorce. Sign the papers and get out. After the divorce, I would not want to see you around my daughter." Esther issued a warning.

Minutes later they were inside the office. The magistrate officer inquired whether they intended to divorce.

They both answered affirmatively.

Ethan signed his name, took off his ring, and handed it to Ruby.

“Henceforth, we don't know each other." He said.

"I either do not wish to know you henceforth. Just kill yourself." Ruby cursed taking the ring from Ethan.

Ruby's eyes welled with tears as she took the ring from Ethan.

What was wrong? He didn't even kneel to beg her? 

"I also knew that by divorcing you, I was doing you a huge favor. You have always been cheating on me and wanted to divorce me, but you did not dare." Ruby's voice broke through the silence.

"If not, you would have been on your knees, crying like a hungry dog to persuade my mind. But take a look. Your face is firm, with no tears shed.”

"If kneeling like a dog and wailing like an owl was your definition of love, you have progressed from insane to psychotic." Ethan spoke, and Ruby clenched her teeth.

"isn't today your wedding? If so, you should not be late.” He said, winking, before leaving the room.

Esther and Ruby's mouths dropped open from shock. For the past 18 years that Ethan had been with them, he hadn't for once raised his voice on them or retaliated, come what may must have been done to him.

"Mom, do you think Ethan is a wealthy man who pretended to be poor throughout our marriage?" Ruby inquired as she walked towards the window, pushing the curtains aside for a better view.

They watched Ethan enter his car before driving away.

"Why did you say this? Is it because of his rented vehicle? Esther moved closer to Ruby, her hands resting on her shoulders.

"Yes, mother. Consider his pessimistic demeanor a moment ago. He appears to be secure and unconcerned about our divorce. Maybe he never loves me," she said soberly. "Take a look at his car."

"Never get scared, baby. He is impoverished. That was a dog we raised for more than 15 years. We all knew he did not even own a bicycle or a PlayStation 2."

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