Mr. Isaac stared in disgust at Ethan. “Young man are you_” 

Mr. Isaac was cut off by Ethan's next action as he shoved his phone to his face. 

In a fierce tone, Mr Issac yelled. “You're calling someone, why showing me? How dare you act so recklessly in my front? Do you know who I am?” 

“Hello, Isaac. Madam is unable to attend your occasion, the young man at your front was sent by madam, you should accord him with the same respect you'll be showering madam, if she was to ever grace your event. Seat no. 1”

Isaac stared with his widened eyes, then blinked when Ethan had taken his phone away.

“What?” he stared at Ethan and before he could utter any word, the security grabbed Ethan, trying to drag him away.

“What are you doing?” Isaac inquired in a loud tone, beating his thighs.

The guards froze at Isaac's actions and then shuddered. “Sir, we are only trying to drive him away from the party.”

“Did I ask you to?”

“No… but young miss and mister said so.”

Hearing the guard's words, Jack straightened his shoulders, tilting his head. He thought his uncle would pause him if heard that he was the one who had ordered the guards to chase Ethan out of the premises.

“Uncle, I ask them to kick him out. He was a loser and ex-husband of Ruby. If anyone should recognize him, they will not have a wrong impression of us.” he smoothed the outer of his suits. “We might lose our face in the business world.”

Isaac drew in a breath of confusion but forced out a smile. 

“Let go of him. What's your name, young man?”

“My name is Ethan Albertine,” Ethan answered simply.

Just in time, the intended couple in the person of Ruby, Ethan’s ex-wife, and her supposed new husband, Bruce Arnold walked into the scenes.

Ruby upon seeing Ethan pursed her lips into a thin line, anger swelling within her.

She almost shrank into the earth below her feet. She's going to lose her reputation if anyone were to find out that Ethan was her ex-husband, and she just divorced him today which was her wedding day.

In Los Angeles, it was required for both couples to wait for three months after their divorce before getting married.

Was Ethan here to ruin her day? Why was he so obsessed with her? Why was he always after her joy?

Her father-in-law might even call off the wedding right at the moment. She just hoped Ethan hadn't bad-mouthed her to Mr. Issac.

Jessie turned to behold Ruby standing a few inches from her side, she smiled and said. “Thank Star. You're here, Ruby. Look at Ethan, your ex-husband trying to cause a ruckus here. He even spoke rudely to your father-in-law.”

Jessie lied and Ruby walked forth to slap Ethan. “You pervert, how dare you try to ruin my day?”

“What?” Mr. Isaac yelled.

Everyone became startled at Mr. Isaac's sudden outburst. Even Ruby was scared and had turned to apologize to him.

“Father-in-law, I'm so sorry_”

“Why did you have to slap my guests?” Mr. Isaac yelled, slapping Ruby.

He just read from the message in his phone that the young man in front of him was so crucial to Mrs. Coker and if anything should happen to him, or he was disrespected, stark corporations would kick him out of business, and ensure he's cut off everywhere from seeking help.”

The slap was so hot and hurt badly that Ruby's cheeks turned red. She held onto it firmly, a streak of tears dripping down her face.

“Turn around and apologize to him, or else the marriage would be cut off.” 

Ruby’s eyes flared at her father-in-law's words. She almost cried but strove so hard to keep her anger in check. Did she hear him properly saying he'd cut off the wedding if she didn't apologize to Ethan?

She valued her Ego so high and no man on earth could control her. Never will she allow that.

But, Ethan had made her lose her face in the family’s business and her grandfather had promised to return her to her former business if she could get married to the Arnold family so they also could have access to Stark Corporation.

Now, if she decided to agree to the annul of her marriage with Bruce. Her grandfather will take the house from them and they'll be kicked out into the street to feed for themselves. Though it was hurtful and shameful for her to apologize to Ethan, she can't risk her all.

And just Isaac wait till she marries into their family and takes over their business, she's going to kill him.

“What are you waiting for?” Isaac's yelling got into her ears, causing her to shudder.

Ruby forced a lump down her throat then kowtowed just before Ethan’s shoes to apologize.

“I am sorry Ethan.” she apologized.

“You're sorry Sir.” Isaac corrected.

Tears rolled down Ruby's cheeks, ruining her makeup. With trembling lips and a clenching fist, she apologized. “I am sorry for slapping you, sir. Such mistake will not repeat itself.”

Esther, Ruby's mother was present witnessing the scene unfolding. Spite and hate-filled her heart for such an embarrassing act.

“You, you, you, should also apologize for ruining my shirts,” Ethan said pointing towards Esther, Jessie, and Jack.

The trio quickly fell to their knees to apologize.

Ethan said it was okay and urged Isaac to sack the guards from their jobs with efect from that moment.

Isaac quickly says, “Done.” 

Even if a message popped on Isaac's phone, no one could know about his relationship with Mrs, Coker, understood?

Isaac quickly typed a response. “Understood ma.”

Back at the scene, the crew couldn't believe their eyes. 

Isaac Arnold was paying respect to Ethan? Is Ethan a loser?

The whole scene even becomes more unbelievable when Ethan is made to sit on the number 1 seat.

“Mummy, I thought I told you Ethan was rich and was only pretending just because he didn't love me.” Ruby cried.

“Then how come?”

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