Setting a fast pace and carving a path through their foes, Hadjar and Nero quickly reached the bridge. There, covered by shields, the archers were on their knees. They were launching arrows at the parapet so that the defenders could not get to the hooks and get rid of them.

Nero and Hadjar finished off the archers with just two slashes and threw the shields at the savages running toward them.

Jumping onto the wall, they, without saying a single word to each other, immediately ran to opposite sides of the bridge. The hooks had been fastened with special chisels, and when they pried them out, the defenders of the Fort came just in time to push the bridge down.

Someone also brought a canvas bag and then threw it into the open ‘mouth’ of the tower. An archer, after dipping an arrow into some flammable liquid, shot at the bag. The bowstring sang and a powerful explosion rang out. Burning logs fell on the savages rushing in to attack and they screamed as they burned and died.

The arrows fle
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