Chapter 7611
Within the River of Time, lightning flashed incessantly, and the experiences of countless beings flowed without end. The River of Time was both a chronicle and a repository, collecting the memories, experiences, and pasts of all living creatures. For any being in the Greater Realms, this River held their history. Here, they could rediscover their pasts and seek out the people and events they longed for.

In this vibrant expanse, innumerable radiant energies interspersed with dense, light-speed tadpoles streaked through like cosmic shuttles, perpetually racing backward. Fortunately, James had separated the Dark World, blocking it from the rest of the universe. Simultaneously, he transferred all inhabitants with his source path to the new world. Consequently, the River of Time was less violent, fundamentally severing the linkage to living beings’ experiences, memories, and pasts.

Standing at the River of Time’s entrance, James finally felt satisfied as he observed the Supreme Confinemen
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