Chapter 11

With a grin on his face, Hector leaned back in his chair. “That's right, I will be the one taking over the company.”

Sheila's brows furrowed in confusion, and she turned her gaze away from Hector, still struggling to believe that he was the one set to inherit the business.

From what she knew, only family members of the Hendersons could own the company, and Hector didn’t look like one of them.

She face-palmed. How could she miss it? He shared the same surname as her previous boss.

“Are you sure it’s really him?” she questioned the housekeeper. “There must be a mistake. I might have picked the wrong person.”

Hector frowned. He had just told her he was the person she was asked to pick up, yet she chose not to pay him any attention.

The housekeeper chuckled. “There’s no mistake. He just doesn’t like to dress up much. I’ll send you a picture of him now.”

The call ended, and a few seconds later, her phone chimed. She hurriedly checked it and saw the picture of the man she was supposed to meet. Her eyes widened—he was indeed the one.

Her gaze darted from the phone to Hector’s face before she shoved the phone into her pants pocket and straightened up.

“Hello, Mr. Henderson,” she said, forcing a polite, nervous smile. “I’m Sheila Barlowe. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier and for doubting that you were the person who would become the president of the company.”

She bowed her head slowly in apology. “Please forgive me!”

Taken aback by her loud apology, Hector raised a hand to his lips and chuckled. Sheila’s lips were pressed tightly together, and his silence only made her more nervous.

She realized she had made a mistake by doubting him and being rude about him sitting in the seat meant for him. Was this going to be the end of her job? She began to worry about finding her CV and searching for work elsewhere. She was ready to accept any punishment, even if it meant losing her job.

“It’s alright,” Hector said. “You were only doing your job, Vice President.”

His words made her snap her head up to look at him, eyes wide in disbelief.

“I’m really sorry for misunderstanding you earlier,” she said, her voice warm as she tried to confirm that he had forgiven her. “You can use that chair as much as you want. It’s not just for show.”

“It’s really alright,” he confirmed. What she had done didn’t bother him. He was more concerned about the task at hand. “I came here not only to take over the company but also because I need you to do something.”

Ecstatic that she wasn’t getting fired, Sheila’s face lit up with excitement. “Of course! What do you want me to do for you? Do you need to see the files and how everything has been so far? I can get them right away.”

Hector shook his head. “No.”

“Do you want me to call a meeting with the employees to introduce you?”

“Not that either,” Hector said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I need you to call my wife’s company and invest in them. They could use a boost. The investment amount should be a total of 20 million dollars.”

Sheila’s eyes widened, and Hector could see the gears turning in her head. “You’re married?” she asked, genuinely surprised. Then, she quickly corrected herself. “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to pry.”

“It’s nothing,” Hector replied. “Let’s focus on the investment. The company is called ‘The Babbles.’”

“Right away, sir. I can handle that,” Sheila agreed, her expression softening. “Do you want me to discuss the procedures with you, or should I take care of it immediately?”

Hector thought for a moment, then shook his head. “Don’t proceed with the investment right away. Have it handled tomorrow morning. I’ll call you if needed. Your contact information?”

He held out his phone, and she hurried over to type in her number. He saved it, then rose to his feet and headed for the door.

“I’ll contact you tomorrow, and if it requires your presence, you have to be there. Do you understand?”

She nodded. “Yes, sir!”

Watching Hector leave the company, she sighed in relief, a smile crossing her face. She had managed to keep her job.

Hector walked out of the building and headed for his scooter. The garage was empty, and no one was in sight. He got on his scooter and rode back home.

When he arrived, he heard mocking laughter. ‘What’s going on?’ he thought.

He walked into the living room of the mansion to find most of the family members gathered, but one person caught his attention more than the rest. It was Julia, and a smirk was glued to her face.

All eyes turned to him, each person displaying the same look of disdain he had seen so many times before.

“Look who’s home,” Julia sneered. “Hector, you might want to sit down for this one.”

Judging by the expressions on the family members' faces, Hector felt a sense of unease, but he shook his head, trying to brush off his concerns.

“Do you want to tell me something important?” he asked, his eyes scanning the living room, searching for his wife—but she was nowhere in sight.

Julia exchanged glances with the others before they burst into laughter. They began whispering amongst themselves, making Hector furious that he couldn’t hear them.

“Oh my God! I can’t imagine what it must feel like for your wife to go on a date with someone else,” Fiona snickered, her voice intentionally loud enough for Hector to hear. “She even left a note for her poor husband before leaving.”

Hector’s eyes widened in shock. “What?”

Without waiting, he dashed upstairs to their bedroom. Shoving the door open, he scanned the room—Madison wasn’t there.

Racing back to the living room, Hector’s heart sank. “Where is Madison?” he demanded.

“Just relax,” Julia said, waving a hand dismissively in front of him, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. “She only went on a date with Jake and will be back before you know it.”

Hearing that, Hector’s stomach twisted.

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