Chapter 5896
Ashley used to worry a lot about Charlie's upbringing, personality, character, and values in life. As a mother, she naturally wanted to give Charlie the best education, environment, and guidance. However, she could only silently watch Charlie grow up in the orphanage with other children and silently watch him drop out of high school and work at a construction site without being able to intervene in any way.

There were times when she worried whether Charlie's values would become distorted or if he would become too worldly-wise in that environment. Fortunately, Charlie had managed to find a good balance between his upbringing as a young master in his childhood and his later identity as a poor orphan, which helped him maintain a normal set of values and a sense of justice.

This not only helped him maintain a normal set of values and sense of justice but also allowed him to avoid his father's excessively strict and self-imposed moral standards.

In other words, to some extent, this grea
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