Chapter 243

Alex walked along the street, using the Akashic Record to locate the best place in Crownreach.

Within the Akashic Record lay the ancient art of geomancy.

He used it to search for the best spot to harness the energies of both earth and heaven, knowing it could bring luck and fortune.

Those who lived in such places often thrived far more than those stuck in cursed, low-energy lands.

To truly become rich in this place, he knew it would demand not just intelligence but also an enormous amount of luck.

He had already mastered a special breathing technique that allowed his body to automatically draw energy from the earth and heavens, rapidly boosting his inner strength.

Perhaps due to this technique, Tanya—the Sleeping Magician—found comfort near him.

She also drew energy while she slept and was particularly sensitive to places rich with power.

Alex soon found a spot brimming with energy, though it lay on the outskirts of Crownreach.

The place was a ruined estate, overtaken by nature.

He co
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