16• La Bourge

Matthew was about to speak but the he wondered how his friend would take the news, and moreover Lola was standing right there, even though she defended him in the bar, she was still a stranger and he wasn’t sure if sh was a trustworthy person yet so instead he came up with a different explanation.

“I actually borrowed the car from the Houston company,” he said, scratching the back of his head.

Anderson didn’t know what to say in response, everyone in the city knew how reputable and successful the Houston family company was. “How on earth did you manage to land a job there so quickly?” he pressed on, eager for details.

“I’ll tell you all about it later because it’s actually a long story, but right now I need to go home and get some rest,” he replied, deflecting the topic. The wing-like doors of the car opened slowly and Matthew turned to face Lola. “Since I invited you as my plus one to the banquet, I think it’s only fair that I get you a gift, a diamond necklace would be perfect, I
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