9• Becoming a CEO

“Mrs Houston, I can't… I can't accept this amount of money. It's too much,” Matthew stuttered, too dumbfounded to take the card.

The old lady chuckled softly, but her face still held seriousness in it. “Listen to me, Matthew. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed. But as the heir to the Houston Empire, you have taken over a burden of responsibility. It’s important that you learn to spend your wealth, but spend it wisely. Money is a tool—a powerful one—and as a Houson, it’s essential that you use it. Secure not only your future but also the future of our family and our Empire.”

She gave him the card and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “This money represents the hard work and sacrifices of our family, even more than that, it represents the struggle we went through in our search for you. It’s your responsibility to honor that legacy, and with time, you’ll learn how to spend, invest, and grow this fortune. But for now, take it one step at a time. Accept this gift with peace of mind, knowing that it’s your birthright.”

Matthew turned the sleek black card over in his hands, staring at it in disbelief. ‘I was a car washer just this morning, and now I'm a billionaire.’

He looked at his grandmother and nodded resolutely. Even though he still felt out of his depth, the matriarch's words had given him a sense of purpose.

“I won't let you down, Grandma,” he said to her.

The matriarch smiled warmly. “I know you won't.”

— — —

The next morning, Matthew woke up feeling grounded, his wounds had fairly healed. He had also had a night of rest and reflection, and now he was certain he had found his footing. He had fully embraced the reality now.

He was the Young Master, heir to the Houston Empire.

After some good mornings, Matthew joined his grandmother for breakfast in a sunlit dining room.

It didn't take long for his grandmother to bring up the discussion of his and the family's future. “Matthew, now that you’re back, there’s much to learn and many responsibilities to take on," she began.

“After some time, I want you to take over one of our major companies. You’ll need to familiarize yourself with the business world and the operations of our family enterprises. So you'll be going today to get a good view of the place. Is that fine with you?”

“Of course, Grandma,” Matthew responded. “I’m ready to play my part in the continuous success of our family.”

The matriarch smiled. “I’m so relieved to hear that, my son.”

Matthew didn't tell her, but he was extremely anxious. The thought of running a billion dollar company was kind of terrifying. But beneath the anxiety and fear, there was a spark of excitement.

Matthew was eager to prove himself worthy of the Houston name.

The butler, a composed and efficient man, approached the table and informed them that a car was ready to take Matthew to one of the family’s flagship companies for a tour.

His grandmother gave him an encouraging smile. “This will be the first step, Matthew. Take it with confidence.”

He quickly finished his breakfast, took a shower and put on one of the rows of fancy suits in his wardrobe. Then, when he was ready, he followed the butler out of the manor.

But the moment they opened the door, there was a surprise waiting outside for them.

In front of the entrance, Spencer Delacroix was kneeling on the ground, his clothes disheveled and his face pale with desperation.

As soon as Spencer saw it was the heir, he quickly knelt properly in front of him.

Matthew frowned. “Are you not the same man who insulted me yesterday?”

“Please, Mr. Houston,” Spencer began to plead with desperation. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know who you were—I was a fool! Please, forgive me. My family’s business is ruined because of my mistake. Please forgive me, Mr Houston! I’ll do anything, please, just forgive me!”

Spencer’s hands reached out, grasping at Matthew’s feet, and he even began to kiss them, tears streaming down his face. It was a pitiful sight, a man utterly broken by the consequences of his arrogance.

Matthew on the other hand, was bamboozled. He had never had someone beg him in such a way before — to the extent of kissing his feet! Was this the kind of power he had now?

For a moment, he even felt a little sympathy for the disgraceful man. But then he thought of the honor and status he had as the heir of the Houston Empire. The legacy of strictness and power. This was a test of his new status, and he couldn’t afford to falter.

He pulled his feet away from Spencer's grasp. “There are consequences for everything you do, Mr. Delacroix. Be a man and face the consequences of your stupidity, rather than crying shamelessly on my feet.”

He signaled the butler to get some guards to take Spencer out of the Houston estate, and then he walked to the car where his chauffeur was waiting for him.

Spencer continued to beg as Matthew got in the car and drove off to the company.

Matthew ignored all of it. He was the Young Master now. He knew it was necessary to establish his place in the world, even if it meant turning away from those who had wronged him.

Some minutes later, he arrived at the tall, glass building which had a large inscription that read: A SUBSIDIARY OF THE HOUSTON EMPIRE. The logo of three stars was right above it.

The car parked in the VIP parking lot, and Matthew got down. The chauffeur handed him a file which had all the names of the employees, offices and branches in the company, as well as a map so he wouldn't get lost during his tour.

Matthew accepted all of this and walked towards the entrance of the building. But then he stopped, lifting his gaze to take it all in.

The large building, the people in suits walking around the vast premises, he was going to be the CEO of it all. Matthew took a deep breath, ready to prove himself.

He lifted his foot to continue towards the entrance when a familiar voice called out behind him. “Matthew?”

He paused, then slowly turned around. There, standing a few feet away, was Ashley, and right beside her was the man Matthew hated the most in the world — Darrell Ferguson.

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