Chapter 26

But the director raised her hand to halt her guards from coming closer. She studied the scene and the guns on the floor and even the black masks.

One man couldn’t have owned all of these. She sighed in annoyance, raising an angry brow at the liars.

“So you are not the owners of these guns and masks?”

The thug shook his head, a bit afraid, showing her his damaged hand, “We are not, Ms. Tilly! He came at all of us and began harming us. We tried to stop him from trespassing on school premises.”

“Miles, because your father is part of the government does not give you immunity from every stupid decision you make.”

“But I did nothing wrong!” He gestured wildly, eyeing the security guard and his daughter to keep shut while he framed Ron.

“How would a useless son-in-law have access to firearms?” she crossed her arms over her chest, revealing that she knew just who Ron was, and coming closer. “You took your father’s things and decided to come and cause trouble at my university. Was it the state
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