The Mysterious Heir of Astor
The Mysterious Heir of Astor
Author: Berry
Chapter 0001

“Louis, hurry up!Are you cripple?”

Outside the most prestigious shopping center in the city of Celestria, Mason Smith mocked.

As the only biological son of the Smith family, Mason dressed in a luxurious outfit, but he was bullying a youth in plain clothes.

The youth called Louis Smith was actually Mason’s elder brother in name because he was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

“Louis, are you wasting our precious time deliberately? Walk faster, or your lunch and dinner will be canceled!” Mason’s mother, Mrs. Smith frowned as she looked at her adopted son falling behind them, and she shouted meanly.

Louis was carrying numerous bags of varying sizes, which were all bought for Mason’s birthday.

Hearing their urging, he pursed his lips and said nothing, just silently quickening his pace.

Louis had grown accustomed to his younger brother's arrogance and his foster mother's meanness.

Even though they treated him like a servant rather than family member, he couldn't rebel.

After all, if it weren't for being adopted by the Smiths, perhaps he would have starved or frozen to death on the street.

When Mason saw Louis struggling to walk up to him, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Louis, although you're handsome, smart, and popular in school, so what? You're still only a dog in my family!" He sneered inwardly.

Mrs. Smith glanced at Louis with disgust, and she ordered, “Wait for me here! I am going to get the car.”

After a while, Mrs. Smith drove her car slowly toward them. Mason snorted at Louis and then hurried to cross the road.

However, a sharp noise of car horn pierced the air!

“Mason, watch out!” Mrs. Smith, who was driving the car, screamed loudly.

She saw a car out of control speeding straight towards her son!

Everything happened so fast that Mason was too stunned to react. He stood frozen, staring blankly at the oncoming car.

Mrs. Smith looked at the impending car accident with panic, her eyes widened.

“No, Mason, my son...” She kept screaming.

In that emergency, Louis lunged forward, forcefully pushing Mason aside to get rid of danger.

But Louis was hit by the car and those birthday gifts in his hands scattered everywhere.

The people on the street were all shocked by his behavior, marveling at his bravery.

Mrs. Smith stopped screaming, but her face was filled with terror. She parked her car quickly by the street and got down hurriedly.

She rushed to her son that was pushed to the ground by Louis, completely ignoring the adopted son who had just sacrificed himself to save Mason.

"Mason, are you alright? My goodness, look at your head, it's all swollen!" Mrs. Smith said with concern.

“Damn it Louis, he’s really a disaster for us!” She then got annoyed.

Louis saved Mason’s life! Everyone understood but except Mrs. Smith.

She stood up, furious, and stormed towards Louis, shouting, "You wretch! You brought bad luck to our family! You almost killed your brother again!"

Actually, Louis had saved Mason many times since he was a child, but the Smiths always thought he’s the one that brought bad luck to Mason.

“Mom, he even ruined my birthday gifts.” Mason glanced at the scattered shopping bags with regret.

Louis regained his strength and stood up unsteadily, his skin bruised and scratched, blood soaking through his clothes.

He could barely speak, feeling heartbroken by his foster mother’s words.

The crowd was astonished and then indignant.

"What's wrong with her? They're both her sons! He just saved his brother's life!" Someone muttered with confusion.

"This woman is so biased... poor guy." Another whispered.

Mrs. Smith, embarrassed and angry, snapped, "Stop talking nonsense! You guys all don’t know. He’s a freak, and a curse to my family!"

She tossed several hundred dollars at Louis, saying, "Here's money for the hospital. Find your own way there. I won't allow you to dirt my new car!"

“Jesus, what a bad luck!”

With that, she and Mason left arrogantly without a backward glance.

Louis lowered his head with disappointment, and the longing for family affection in his eyes finally disappeared.

The crowd looked at him with sympathy and concern.

They just saw Louis being hit by the car and thrown several meters away. How could he make it to the hospital on his own?

A kind man offered, "Boy, I can take you to the hospital."

Louis shook his head and refused, "Thank you, sir. But I am able to walk there."

He walked away, unsteady but with his back straight, leaving the onlookers to sigh at his misfortune.

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