Chapter Eight

Lord Sergeant smiled widened, as he read the messages. But when another message popped on the screen, his gaze instantly flickered and a frown appeared on his face.

"Father, is she doing great?"

Lord Sergeant eyebrows knitted as he glanced at Chris. He felt inexplicably irritated. His dark eyes deepened as he remembered that Chris was abused and almost left for dead.

"This isn't Helena but her child. He was abused, everyone must come back to Los Angeles right away." 

Immediately the others read the message Lord Sergeant had dropped in the group, more messages continuously popped on the screen.

"Her son?" 

"He was abused? Who dare abuse my nephew?"

"Father, which hospital are you?" 

Apart from Helena, Lord Sergeant other children were older and successful. They didn't lived with him in Los Angeles, but in other cities.

They were big shots in their various career. Despite their busy career, when their father texted that Chris was abused, they immediately abandoned everything as they took the next available flights to Los Angeles.

"Father, we are on my way!" 

Lord Sergeant texted the name of his hospital immediately, and placed his phone back in his pocket.

He looked at Chris's bandaged body and his gaze instantly became gloomy.

He took a hold of Chris's hand, and placed it gently on his. He tried to surpressed the pain in his heart and the burning sensation in his body.

His eyes slowly swept Chris's body and then finally on his face. But to his surprise the boy's eyes were opened.

"Who are you?" His voice was shaky which only caused Lord Sergeant eyes to well up with tears that slowly trickled down his cheeks.

"I'm your grandmother." He muttered holding tightly onto Chris's hand.

Chris poured and looked panicked. His eyes brimmed with tears as stared at the old man in front of him, "I have only one grandfather." He said to the man.

"I'm sure you do. But I'm your mother's father." Lord Sergeant introduced himself properly.

The news hits Chris so hard that he felt he was probably dreaming. He have never met any of his mother's relatives. 

At this time, Lord Sergeant opened his phone and showed Chris a photo of his mother and him.

Chris looked at the photo and had a moment of shock and confusion. It was apparent that the photo was taken way before he was born as his mother looked quite happier and healthier unlike how she were with his father.

He recognized the Amulet around her neck. Chris sobbed pitifully and looked at his grandfather, "How did you find me?" 

"Your mother has a rare blood system, when she went missing, I had it reported. When you were admitted, the doctor's figured you had the exact blood type, they called." He patted Chris's hair, "I can't believe I've finally united with my children.

Hearing his words, Chris's heart trembled as he muttered, "Mum has been missing for the past three years." He wailed bitterly. 

Lord Sergeant immediately froze when he heard what Chris had said, "Helena was missing?"

He almost slumped from the bed. The Butler ran towards him and held him. 

Lord Sergeant felt extremely aggrieved. Tears slid the corners of his eyes as he held onto the Butler tightly.

Twenty years.

Twenty years of searching for his daughter, and just when he had thought that he would be finally reunited with her, but she was missing?

For three years?

The news hit him hard like a hurricane. His body was becoming weak. He couldn't compose himself in front of his grandson. He cried bitterly tapping hard on his chest.

Suddenly, there was noise outside the hospital. When Chris looked outside the window, there were helicopters. 

They seemed to be landing on the hospital's rooftop.

And in no minute, there were screams in the hallway. 

Chris's eyelashes batted as his gaze drifted towards the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening, but then-

The door to his ward slammed open and a prominent figure was standing by the door.

"Father?" A middle aged man called out. He was dressed in an expensive blue suit. Despite his age, he looked rather charming. 

His brunette hair dropped on his forehead, and his beard were well shaved. His strides towards Chris were long and sturdy.

"Is this my nephew?" The man asked and Lord Sergeant nodded. He took a hold of Chris's hand, and smiled, but before he could say a word another figure entered the ward.

Lionel Sergeant White, a man who owned the most expensive automotive company in the world.

Chris was familiar with this man. He had seen him in television. His cars was mostly used for the international car race competitions and they always won the race.

Chris was amazed. Lionel took quick strides towards him. He stared down at Chris and a smile appeared on his face.

"He looks so much like Helena." Lionel muttered.

Chris wondered, if Lionel was such a prominent figure, does it mean the other man was also popular. 

"I'm your uncle Zane Sergeant White, ZSW." The man from earlier introduced himself. 

"ZSW?" Chris's eyes widened. His reputation precedes him. He was a man that owned the country's most successful oil business that fueled the nation's electricity.

A man who the president himself could not do without. 

Chris wondered how wealthy his mother's family were.

The door opened and two middle aged women appeared, when he saw them, he went pale.

They resembled his mother from all angles. Like a spitting image. 

His eyes instantly brimmed with tears as they walked closer to him. 

When they held his hands, he felt shivers run through his spine.

"Mum..." The words left his mouth, but neither was his mother. 

"How are you child?" One of them asked, her voice similar to his mother's.

Chris was dumbfounded. He stared dazedly at them for a moment. 

"It's okay child. You are safe now." Lilian Sergeants White, patted his hair.

She was just as popular herself. A figure known in all continents. She was in politics and the current governor of Los Angeles.

His other aunt held on to their father. Lord Sergeant was quite weak earlier but seeing his children in a room made the pain in his heart lessen. 

Though Helena was still missing, he is certain they will eventually find his daughter. 

He turned towards the doctors who were still standing in the ward. "Have you been able to contact the child's father?" 

The doctors were quivering in fear. The ward was filled with figures they dared not provoke.

"We will try reaching out again." The paramedic responded but Lord Sergeant wasn't pleased with his response.

"If you can't reach him by phone, is there anyone who knows their address?" He asked.

The paramedic instantly went speechless. 

The hospital director quickly interrupted, "We will find that out immediately." 

 Zane walked closer to Chris and saw the bruises on Chris's body, he frowned instantly, "Who dared touch the heir of the Sergeant family?" 

He glared at the doctors. 

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