Chapter Twenty six

"I'm sorry father." Ivan cried.

His words rattled around in Chris's head until he finally found himself furious at Ivan's words.


They went camping?

Chris had thought Ivan was hospitalized for the past few days, but instead they were camping while he was locked in the attic fighting for his life.

Tears stained his now pale and frozen skin as he searched his memories trying to figure out what he ever did wrong to deserve such treatment from his so-called family.

He couldn't find any. He had always obeyed them but they weren't satisfied.

Ivan would mock him and treated him badly and even if Chris told their parents, they would always side with Ivan and Chris got beatings in return.

Chris felt his body getting weaker and weaker. The beating sound of his heart became even louder.

He struggled to stay awake but every minute was heart wrenching.

Their words hurts more than the pain he was in. He didn't want to hear them anymore and with his consciousness slowly slipping away from
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