Chapter six


I became tense, I tried to explain the situation to Mr. Ken but he didn't believe me, even though I didn't tell him the aspect of his face appearing instead of that of the bandit yet he posed it on me saying nonsense, he claimed it was a fallacy. But I know what I saw, it was real!

"I know what I saw," I said, my voice quavering with fear. "I saw him, and he said he was going to kill me."

"But that's impossible," Mr. Ken said, trying to reassure me. "There's no one here but us."

"But I saw him!" I insisted, my heart racing. "I know what I saw!"

I could tell Mr. Ken was starting to get frustrated, but he kept his voice calm. "I believe you think you saw something, but it was just a dream. There's no one here but us, I promise."

Mr Ken soon started to get more agitated, but I couldn't stop myself from continuing. "It wasn't just a dream," I said, my voice rising with panic. "I heard him! He said he was going to kill me, I swear!"

Mr. Ken's face was now a mask of anger and disbelief. "Enough!" he shouted, his voice booming in the small room. "You're just making this up, and it's not helping anyone. There's no one here, it was just a dream. Do you understand?"

I nodded, my shoulders shaking with fear and frustration.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I wasn't going to cry in front of Mr. Ken, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "I'm fine," I said, my voice flat and monotone. "I just need some rest."

I could tell Mr Ken was sceptical, but he didn't push the issue. "All right," he said, his tone still tinged with irritation. "Just try to relax and get some sleep. I'll be here if you need anything."

I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak further.

Mr. Ken noticed how moody I became and decided to play with me.

While we played around the house, I noticed another portrait of his twin, this one was very beautiful and large.

“How did she die?”. I questioned with all anxiousness

“What are you talking about again?”. He asked a bit annoyed yet with a little smile and confused look.

“Your twin sister, how did she die?”. I asked again but Mr. Ken paused and kept looking at me strangely.

“I never told you she was dead”. He said with a gulp of his spit.

“You need not to, I know. So tell me, how did she die?”. When he noticed the seriousness in my tone he decided to open up.

“We have been on her case for five years now, she was killed by her husband though he claimed not to have done that”. Mr. Ken muttered having his eyes covered with tears.

“Perhaps that is why you don't want to marry? You don't want to be killed by your wife?”. I asked but he smirked and carried me to the soft sofa.

“I've been investigating her case for five years now, and I still haven't been able to crack it," Mr. Ken said, his brow furrowed in frustration. "I have a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to her husband as the killer, but we can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. The case has been so cold for so long, and I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to solve it."

”Perhaps that's why you have been moody?“

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair clearly stressed by the weight of the case. "It's not just about the case though, it's about life, it's about people who experienced and are experiencing such pain," he let out sadly.

"There are still so many unanswered questions, so many loose ends," Mr. Ken continued, his gaze focused on some distant point in the room. "Every time I think I'm close to a breakthrough, something happens to set us back. It's been a roller coaster of emotions, and I know it's taking a toll on all of us."

His voice was soft, but I could hear the weariness in it, the exhaustion from years of working on this case. I wanted to reach out and offer him some comfort, but I didn't know what to say. So I just sat there, listening as he continued.

"I know some people have suggested that I should just give up and move on, that it's not worth the effort anymore," Mr. Ken said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "But I can't do that, not when there's still so much at stake. Not when there's a family out there who needs us to solve this."

He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "And I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have someone who understands what this is like, someone who I can talk to about it." He looked at me, his eyes filled with uncertainty.

”It's just too sad talking about it“, he grinned.

”Meanwhile, I bought you an outfit“. He mumbled and headed to the room, trying hard to change the atmosphere, after noticing how sad I became. His departure left me feeling somewhat bereft, as though I had been deserted. The sound of the door closing behind him seemed to reverberate in the silence, the finality of the gesture ominous. The pink gown he had bought me was lovely, but somehow it felt ominous as well, a reminder of my uncertain future. I knew I had to try to be on my best behaviour, but it felt like an impossible task.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I knew I had to be strong, for my sake and his. I just hoped I could live up to his expectations.

I had to put on the female wear, not when Mr Ken promised to let me follow him to the office.


Finally, it was time to follow Mr ken to the office and I became even more embarrassed than putting on a female wear. It was about the car he claimed is now his new ride.

The car looked like it had seen better days, the paint faded and chipped in places, and the windows were covered in a layer of dust. It was a far cry from the sleek, modern vehicles I had grown accustomed to. But I knew I couldn't be picky, and I had to be grateful for any help I could get.

As we got in the car, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. The seats were cracked and worn, the upholstery torn in places. The whole car smelled musty and old, and I couldn't help but wonder how safe it was to be driving around in such a condemned car.

immediately Aunty Lucy came out of her house with a bom-short and a mini singlet.

“Good morning Ken, hello love—” I didn't even allow her to finish up with her statement before running inside the car, because she tried to touch me.

“Is he okay?!”. She questioned with a confused expression.

“Yeah, you know children and their drama”. Mr. Ken smirked while bringing out his hands for a shake and after observing them have a little discussion he entered the car and smiled at me.

I could see the surprise and confusion on Aunty Lucy's face as I ran to the car. I knew it wasn't very polite of me, but I just couldn't bear the thought of her touching me. I just didn't feel comfortable around her, and I couldn't explain why. I just hoped that they weren't upset with me for running away like that. But I just couldn't help it, I was just so uncomfortable.

I could feel Mr. Ken's eyes on me, but I refused to look at him. I didn't want to explain myself, I just wanted to forget about the whole thing. But I knew he wouldn't let it go so easily.

"She seemed perfectly nice to me," he said, his voice gentle but insistent. "I don't understand why you reacted that way. Did something happen that I don't know about?"

I could tell he was genuinely curious, and I knew I owed him an explanation. But I just didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted to forget it ever happened.

"I know you want to forget about it, but I can't just let it go," Mr. Ken said, his voice still gentle but firm.

"I need to understand why you reacted like that, so I can make sure it doesn't happen again. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around anyone, especially not someone who is supposed to be helping us. Can you please just tell me what happened?"

I could feel my resolve starting to crumble, and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it bottled up any longer. I took a deep breath, preparing myself to tell him everything.

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