The Million-Dollar Revenge

Mason reached his car—a sleek Aston Martin that belonged to Leo—just as his phone buzzed. Unknown number.

"Mr. Rivers?" A crisp, professional voice. "This is James Wheeler from Hartman & Associates. We have your divorce papers ready for signing. Would tomorrow at 9 AM suit you?"

Mason's grip tightened on the phone. For a moment, rage threatened to overwhelm him—at Olivia, at Ethan, at the whole damn world that had conspired to humiliate him.

Then, slowly, his fingers relaxed.

"Actually," he said, his voice deadly calm, "I'm afraid I'll have to decline. You see, I've recently come into some... opportunities. I think we'll need to renegotiate the terms."

He hung up before the lawyer could respond.

Truly, he's realized for the second time that Olivia's mind was made up over the divorce and there was no turning back.

Clenching his phone tightly, a deafening roar ensued ripping up from his gut, unleashing all the fury he'd bottled up through the endless night.

A wounded man's cry.

Just then, from the parking lot, of course nobody would believe that he would be clunched in the latest model sleek Aston Martin they just walked pass; Ethan and Ramirez. He witnesses as they shook hands. Mason quickly took pictures.

If he was going to be the perfect underworld boss, which expectations clings to from his empire, he was going to begin to think and act like one, he quickly took pictures of the two shaking hands and paper exchanged with Ethan secretly, as Ramirez leaves with his boys like one in a haste.

Mason gives a sinister smile, seems like after all, he was going to spend the 1 million dollars as it was to Leo's tradition on his birthdays.

He mutters happily, "Happy Birthday to me!"

Mason arrives the circle again as the last piece of treasure, a unique kind of jewelry, only three of it in existence, was bidded and Olivia's made a bid as that was their target for the night. She bidded $50,000 dollars, as another business man bidded, $200,000. Then Ethan walks in from escorting Ramirez out and bids it $300,000. Another business tycoon bids it $400,000. Just when everyone thought that was over, Ethan makes one more show off, bidding it $500,000. And that was it as everyone thought.

But just after the one coordinating says $500,000 going, going... And wanted to say the bidding goes to millionaire Ethan Langford, a voice sprangs and bids it straightaway for $1M dollars, blowing everybody's mind, and that was Mason.

The auction room fell silent, a collective gasp rippling through the crowd. All eyes turned to Mason, standing tall in his impeccable tuxedo, a slight smirk playing on his lips. Olivia's jaw dropped, her perfectly manicured hand flying to her throat. Ethan's face contorted, a mix of confusion and anger twisting his features.

"One million dollars," Mason repeated, his voice carrying easily across the stunned room. "I believe that makes me the highest bidder."

The auctioneer, a portly man with thinning gray hair, fumbled with his gavel. "I... uh... One million dollars, ladies and gentlemen. Do I hear any other bids?"

Ethan's eyes narrowed, his fists clenching at his sides. "One million and one hundred thousand," he growled, shooting Mason a venomous glare.

Mason couldn't help but chuckle. "One million five hundred thousand," he countered smoothly, relishing the way Ethan's face reddened.

"Two million!" Ethan barked, his composure cracking.

The room buzzed with excited whispers. Olivia tugged at Ethan's sleeve, hissing something in his ear, but he shook her off.

Mason locked eyes with Ethan, feeling a surge of power course through him. "Three million dollars," he said calmly, as if he were ordering coffee.

A strangled sound escaped Ethan's throat. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Olivia's face had gone pale, her eyes darting between Mason and Ethan like a cornered animal.

The auctioneer's gavel came down with a resounding crack. "Sold! To the gentleman in the Tom Ford tuxedo for three million dollars!"

As Mason made his way to claim his prize, he caught snippets of conversation around him.

"Who is that man?"

"Did he just outbid Ethan Langford?"

"Three million for a piece of jewelry? It's madness!"

Mason approached the podium.

The auction room erupted into chaos as soon as Olivia's laughter cut through the tension. All eyes swiveled to her, everyone dying to know what was so damn funny.

"Get a load of this!" Olivia cackled, wiping tears from her eyes. "The most worthless schmuck in Chicago thinks he can buy the fanciest bling here? This guy couldn't even spring for a knockoff purse for his wife, let alone pay rent on time. And now he's after diamonds? Give me a break! He's just kidding!"

"Kidding?" Ethan jumped in, smirking. "This is deeper, bragging, that's all it is. Trying to act like he's not just another nobody."

Someone in the crowd perked up. "Hold up – wife?"

"Ex-wife, honey," Olivia shot back. "Divorce papers are in the works as we speak."

Mason just chuckled to himself. If only they knew. Nobody dumps Mason Rivers. He'd make her beg to take it all back before he was through.

Olivia was on a roll now. "Trust me, folks. This guy's useless, worthless, and now we can add shameless to the list. Strutting around like he's somebody. Please. He's a nobody in a borrowed suit, trying to play with the big boys. I've known him all my life."

The crowd was eating it up. Some lady piped up, "What a joke! Who's he trying to impress? Us?" She snorted. "What's next, this poverty-stricken mutt gonna buy us all yachts?"

Another voice chimed in. "If he's got that kind of cash to purchase a diamond, maybe invest in a sandwich or two first! My poodle looks healthier than this guy."

The insults flew from all directions, sharp as knives and twice as cruel. No one cared to know if he had a soul that could bleed.

Is this really how the rich detest the poor? Mason thought to himself.

Even the auctioneer looked nervous, leaning in to whisper, "Uh, sir? You sure about this?"

Mason just smirked. "Watch and learn, buddy."

With a flourish, he whipped out that shiny black card. As he handed it over, he couldn't resist one last glance at the dynamic duo.

Ethan and Olivia? They looked like they'd seen a ghost – if ghosts carried unlimited credit and a thirst for revenge.

The crowd gasped.

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