Chapter 12

Angela was stunned by Mia’s audacity. She clenched her fist tightly and moved closer to the door.

How dare that woman show her face around here? Of course, Mia works with her, but seriously? How can she be so audacious to enter her company so soon?

“What is it?” Clara asked with a confused expression on her face.

Angela's fierce gaze made shivers run down her spine. Clara turned around to have a glimpse of what was happening out there but when her eyes met with Mia, she sighed in disgust.

Of course, Mia was the problem, they never liked her to begin with. Clara didn't understand why Angela was still keeping her in the company. That woman needs to be sacked and tossed to the wolves.

“What happened at the supermarket?” Clara’s gaze was fixed on Angela's.

“That bitch,” Angela pointed at her cousin. “She wants him for herself.”

“Wait, what? Were they flirting?”

“You heard me, Clara. She wants him,” Angela’s expression darkened seeing that woman across her office.

Clara scoffed with
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