Chapter 15

The day went by and Angela wandered in her thoughts. If only she didn't listen to anyone back then, she wouldn't have been in a difficult situation. Her family deceived her into divorcing Ludex. Now, the ugly husband becomes the most desired bachelor in town.

“Why did I ever have to listen to anyone? I shouldn't have listened to them.”

Angela placed both hands on her forehead and sobbed greatly. If only she didn't listen to her family. Now look at the whole situation.

Clara knocked on her office door but Angela kept mute. She didn't want to see anyone.

Clara was beginning to worry about her friend. What if she does something crazy? Clara can't afford any bad occurrence at the moment.

“Angela, please open up. Let's talk, please.”

“Go away,” Angela snapped.

“Angela please, don't do this. I know you're hurting but you have to come out or at least, talk to someone.”

“Go away, Clara. You fucking caused this, get out.”

Angela snapped and glared at Clara through the glass door. If only s
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