Chapter 5

The Stone family stood by the door outside the apartment, hoping it was the police. It was the perfect timing to kick that good-for-nothing son-in-law out of their property. Mary scoffed and crossed both arms. She thought Ludex had committed a crime worthy of punishment. How thrilling!

“It's about time,” Mary furrowed her brows at Ludex.

Ludex, stunned by the event that unfolded right in front of him, took a step back on instinct. He squinted his eyes at the lead car, with an attempt to have a clearer view.  

Charlie alighted from the lead car with his sunglasses on. The man stole the show with his charisma. As he moved closer to Ludex fiercely, everyone watched his advances but the man's actions amazed them.

“Greetings, young master,” Charlie bowed before Ludex. 

Ludex rolled his eyes at his dramatic entrance. Charlie had been with the Brian family for decades, he was Ludex's arrogant cousin. A thorn in his flesh but actually, in a good way.

“On behalf of the Brian Empire, accept my apologies for arriving late,” Charlie continued, “Your father is ever indebted to you for choosing to come back home. However, you must understand the dangers of the path you have chosen.”

Charlie sneered at the bodyguards behind him, “On your knees this instant.”

“You're just being extra Charlie. You know you don't have to do this,” Ludex raised his hand and everyone stood erect.

The couple behind gasped and stole glances at each other. They took a step back, unable to comprehend what was going on. Mary exhaled and narrowed a brow at Ludex 

“Enough with the show, Ludex. Everyone knows you're broke and useless,” Mary said out loud, rolling her eyes. Her voice was enough to alert the entire neighborhood.

Laughter filled the air as the residents in the neighborhood laughed uncontrollably.

“How dare you talk to the young master that way?” Charlie snapped with a frown on his face. He looked at Ludex, who was quiet the whole time. Charlie took a step further but Ludex held him back and shook his head.

“Young master, your inheritance worth $800,000,000 still awaits you on your arrival,” Charlie informed and bowed slightly. “You'll have to take over the Brian Empire with immediate effect. Meanwhile, your grandfather awaits you.”

“What? $800,000,000?” William gaped and said in a whisper.

“Are… You for real?” Mary stuttered and turned to her husband with one hand covering her mouth.

Charlie stole a glance at Ludex and wondered why would a man ever leave such wealth and start afresh with nothing. It has been five years since Ludex left the Brian household. Now, he needed to return for the sake of his grandfather.

“How is Grandpa?” Ludex's thick voice hung in the air.

Charlie sighed, unable to give an honest reply, “You have to come with us, Ludex.”

Ludex watched the man closely and looked at the guards from behind.

They all went on their knees, “Welcome back, young master.” 

Ludex sighed deeply. He was worried about his Grandfather. He looked behind him and back at his cousin and nodded his head. But before he made any move, he signaled to his cousin looking at the Stone family, and majestically walked towards the lead car.

Charlie rose and moved closer to Mr and Mrs Stone. He placed his hand in his pocket tossed a handful of cash on their faces and turned his back to leave.

The couple was taken aback by his sudden action and took a step back feeling embarrassed. They looked around the neighborhood and buried their faces in shame. They could feel everyone's gaze on them.

Ludex slid into the back seat of the car without looking back. In a minute, Charlie was seated beside his cousin.

“I'll make them pay. All of them,” Ludex clenched his fist tightly with his face hardened than ever.

The ride was a quiet one. The tension was building up and no one attempted to break the awkward silence that filled the air. Charlie would occasionally steal a glance at his cousin and avert his gaze to the window. 

Three hours later, they arrived at the Brian's estate. All the guards alighted from the car and stood still at Ludex's arrival. Everyone bowed as he stepped foot outside the vehicle. Ludex could see all the employees outside to welcome him. He looked around the mansion and realized nothing had changed since he left five years ago. The fountain still boasts elegance and charm with the majestic castle right behind it. 

“Still the same, huh?” Ludex turned to Charlie.

“Always the same brother. Welcome back home,” Charlie reached for a hug and patted his cousin on the back.

“Welcome back, young master,” the rest of the staff bowed and greeted him at once.

Ludex flashed a warm smile and waved at them, unable to say anything. It was overwhelming for the young man but not until his grandfather came into view. Ludex frowned with no warmth evident in his eyes. This same man made it difficult for him to stick around. 

“Welcome home, my boy,” Wade Brian flashed a warm smile at his grandson and hugged him.

Ludex said nothing in reply. He watched the man he called family closely and averted his gaze. 

“Ready or not, it's time to take over, boy,” Wade patted him on his back.

“You know my condition, grandfather,” Ludex said with a frown on his face. “Any news on the investigation?”

“No yet but I assure you, I won't back down on the deal,” Wade Brian raised one hand to assure the young lad. “Not even a smile? Now don't tell me you didn't miss this old man right here?”

Ludex glared at his grandfather and sidestepped him. He made his way inside the mansion.

Wade Brian scoffed and shook his head, “Welcome back home son,” he chuckled and followed in his tracks.

“Call a board meeting, Charlie. We have work to do,” Grandpa Wade said as he moved closer to the door. “And make sure everyone is present.”

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