Chapter 6

Ludex walked into the dimly lit room and in an instant, the golden glove beside the study lit up the room. Ludex could see his grandfather seated on his executive chair in his home office with his fingers interlocked.

“Good to have you back, Ludex,” Wade Brian’s thick voice echoed through the room. “Charlie will have the board together first thing in the morning.”

“And why would you do that?” Ludex narrowed his brows and moved closer to his grandfather.

“You should know that you're my heir, Ludex. And everyone needs to know that as well.”

“Mmm,” Ludex exhaled and put his hands behind him. “That won't be necessary.”

“But,” Grandpa Wade hesitated before saying anything. “What about the company?” 

“I haven't refused the position yet but, if you want me around here, you have to let me do things my way. I'm fully aware of the difficulties that plague the company and the people behind them. I need you to trust my judgment. No announcement, no celebration of any kind. Let me work in your shadows in the meantime.”

Grandpa Wade glanced at his grandson and took a deep breath. He knew quite well that Ludex had always been a man of strategic moves. He had the mind of a great businessman and unique ways of handling things. What else can he do than trust his successor? Since his parents were no more, Ludex was next in line to inherit the Empire.

“Alright then, suit yourself but don't forget, the company is in your hands, Ludex. I am counting on you, son,” he stood up from his seat and closed the gap between them. He patted the young man's shoulders and hugged him tightly. He sobbed for a few minutes before releasing himself from Ludex's embrace.

Ludex stood indifferent. He held back his feelings. Not a single drop of tear escaped the man's face. His expression was hardened. 

Ludex cleared his throat in an attempt to break the awkward silence.

“By the way, I need you to do something for me.”

“What is that, Ludex?” Curiosity was written over Grandpa Wade's face.

“Put a call across to your son, Sampson Brian. I have a job for him.”

“What could that be, son?”

“Nothing much. Just put a call through. I'm sure he'll get the memo. Tell him, Ludex Brian the son of Anthony Brian is back,” a dangerous smirk formed around his lips as he moved towards his grandfather.

Grandpa Wade still couldn't understand what Ludex had in mind. He ransacked his head just to make sense out of everything but nothing was adding up. All he knew was that he could only trust Ludex and whatever he had in mind. Now, it is time to sit back and have the young man steal the show.

“One more thing,” Ludex noted and his thick voice sent chills down his grandfather's spine. “Whoever the president of the Brian empire happens to be, I'm afraid he or she would have to step down.”

“B-But,” Grandpa Wade stuttered. “That's Sampson, your uncle. You can't tell your uncle to step down from the company.”

“Your company,” Ludex corrected and frowned at him. “My uncle, huh? Interesting.”

“Is that why you want him over,” Grandpa Wade asked with a low tone.

“Now you get the memo. I don't care if it's uncle or not but I won't sit back and chicken out like a little boy anymore. This is your company and if he truly cared all these years then why is the company crashing? Have you ever thought about it?”

Now Grandpa Wade had to rethink. He had trusted his son with his life and even gave him control over the empire but over the years the company had been involved in fraudulent activities. How possible would that be if the president of the company stood up against corruption in his empire? 

“Mmm, I have never thought about that.”

Ludex left his grandfather to his train of thought. The man had a lot to think about.

Grandpa Wade took out his phone from his breast pocket and dialed Sampson's private number. The call connected on the third ring and a man's firm voice broke through the speaker.

“Hello, Father,” the man on the other end of the line said in a way of greeting.

Grandpa Wade sighed deeply, he hesitated for some seconds before saying anything to his son, “We need to talk, son.”


Ludex was all ducked in a well-tailored suit with his hair neatly palmed. He slid his legs into a black pair of shoes and wore his favorite perfume he was used to before leading the life of a pauper.

Ludex arrived at the Brian Empire thirty minutes after leaving the mansion. He had gone with some security guards disguised as a regular investor. They arrived in an SUV and parked beside the building. Ludex went in first. He could see the employees roaming around with nothing to do. He looked around and could feel his anger boiling. What has changed around here? What the hell is going on? He clenched his fist tightly and exhaled in an attempt to calm his nerves.

None of the employees recognized him the moment he stepped foot inside the building. He turned to the Chief Security Officer and faked a smile but the young man knew he had reached his limit of tolerance.

“I'm here for Sampson Brian,” Ludex stood tall and intimidating. 

The security guards sneered at him, “And what do you have for the president?”

“May I see him, please?”

“That won't be possible, sir. You need to have an appointment and besides, the president doesn't just see anyone,” the guards said in disgust. “So I suppose you run along, sir”

Ludex scoffed and his smile broadened, “Run along, huh? I suppose you don't want to keep your job around here.”

“And who are you to say that to us? Some guy in a fancy suit,” the other security guards laughed in mockery.

One of the security guards squinted his eyes at him and tried to remember that face. He was sure he knew Ludex.

“Whoa! That's the boss' exiled son,” the man pointed at Ludex. “Let me guess, this is a kind of return to beg for Grandpa’s money,” the men burst out into a cold laugh.

“The runaway son returns, for Grandpa's little cash. I bet he's here to plead with Uncle to beg Grandpa.” They all laughed uncontrollably.

Sampson Brian exited from his office and snapped at the security guards.

“How dare you? All of you?” He slapped them across the face.

The security guards froze and trembled slightly with their heads bowed and gazes low.

“You're fired, both of you,” Sampson snapped.

“But, sir,” they knelt before him and bawled their eyes out but were kicked out of the premises.

“Ludex,” Sampson flashed him a smile, “To my office.”

Ludex scoffed, he could see through the pretense and was not moved by the man's actions. He knew Uncle Sampson was just putting up a charade to save face but those little tricks won't work on him. He is not his grandfather, Wade Brian.

“So tell me, Ludex,” Uncle Sampson leaned on his executive desk and narrowed his brows, “What made you change your mind?”

Ludex broadened his smile and traced his fingers on the desk with his eyes squinted at his uncle, “Family.” Ludex’s words hung in the air. 

“Mmm, interesting,” Uncle Sampson faked a smile and rose from his seat, he straightened his suit and led the way, “After you.”


Roberto had a devious look on his face as he flipped through the pages of this year's financial report. He held two separate files containing different statistics on the same reports. The moment he tried to arrange the report he had tampered with, Ludex stormed in and narrowed his brows at him.

Ludex finally arrived at the accounting department and requested the company's financial report.

“The files,” Ludex squinted his eyes at the manager.

The account manager widened his eyes in shock at the sight of Ludex. Of course, he knew Ludex quite well. 

What the hell is he doing here? 

He moved his eyes towards Sampson but he shrugged. Now it's about to get messy, the heir returns and is not like the coward he was before but now fierce and intimidating.

“B-But,” Roberto stuttered and tried to get back his voice but it took a lot of courage, “I'm still working on it, sir.”

Ludex furrowed his brows at him and he felt a chill run down his spine. 

“Here, sir,” Roberto handed the file over and took a step back with his gaze low.

Interesting! Uncle Sampson could tell that the man in front of him wasn't so young anymore and this will be a problem.

“I suppose you got a message from my Grandpa?” Ludex asked his uncle with a void expression.

“Of course. If you don't mind I'd like you to address the board. It's a shame I have to step down from my position for you but I must say, I am proud of you Ludex,” Uncle Sampson pulled him in for a hug and patted his back with a low scowl on his face but when he finally released himself from his embrace he flashed him a warm smile.

Ludex nodded and dismissed himself without sparing them a glance.

“Mmm,” Sampson smirked as he watched Ludex from behind. 

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