Chapter 177


In the months that followed the defeat of Miller, Kim's life began to settle into a rhythm of peace and fulfillment. The chaos and destruction had left scars on the city, but with Kim's direction, the people rebuilt their lives, stronger and more united than ever.

One bright morning, Kim was called to a special ceremony by the government. It was held in the city's grand hall, a place that had seen both despair and triumph. As Kim entered, he was greeted by a standing ovation. The hall was filled with dignitaries, officials, and grateful citizens who had come to honor him.

The mayor stepped forward, holding a gleaming medal. "Mr. Kim," he began, his voice filled with emotion, "your bravery and selflessness have not only saved our city but have also inspired a nation. Today, we honor you with the Medal of Honor, the highest recognition we can bestow."

Kim bowed his head as the medal was placed around his neck. He felt a swell of pride, not just for himself but for
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