Chapter 2. Need money for surgery

Aiden’s face was a mask of anguish and uneasiness, but he still held the phone tightly, like his life depends on it, even after the line went dead.

At this moment, he didn’t seemed to care about the killing intent surging out from the lackeys’ bodies, as his world went blank. It was like he was huddled up in a trance.

Seeing this, the two lackeys got closer to him and wanted to take this chance to slam Aiden against the wall.

Unexpectedly, Aiden lifted up his head and shot them an icy look, his eyes glinting of something dangerous! Then, his gaze darkened, making the air tense and heavy!

He didn’t know where he got the strength from, but he pushed the two lackeys and kicked their groins with all his might!

“ Go to hell!” He bellowed in a bloody manner!

Afterwards, he bustled out of the class immediately.


He got to the hospital as fast as he could, panting heavily with his shirt drenched in cold sweats, coupled with the now dried blood on his body. Since he got the call about his grandmother been taken to the emergency room, his heart was at his throat.

“ Excuse me. Which ward is my grandma in?”

He quickly asked the nurse passing by, describing his grandmother, his tone filled with urgency.

The nurse furrowed her brows and looked down at him, her face flashing a hint of disgust. She sneered and pointed to a particular ward.

Aiden didn’t mind the nurse look of disgust and just dashed away.

He approached the ward with his body trembling in fear, not daring to think if his grandma was in great danger or not.

At this time, a man clad in a doctor’s outfit, came out of the ward and espied Aiden.

“ Are you the grandson of the patient?”

He asked indifferently.

Aiden looked up at the doctor and nodded eagerly. “Yes, is my grandma okay?”

The doctor stared at Aiden calmly as if contemplating on what to say. His gaze was neither warm or cold.

“ Your grandmother is stable, however she needs to be operated on before the disease spreads to every part of her heart. .”

Hearing the doctor’s words, Aiden’s knees almost gave out, and his eyelids drooped.

How could he not understand what the doctor meant? A surgery isn’t done for free, but where would he get the money?

Aiden’s face contorted a devastated expression. He needed lots of money, but there was no way he could get it. He was just a despised student in a prestigious school, which he managed to gain admission into because of a scholarship. Apart from that, he was just a lonely orphan facing hardship with his grandmother. His grandmother was the only relative left for him.

Unfortunately, even if he juggle up several dirty works together, he still won’t be able to make up to the amount he needed. However, he won’t give up!

He steadied himself, drew in a deep breath and calmed himself before heading into the ward. The sight of his grandma,Isabelle, breathing gently warmed his heart, and he looked heavenward.

“ Jojo, you look so beautiful when you are asleep.”

He approached his grandma, and smiled lovingly, holding her hands.

Gazing at her peaceful face, he planned not to tell Isabelle about what the doctor said earlier. All he had to do is to get the money at all cost!


At evening, Aiden had made a difficult decision.

He skipped into the forest, which was at the outskirts of Orlando city, around the mountains. He hoped to gather rare and precious herbs, which he could sell at a dignified price. At least, ten herbs would make him thousands of dollars, which was quite good. Although, the forest was deemed dangerous, having several sinister vicious creatures, but he was pressed with determination!

After three hours of struggling and searching, Aiden collapsed on the ground, still conscious. He had managed to gathered nine rare herbs, but there was still one more. Glancing around, he spotted a small purple herb with an heart shaped kissing the ground and crawled towards it.

So far, he hasn’t encountered any strange thing as rumored.

Just as he reached to grab the Purple Heart shaped herb, the herb glued to the ground even more. He didn’t pay attention to it and just wanted to rip out the herb. Weirdly, the herb refused to bulge. He frowned and tried again, but the herb only got tighter.

As he retracted his hands a bit, the herb suddenly snapped into halves by itself, and a tiny like elf creature emerged from the unnoticeable hole beside the herb.

Aiden narrowed his eyes, too weak to say anything or react.


The strange elf like creature growled, and immediately, it expanded terrifyingly into a bigger creature, five feet taller than Aiden. It spiky reptilian skin broke out fiercely as it expanded, with his rough wings spreading out. The spines on it back pointing out sharply, and it red eyes glowed like a flowing blood in the dark night!

It was as if it was annoyed at Aiden for touching and forcing the herb.

Staring at this, Aiden’s expression changes, appearing startled! With his level of IQ, he knew this was the deadly creature called the Chupacabra, which does nothing but drains blood!

Swiftly, he used all his strength to jump up, gritting his teeth and turned to the chupacabra. It was useless to run now.

The chupacabra seeing Aiden like this, snarled furiously and rushed towards him, baring it pointy claws!

Aiden shifted a leg backward and tightened his fists. Although, he had to admit he was frightened, but he has to survive!

With this in mind, he waited for the chupacabra to get close and speedily took a sharp twig behind him. Ruthlessly, he rolled under the creature and jumped to stab it right on it head!

“ Rghhhhh!”

The chupacabra wasn’t expecting that move but feeling the deep pain in it head, it rage exploded even more!

It turned around, rotating and snapping it claws to any angle, while bellowing!

Aiden managed to dodge from it, swaying slightly due to fatigue earlier.

Out of his line of sight, one of the claws stabbed through Aiden’s neck, close to the jugular vein!

His pupils shrank as if been struck by lightening!

Without wasting anytime, he took one of the poisonous herbs around him and threw it at the chupacabra! The poison reacted fast, and the creature lost it balance . Aiden took this as his chance and instantly plunged another sharp twig inside the creature’s right eye!

“ Riiii!!!”

The chupacabra shrieked painfully, glaring fiercely at Aiden with it left eye! But it was powerless.

Aiden stepped back from the chupacabra and snorted.

This should keep it busy.

Damn! He had never done something like this, and he couldn’t stop the uncomfortable feeling in him.

Some minutes later, he sauntered outside the forest, with a labored breathing, his face flushed and dripping with sweats!

A small sack bag was tightly held by his right palm. In it, contained the herbs he had struggled to collect. Though, he almost lost his life, but there were only few injuries on his back, neck and leg.

Weird thing is, he couldn’t comprehend how he got the strength to fight a chupacabra, despite how exhausted he was.

At that moment, the trees in the forest shook abruptly, scaring away the different birds on it, and fierce gunshots speedily rang out!

From the corner of his eyes, Aiden could see a bullet that flew past him! Instantly, he scurried away to a cave next to him and crawled inside, using small leafs to block the entrance of the cave.

“ What’s going on?”

He whispered confusingly, while his eyes moved frantically. At this moment, his ears pricked, and he sensed a slow but struggled movement in front of the cave. His heart accelerated even more, as if it wanted to burst out of his chest and run away.

However, Aiden took the bold step and peeped through the holes between the leafs. The sight of a strange looking man, breathing roughly made his eyes twitched. It was as if the man was struggling for his life.

Aiden didn’t think twice and immediately ran out, dragging the man into the cave. He knew about medicine due to what he was studying and quickly made use of the rare herbs he got earlier.

At first, he was reluctant, but a human life was more significant.

“You can’t die on me!”

Aiden hissed frustratedly and groaned, fearing all his efforts might be in vain!

Sadly, the strange man knew he couldn’t be saved, and it was just too late. His pale lips curved into a bitter but grateful smile. He coughed out a mouthful of deep black blood and reached out his hand towards Aiden.

“ Nothing can be done,” He struggled to say and squeezed his face due to the immense pain rippling through his heart. Regardless, his attractive features was unaffected. “I have been injected a virus. They want me dead because of my wealth secret and power.”

Aiden furrowed his thick brows and scrunched up his stressed face, appearing puzzled.

He couldn’t comprehend what the man was saying.

“ Aiden, thank you.”

The man said no more and remained quiet like the dark night. Then, he took out a small pocket bag and handed it over to Aiden, shakily. “ This is .....the secret.”

Confounded, Aiden’s head started buzzing uncontrollably.

“ How did you know my name? Who are you? What secret are you talking about?” He bombarded the man with questions confusingly, looking down at the small bag given to him.

As the man sighed deeply, his body began to crumble , dissolving like sand slipping through an hourglass. His eyes locked onto Aiden, with a mysterious gaze, which made the latter to feel an eerie sensation.......

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