Chloe smiled.Aurora felt dizzy with disbelief.She couldn't believe her most trusted maid would betray her. Jenny was like a sister to her. They supported each other in this lonely packhouse. Why would Jenny betray her?!"Lies…LIAR!" She cried, trembling out of anger. “I didn’t—”Chloe smirked, triumph gleaming in her eyes, "Lie? Were you in Steven’s room yesterday, Luna Aurora?”“Yes! But…”But she only went to Steven’s room to check on him!Steven was injured during a patrol not long ago. Yesterday, she went to see if Steven had recovered and changed his bandages for him, which was why he was half-naked.But nothing weird happened between them!"I have evidence to prove the adultery," said Jenny slyly. She pulled out a black lingerie from her poekcet and showed it to evveryone. "A cleaning lady found this in Steven's room. It belongs to Luna Aurora! It still carries her scent!""Unbelievable!" one of the ministers gasped, "You should be ashamed!"Aurora stared at that black lingerie, pani
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