Novels by MokouFriedChicken

The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer
Alice Heather Littman was just an average elementary school teacher. Having taught in the Nancaan Elementary School for over a year now, Heather counted her stars for each day that her life went by peacefully, sorely grateful at getting away from her former... turbulent lifestyle during a dark time in her college years. Ahh.. a peaceful life surrounded by her precious students...Cue, the 25th Founding anniversary of the school she's teaching in, the meek and silent teacher suddenly being propositioned in broad daylight by one of the richest and most powerful men in the city. Heather felt her heart hammer in embarrassment as the dashingly handsome Dio Panagopolous asked her out on a date.. Outwardly, the woman smiled shyly, unable to say anything. Inwardly however...She knew in her heart that she was staring straight at the face of a bonafide psychopath.In the year 2016 of January, a mysterious string of murders plagued the Nancaan district of Midas. At least a dozen women in their 20s were claimed by the incident, all with their hearts removed from their chests. Fearing a resurgence of another prolific serial killer along with placating the fears for the start of another slaving ring incident, the authorities launched an investigation about the murders, dubbing it the 'Kardia' incident with the potential suspects being dubbed the same name. Unfortunately, the investigations abruptly came to a halt due to budget cuts, the upcoming mayoral elections, and other external issues. The city of Midas was at the cusp of a major upheaval, even the smallest of actions can irrevocably change the future in unforeseeable ways. With a certain incident still fresh in her mind, Heather went on about her daily life, hoping that another incident won't affect her already miraculous second chance at living a normal life.
Completed · 11.3K views
Chapter: A Word from your Author
It's over! It's finally over!- E-eherm..Well wasn't this a trainwreck of a story.Heartstrings was supposed to be over well over a month ago. If it weren't for an arbitrary chapter and word count requirement, as well as poor planning, this thing would've been done in just over 80 to 90k words just like its predecessor. Now, at the very least, I had some takeaways from writing this thing, so do keep in mind that this serves as both a gigantic author's note and as a reflection for me to read as well.Let's get started, shall we?I never expected to write this kind of story in the first place; one that involved CEO bullshit that I always saw dominating the recommended pages of literary sites. In fact, this tale wasn't even on the master timeline that I always referred to in my note. It just... materialized in my head, per
Last Updated: 2020-11-27
Chapter: The Flow of Time
Last Updated: 2020-11-26
Chapter: Epilogue
Time moves forward. And while this tale slowly comes to an end, their stories continue on their own...⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛A new dawn... A new day...Another day of her miraculous third shot at a normal life.*"Top stories tonight; the Alexandria Heir's killer still at large, Kardia's impact, and the 2016 Mollucan National Elections."*Walking across her living room, one Heather Littman ignored the blaring news coverage being shown on her TV in favor of brewing a small cup of tea. Repeatedly dipping the tea bag in her mug, the English teacher wistfully sighed as she checked the date on the calendar."First week of March, huh..." the red-haired teacher muttered to herself as she sipped on her common beverage. "Summer's almost here..."&n
Last Updated: 2020-11-25
Chapter: XVII.VI Confrontation
"Goodbye, Dio. And good riddance."Charlie couldn't believe it. Ms. Littman actually defeated the monster! She was so strong! He had been hiding behind the crates despite hearing his homeroom teacher's voice, but he had been watching the fight go on from the sidelines...And it was so cool!He didn't know why Ms. Littman started acting the way she did, but it just made her more badass as she went along and hit the old man right on the legs and arms! If he wasn't safe when she just showed up, then he was essentially home free once she downed the man entirely.He could finally go home! Lina actually got help!With a goofy smile on his face, Charlie finally emerged from his hiding spot in favor of getting to his beloved teacher's side. She'll be so surprised when he shows up with minimal injuri
Last Updated: 2020-11-24
Chapter: XVII.V Confrontation
It was going so well!*WHOOSH!*At one moment, he was in complete, and total control. His subject was clearly terrified; holding onto a piece of metal pipe like her life depended on it. She was flustered, stuttering even! The revelation of his side-activities even seemed to put her more off-balance as he made his approach!*WHOOSH! WHOOSH!*Then all of a sudden, his subject swung the pipe at him, clearly aiming for his head! Even now, he was doing his best to dodge as he carefully backed away from the blushing woman. Did he do something wrong?*WHOOSH! CLANG!*A resounding clang echoed throughout the warehouse as his subject's pipe collided with a stray metal cabinet. Any other woman would've been hurting if their arms rattled with such a force, but Dio could only watch as his blushing teacher simply went on like nothing even happened.What was this woman made of?"Why are you running?~" Heather
Last Updated: 2020-11-22
Chapter: XVII.IV Confrontation
"Charlie?!"Heather called out to the proverbial ether as she stepped inside the suspiciously lit warehouse. With every intrepid step, her instincts screamed at her to always look behind her back, and she was more than ready to heed its advice.'Keep an eye out...'Nodding to herself as she fully entered the building, the teacher noted the surprisingly chilly air within, as well as the open lights that illuminated the area. It was clear that the warehouse was currently being used."Charlie?"Delving deeper into the warehouse, she couldn't help but feel that danger was just around the corner; her heart hammering with excitement as she cautiously turned another corner. Her right hand itched with anticipation; practically nagging at her to take some sort of makeshift weapon with her in case the
Last Updated: 2020-11-20

The Least Common Denominator
The Numenorian Empire. A land ruled by a handful of individuals with the power to harness the elements and push their bodies to its utmost fighting potential. For eons it has enjoyed its place at the top of the food chain; the Imperial Numerators working hard to maintain Emperor Babbage's rule against both internal and external forces. In the Empire's hubris, they pushed the Denominators, the ones gifted with an affinity for smithing and the power to bestow enchantments, to their utmost limit...All while treating them like the dirt off their heel.Numerators gloated their superiority, often at their partner Denominator's expense as the former used the latter for all sorts of things. Live target practice, general punching bags, others even abused their partners to the point of driving them to suicide. It was a system that fostered superiority in firepower and physical prowess, one that's all too common in such a medieval setting.Enter then 24-year-old Crimson.Having been reincarnated against her will, she'll have to do her best to make the most of the bad hand dealt to her by fate. Born not as a powerful Numerator capable of wielding the elements themselves, but instead with the skillset befitting of a lowly Denominator, the former unemployed medical graduate will struggle not only against the growing unrest within the Empire but also with her own acquired neuroses and fluctuating teenage hormones.It's hard enough being a modern woman in a backwater world, it's even more insufferable when you know you can make a difference. Armed with only her vast amounts of random knowledge and gameplay-molded logic, Crimson will try to mold the world around her in her own modern standards. It should be easy, right?Too bad she never finished her engineering degree.
Ongoing · 23.9K views
Chapter: CV.V Cotangent
I don't even know what's happening anymore..."Huh... That looks far too complex even for you, Crimson," Phillipe snarked at my work. Technically Anne's as well, to be honest. "A square rune with that many parts? I don't think that'll work out in the long run.""You and me both," I rolled my eyes with the sarcasm of an overflowing dam. "Seriously, why are you here?""You're being annoying."I raised an eyebrow at the blunt delivery of his oh-so-important announcement. Giving him the best sarcastic inquisitive eyes I could muster, I let out a scoff as I began whatever this talk was going to end up as.'Right behind you there.'You always are, Ica. "And?"Phillipe smirked at me as if he knew exactly what I was thinking, "You're wasting
Last Updated: 2021-12-27
Chapter: CV.IV Cotangent
"Let's go crazy..."With a borderline manic whisper, I let my imagination cut loose as my hand moved on its own. Traps within traps, earthen sigils meant to sprout at a moment's notice, the world was my oyster as the goodies slowly accumulated with each stroke of my charcoal.'Don't get too carried away, Master.'I know. I'm not dumb enough to overload the thing before it even came to fruition.And that was the biggest risk to such a massive array as well. With so many moving parts, any wrong line or overlapping rune will pretty much make the whole thing explode. I couldn't stress it enough, even to myself. Do not make this thing more complicated than it already is.'And yet here you are having fun with it.'Don't test me, Ica. Or maybe I'll just assert me being
Last Updated: 2021-12-26
Chapter: CV.III Cotangent
Fiiiineee... You win, my precious Ica.The stuttering that ensued at the back of my head was like a soothing tune as I looked over my work. The communication arrays were gonna stay, as would the Essence storage runes at strategic parts of the palace grounds. Hmmm.... Wouldn't the communication arrays be two-way anyway? So why even bother with surveillance runes like last time?My hand moved to remove the minor additions I added on the dirt parts of the grounds, leaving me with more space to work with in terms of... well... anything, really. What kind of runes would even work on shaky ground? Dirt couldn't hold anything beyond the basic types of runic arrays. Anything more complex than a three-layered circuit would blow up instantly from the strain. I could maybe run- wait... why not just do that?The charcoal streaked across the outskirts of the pa
Last Updated: 2021-12-25
Chapter: CV.II Cotangent
*ruummbbllee...*The sound of a sputtering engine echoed from behind me as I drew up yet another set of circles on the board. While I kind of put the general purpose of the massive multi-circuit array at the back of my head, I really should try and solidify that stuff properly before making the main control array, shouldn't I...'Good thing you remembered that, Master.'I grumbled through the dull pain I was feeling at my knees as I focused myself back on the doodle that was supposed to be a defense system for the palace grounds. It was far too small of a circle, now that I thought about it. The size of the drawing did little to help me ascertain the types of circuits that I drew on it in the first place. Squinting even further, it felt as if I was reading my own handwriting from how jumbled and nonsensical it all looked with hindsight.
Last Updated: 2021-12-24
Chapter: CV.I Cotangent
Plans upon plans upon plans. I feel like I'm repeating myself whenever I say that I'm obsessed about things going right, and if not, to have plans to be able to properly react to the failure. Fool-proofing something small was easy. Doing it again for something on the scale of a war, however, was a completely different beast. The number of variables at play, hundreds to even thousands of moving parts to look over and take into account. The time, the weather, morale, even individuals that might have other ideas and could stray from the plans put into place... It was so much to think about that hours or even days of pouring over the relevant information wouldn't be enough to take everything into account into one's plans. And even if you think you somehow managed to achieve this impossibility, there will always be something so monumentally out of left field that could just absolutely destroy any and all plans along with its sub plans and
Last Updated: 2021-12-23
Chapter: Interlude XXXIX: Grigori
GRIGORI⬛⬛⬛*RRRRRUUUMMBBLLEEEE!!!! RRRRUUMMBBLEEEE!!!*"What's wrong, Lord Stone?! Finally getting tired in your old age?!"Grigori grumbled in annoyance as he found himself standing his ground in his self-made fortress. Truth be told, the former Prime expected his fight to be over over ten minutes ago. However, he severely underestimated his enemies' hidden tenacity and downright stubbornness."I'm just getting started, kid!" he boisterously replied. "I'm far from being done!"Still, even as he said those words, Grigori was beginning to feel more tired than he initially expected. His reserves were starting to run dry from the constant back and forth that the combined forces of Lords Breeze and Inferno were throwing at him. And that's not to mention the current
Last Updated: 2021-12-22

The Runaway is a Politician's Daughter
Contract Marriage
Dark Romance
Forbidden Love
Hate to Love
Struggling novelist Athena Morrison once thought life had nothing left to offer her. Living a reclusive lifestyle and trying to make ends meet while trying to make a name for herself as an author, she certainly had it hard enough. Coupled with extreme bouts of depression and constant threats with running from her dark past however, one can only go so far before something snaps. So in one stormy evening, plagued by the demons of her own making, she planned on ending it all.Before she was stopped by some unsuspecting maintenance crew.A fateful encounter, if she were to describe it. Change was coming to her life. Perhaps it was time to stop running, to try and take hold of her own destiny. A lot of things were happening in this city, money changing hands, deals being made; politics were being played and power constantly in flux. And while change is something to be feared, it was also something to be excited about. Athena only hoped that it was for the better.Bug me on Discord: https://discord.gg/NZA6JunBug me on Twitter: @FriedMokou
Completed · 10.2K views
Chapter: Extra: A Collection of Poems
Extra I: No MotiveWracked with fear, I stood still,Gazing endlessly into the void.Eyes dull and uninterested,Contemplating what I will.I fear my own mind, question my sanity.Am I insane or merely delusional?You may know, but I never will.I'll never escape my vanity.Staring down the precipice of darkness,Swarmed by thoughts of ending it all.I fought valiantly for what seemed like an eternity,Clinging to whatever shred of reason for happiness.Dangling on the edge of my limit,My conviction
Last Updated: 2020-08-31
Chapter: The Flow of Time
A vision from the distant past, an intrepid detective and her unlikely partner...A tale of crime and wits, Project Name: Noire⬛⬛⬛A beige coated woman walked the dimly lit concrete ports of the city, a flashlight in hand as brown eyes scanned her surroundings. The damp docks of Riverside surely stank with seawater, but it was where she was based, and thus she had to live with it."Heeeyy~ Found anything, Liz?~" A young woman in a white coat waved at her from the other side of the pier, her childish tone hiding what was undoubtedly the most intelligent mind she had ever come across. "I want to have some fun already~"Sadistic brat.With the same annoyed expression she sported ever since her reluctant return to active duty, the detective waved back at the black-haired woman. With her flashlight, Liz motioned the youngest coroner to ever work in this city to her location, her lips parting as if she still had the ability to speak."Okaaayyy~ Be right there in a sec!~"Sighing to herself,
Last Updated: 2020-08-31
Chapter: XIII Epilogue
Time moves forward. And while this tale slowly comes to an end, their story continues to unfold behind the scenes...⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛It's been a month and a half since that fateful day. A month and a half since that unassuming maintenance guy saved her from her own demise. Ever since then, Aletheia has begun to acclimatize once more to a rather, lavish lifestyle than the year and a half that she spent on the run.Not only have you acclimatized, you've already excelled~Oh shut up. She can still live off of instant ramen and chump change just fine should the need arise.Says the girl that now spends over a thousand drachma a day on food alone~The novelist chuckled to herself at the thought as she saved another word document on her laptop. Well, she was quite a hefty spender back then no? You blew a whole talent for every arcade session. You're more than a hefty spender~Come now.. Well, she did do that back in the day huh.You're clearly cut out for a lavish lifestyle~She stifled a yawn as
Last Updated: 2020-08-31
Chapter: XII.II Ending Ceremony
"Lady Mendel, I propose one more bid."Hoho~ What does he have up his sleeve to be this bold?~Aletheia's eyes widened as Eremes began his opening gambit, his left hand holding his smartphone as he stared at Mother dead in the eye. What was he planning?"An interesting proposal Mr. Patillo." Mother humored, her tone clearly not taking his offer seriously. "While we both know that you have nothing in terms of bargaining power, I'll humor you, just this once." A dangerous game, he's playing, no?Far too dangerous for her liking. Sweat trickled down her lightly make-upped cheek as Mother leaned closer to the repairman, both hands clasped under her chin as a sickly sweet smile masked the malice hidden underneath. The novelist's hands trembled in her lap as she hoped to god that Eremes knew what he was doing."Okay.." The man in front of them began as he fiddled with the phone in his hand. "I have here, a recording of everything that happened here on this rooftop that Wednesday night." Wh
Last Updated: 2020-08-30
Chapter: XII.I Ending Ceremony
Time moves forward...⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛"Where do you think you're going, Patillo?!" A deep booming voice shouted at him as he buttoned up his brown rented suit. "I've already told you-""I need to go to the rooftop now, Boss." Eremes ground out, his one hand already on the elevator panel as his boss refused to let him go. "After that, I'll be out of your hair forever.""You no longer have the authority to even board this elevator, Patillo!" Basco shouted as his one hand stopped the elevator door from closing. "I want you out of my hotel, right now!"Unemployment was the least of his worries as he took another glance at his wristwatch. Damn it, he needed to be on that rooftop by eight or he'll miss his last chance to get Athena back! "C'mon, boss!" Eremes pleaded, trying to avoid things getting a tad too physical. "Just this once-""One last chance, Patillo." The burly man spat, his patience clearly wearing thin. "Leave the premises, before I throw you out myself."Taking another glance at hi
Last Updated: 2020-08-29
Chapter: XI.V Midnight Auction
"Athena?"Peeking behind her disheveled hair, the hunched-up daughter struggled to hide her surprise as a familiar voice called out to her old name. Hopeless eyes feasted as the comforting familiarity of the repairman's visage eased the threatening abyss inside her. Eremes? What was he still doing here?Don't get your hopes up."Take us to the ground floor, Mr. Patillo." Mother stated still in front of her, anger audibly bubbling beneath the faux politeness. "I do expect that you won't fail even that.""Yes ma'am."The elevator lurched, before slowly beginning its descent back down towards the cold unforgiving ground. Aletheia merely kept to herself, hoping that if she made herself small enough, Mother wouldn't notice her presence. Useless."H-Hey-""Don't you dare talk to me, Mr. Patillo." The frightened child recoiled at her mother's tone, learned instincts taking over rationality as the older woman berated his once companion. "You had but a single order, and yet you chose to disob
Last Updated: 2020-08-29
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