Inonge Mitchie
Novels by Inonge Mitchie

Bella is a retired assassin who is kidnapped by a secret organization responsible for creating a dangerous role playing simulation video-game called OutLive. A game that she finds herself playing alongside a few others who she must work together with to complete a series of savage missions in order to make it to the very end and not only walk away with the grand prize of $10 million but also with her life that is greatly threatened because should she die in the game then she dies in real life as well.
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Chapter: It's just business
Bella’s body was taken down to the morgue and was laid on one of the very steel beds she had seen all of her fellow players lying on after they had been eliminated from the game and were dead. Her skin still had some life in it but in her head was a bullet hole with the bullet still lodged in her brain. Lying there cold and motionless like she wasn’t so full of life just a moment ago. She was absolutely shattered by the deaths of her fellow players; deaths she was made to believe were real, but in the end she found out that none of them were really dead. They had died in the game and that was it. They were all still very much alive and had even been taken home but there she lay dead. She had survived all sorts of monsters in the game only to succumb to a bullet to the head and it was a sight that Sue and Den were never going to forget for as long as they lived. Upstairs Mr. Kingman was in his office seated at his table with Shane standing in front of it with his eyes red and his heart
Last Updated: 2022-08-18
Chapter: Oh my gosh
Bella made it all the way to the top and opened the door that led out onto the rooftop. It was storming outside and so there was lightning flashing and thunder roaring in the darkened clouds above, and making it out of the door she started crawling herself to the middle of the helipad; literally using the last little bit of strength she had left. “Come on girl, come on!” a group of boys watching on a laptop urged her on as they jumped up and down like popcorn popping in a hot pan. Bella crawled on. Suddenly SPLAT! She fell to her stomach and didn’t just cough out black blood she vomited it, as some of the viewers threw their hands to their heads and the others threw them over their mouths. They all stopped jumping up and down and went so quiet you could hear a pin drop as they just stood there with their hearts in their mouths, pounding like speakers at a night club. Bella had just dropped to the floor of the rooftop and wasn’t moving. She was looking like she wasn’t even breathing.
Last Updated: 2022-08-11
Chapter: Let's finish this thing
Bella stood as slight defeat came over her face. The other floors were bad but this one was really bad. She miraculously made it through the other floors but she didn’t think she was going to make it through this one. Not only did it have the most creatures on it but she only had her knives to go up against them, there was no way she was going to survive. Also her body went on deteriorating as the virus multiplied inside her even more and so she wasn’t at her best, she had fought a good fight but it was very much beginning to look like that was where her good fight was going to meet its end. Bella was tough, there was no doubt about that but even she wasn’t that tough.“Oh no, oh my gosh,” a girl watching on a laptop with her brother said with her hands over her mouth and with tears beginning to build in her eyes. She was so close she had to make it. She just had to.Her body was on the verge of shutting down but still she kept going. She had tapped into her reserves and those reserve
Last Updated: 2022-08-10
Chapter: That's cheating
The super soldiers came at her with everything they had. They not only swung their huge fists at her with impressive speed but they grabbed tables and threw them at her and CRASH! They shattered against the walls. Fists and boots came at her but swiftly she dodged them. She knew that the way they took the general down in level 7 was the way she was going to have to take the super soldiers down, by smashing their heads and so that was what she did. She managed to land one of her MMA moves on one of the super soldiers and CRASH! Its head smashed on the floor. Bella then ran towards the other one and stepping on the edge of one of the tables, she gave it a flying kick to its neck. The soldier staggered back and tripping over a chair, CRASH! Its head smashed into the wall and the viewers cheered. With how aggressive they were throwing their punches and the tables at her, it wasn’t certain that she was going to make it but she did, and it made Mr. Kingman want to pull his hair out. He was
Last Updated: 2022-08-09
Chapter: Ugh for crying out loud
Bella made it into Rex Building, sliding across the shiny marble white floor of the foyer, and turned back to the army of zombies that was behind her. She had her guns up ready to shoot them if they broke through the glass and continued coming at her but they didn’t; all they did was scratch and bang at the glass as they hissed, moaned and snarled on.“Oh my gosh, they’re going to break in and tear her apart,” a boy watching on his phone said.“Move girl, them things is going to break in and feast on your hot self,” a man watching on his TV said. “Move it.”The building foyer was completely empty. There was nothing in it but a front desk and an elevator, and seeing that the zombies could not get into the building Bella then got back up onto her feet and began walking backwards towards the elevator: it was the only place she could go.Bella reached the elevator and pressed the button, and the moment she did, she took a few steps away from it and stood with her arms spread out; pointing
Last Updated: 2022-08-08
Chapter: Game over
“Players of OutLive, congratulations for making it to the final level, welcome to level 12,” Lora’s voice said and the viewers had butterflies the size of bats flying around in their tummies; with what a roller coaster of emotions the game had had them on they couldn’t wait for it to be over. “The final stretch, oh my gosh I am so freaking nervous,” a man watching on a TV with his brother said. “Bella’s winning this right?” “Oh absolutely,” his brother answered. “If she doesn’t win we’re going to boycott the game.” “Damn right.” They gave each other a high five and listened on. “Oh my gosh the grand finale, so nerve wrecking,” a girl watching on her phone said. “I just know one of them is not going to make it, I just know it.” “In this level you are a two soldiers of an elite tactical unit and your mission is to reach the helipad of the Rex building where you will be extracted from via helicopter by the rest of your unit. If any of you die along the way then you will be eliminated
Last Updated: 2022-07-31

Mia finds her world turning completely upside down when a day before her wedding she is transported back in time to the 16th century and pulled into the world of scallywags, swashbuckling and hidden treasures. She is told of her task by the Time Keeper and must complete it before the time allocated to her runs out and it causes a glitch in time that could open forbidden portals and bring forth a destruction that could lead to the end of the world.
Completed · 1.8K views
Chapter: Mia Dalhamavaughn Krenan
The following day came and it was her wedding day. Mia and Peter exchanged vows and it was a beautiful celebration; a colourful beach wedding with all the guests gushing at how cute they were and looked together. They both said ‘I do’ and they were announced husband and wife, and as they moved into each other to share their first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Krenan the guests ululated for them. Night fell and the reception was held and in one of the hotel’s halls the bride and groom enjoyed the night with their friends and family; drinking, dancing and just having themselves a good time. Early morning came and as Mia and Peter were in bed sleeping, a sound came from the living room of their honeymoon suite; the sound of footsteps, there was someone walking around in their suite. Mia opened her eyes and lifted her head off the pillow to get a better listen but the moment she did the sound of the footsteps stopped. She then looked behind her to see if Peter was the one who was out there becaus
Last Updated: 2022-09-02
Chapter: I love you dad
Capt. Jules dipped his hand into Capt. Zedarh’s inner jacket pocket and pulled out the missing piece. “I win,” he said and pulled his sword out of Capt. Zedarh’s chest and kicked him back. He then quickly walked up to Mia who was still on the ground, now with streams of tears running down her face. He reached her and looking down at her like he did before he then held his hand out to her. Mia looked down at it and then back up at him and grabbed it, and he pulled her up to her feet. “Oh my . . . Look at you . . . You look like my mother . . . You look exactly like her,” he said and gave a faint smile. “What is your name?” “Mia,” she answered. “Mia Dalhamavaughn.” His smile grew wider as his dead eyes began to tear up. “You bear her name was well.” More tears ran down Mia’s face; he looked nothing like he did in the photos her mother showed to her but the connection was still there and it was strong. “Here, take this, there’s not much time left,” he said and handed the piece over
Last Updated: 2022-09-02
Chapter: No, you have to stop it
Mia went on searching Capt. Zedarh’s cave of treasures for the missing piece of Galagus’s hands of time but it was nowhere to be found. She looked from pile to pile but there was no sign of it. Just then a strange feeling came over her and she stopped for a moment and looked into herself. She felt not like herself; like she had to remind herself that she was her. She then touched her face and her body to feel if it was still her, and looked down at her hands; there wasn’t a clear difference but there was something different about her and she could feel it like the clothes on her body. “Uh Dalagus?” she called out to him. “Yes Mia,” Dalagus responded; with him and the others still holding the hands of time apart. “I uh . . . I think something’s wrong.” “Yes and we’re trying to fix it. Find the piece quickly Mia, the world is wasting away, we don’t have much time. Hurry!” “No, with me, I think there’s something wrong with me.” “What do you mean?” “What’s going on Dalhamavaughn, fi
Last Updated: 2022-08-27
Chapter: Just in case
The fight between the living and the dead carried on as Capt. Zedarh popped up from behind his men and fought Mia one on one; their swords clinking here and there as they tried to get each other, as her crew went on fighting the others, stabbing them in their dead flesh and shoving, kicking and even punching them over the side of the walkway. Capt. Zedarh was the most feared pirate in the waters, his mere name sent shivers down people’s spines, he commanded three ships at the same time which meant that he had three times the crew and three times the chance of winning any clash and that was who she was fighting? If it wasn’t for the Dalhamavaughn blood that ran through her veins she wouldn’t have stood as strong as she did. Capt. Jules was an excellent swordsman and those skills were the ones she used to match up to Capt. Zedarh’s, which were just as excellent. Which was why the fight they had five years ago took so long and ended up claiming both of their lives, because they were equa
Last Updated: 2022-08-20
Chapter: Someone did cross the glitch
Mia and her crew reached the coast of the island and managed to flag down a cargo ship and all the way back to the cave of time they went, as the thunder roared on and the green lightning flashed on in the stormy skies. They had gone back to rescue the others that had been caught by the trolls spit balls and so their number was back up; with each one of them shaken to their bones over what was going on. Some damage had clearly been done but the question was what was the extent of said damage? Was it something that they could be able to turn around or was what was happening a done deal? Only time would tell. They reached the stone platform in the middle of the ocean and because the storm was more on the calmer side than it was the wilder side, they managed to reach there with no trouble at all. The ship came to a stop and Mia and Mr. Bear made their way down the staircase and then the walkway to the cave of time as the rest remained on board. They were the ones that had been summoned b
Last Updated: 2022-08-13
Chapter: Everyone stay perfectly still
Mia and her crew managed to escape the bats, with no one else succumbing to being eaten, and continued trying to find their way out of the cave and back onto real ground; turning left and right through another network of tunnels and coming to another cave, a much smaller one this time, with large roots poking out of one side of the walls, large roots they quickly began to climb as they led up to their way out, a big hole in the ground. They made it out and they were back in the forest; looking in all directions to make sure there was no creature anywhere near them to attack them. “Does anyone see anything?” Mia asked as they looked on. “No, it’s clear this way,” Capt. Grovergane answered. “It’s clear this way too,” Capt. Mohlenar said. “I think we’re in the clear . . . For now,” Mathew said. “Alright, we keep making our way to the coast,” she said. “To flag down a ship and return home?” Capt. Mohlenar asked. “If by home you mean going to see the time keeper and telling him that
Last Updated: 2022-08-05
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