Novels by Sam

The Butterfly
How do you feel about life? Is it the purpose? Is it because everything must have a purpose? Explore the deep character of a creature, in search of the meaning of life. Commander Tatiana and her team explore the deepest parts of the Andromeda Galaxy.
"From that moment, my existence became purposeless. I had no reason to exist. I started wandering around, going from one-star system to another without any objective. There were no directives in my command-level database so shutting myself down was impossible. I also could not simply jump into a star which would cause self-destruction because my self-preservation directive was still in place. So, my main objective became to observe the remaining organic species from a distance. Most organic species used to avoid me. I always threw a ping at the passing ships but as Yolin once said, it would be very “Organic” to be “afraid” of a 10km long sentient starship that has weapons which can destroy a planet. I however didn’t know the concept of fear. I had a directive not to harm organics, so I had to follow them. Fear is not in my database."
Maybe you can find the deeper meaning of those words. What starts with a simple exploration journey, becomes something more.
Ongoing · 1.8K views
Chapter: The Festival (The Celebration)
The butterfly was restarted and as per Sam's request, it stopped its wings to flap around. The only thing it did was made an enormous foghorn-style sound which nearly deafened the technicians around 3 miles radius. Sam was inside of the butterfly when it started its massive 8 reactor cores. it was amazing to see the restarting sequence of a beast, also Sam felt very small, the ingenious and advancement of the species did not save them from just simply Vitamin deficiency.The Settlement Festival was a 7 days long celebration. For the first couple of days, people had to eat field rations to signify the struggles of the first people who settled on the land. The slow and consistent humming of the machine's interior made Sam a bit annoyed, but he kept it to himself. He then went to the bridge, where the chair was awaiting him. The bridge of the butterfly was a cold and dark place, the temperature was around 2 degrees Celcius. Sam wore his winter dress. He sat there and touched the com pane
Last Updated: 2022-10-05
Chapter: The Festival (A mindgame)
Sam sat down on his bed, it was harder than his bed on the ship, the reason was, his bed was made of stacks of books and journals and a bedsheet covered it. He took out a book from underneath the bed, it was about xeno-biology. Slowly, he opened the book and saw some hazy doodling on it."It can't be!" he exclaimed. His hand was shaking and his eyes were wide open. He was searching for something. He then stood up and opened another book, this time, it was about the history of the UEC."No!" he was upset by the fact that the book was hazy and strangely written. The butterfly asked why was he very upset about it."Look, I can imagine things way better than anyone else, I can visualize things, imagine things and make connections better than all the fat cats like the captain Probir and Cohen. This room, you are seeing? It's my visualization, it's my imagination. Trust me, if I see a book is hazy, I will know that something is definitely wrong," he desperately tried to open the closed wind
Last Updated: 2022-10-04
Chapter: The Festival
While emotionally involving someone or something can be gratifying, the practical implication of it was problematic. As per Cohen's request, the Butterfly was involved in the party, but how would it participate at the party was a major concern. The engineers and technicians repaired its wings. The actuators were worn off, but some of the actuator fluids were only available in the largest shipyards and they were used for deep crust mining robot arms. The fluids the creators of the butterfly used were very alien, but one thing it had was an ability to self-replication, in the UEC space self-replicating technology is very controlled, but not outright banned. The philosophy of the UEC was "if we ban things, we won't know enough to safely use them."UEC ship, H.M.S. Alan Turing was assigned to go to the Earth after the settlement festival. Captain Probir volunteered to stay with the main team, to "cheer the colonists" however deep down, his motivation was to oversee the construction of the
Last Updated: 2022-09-30
Chapter: The Festival
After the difficult landing, the Butterfly was temporarily shut down. It was ready to accept whatever service the UEC engineers and technicians could render to help its wings. However, the works never stopped on the planet RA. 2 massive tractor beam emitters held the massive Dimensional Displacement Gateway above the planet. The problem was that in space, nothing is stationary, so the long tractor beams which were rotating with the planet's rotations exert an enormous amount of energy, it's like attaching something to a rope and swinging. To overcome this, the UEC engineers created a shield bubble which effectively lowered the weight of the massive gateway and made the structure a rigid part of the planet.The colonists were getting ready to start their new life. The process might sound very romantic, but from a logistical point, it was a nightmare. The minerals, mined from the moon and refined by H.M.S. Isambard Kingdom Brunel were turned into construction materials, especially metal
Last Updated: 2022-09-28
Chapter: A Difficult Landing.
Lieutenant Jeremy took my helm to guide me to land on the RA. A massive task for me, because I was built to survey planets while being in the orbit of the planet. I was not worried about the hull damage, but during my flights with my creators, one scientist told my commander not to land in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, because the exhaust plasma can burn up the atmosphere. I mentioned it to the engineer who took care of my wing. He set up a cooling adapter to my exhaust port that cooled down the hot plasma and recycled it into liquid helium and hydrogen. Later those hydrogen and helium would have been transported to human facilities where hydrogen was used in energy generations helium was used for scientific experiments.I was ready to glide down. My helm officer Jeremy was there, guiding me, he was a very talented pilot. He was born in space, from age 7, he started space capsule racing and at the age of 18, he won the United Formula-S championship. He was perhaps the most experienced p
Last Updated: 2022-09-26
Chapter: Childhood, maybe?
When Sam was gone, Tatiana invited T'Mera into my bridge and they wanted to test my new upgrades, and for the first time, I had a drive that could jump 70 lightyears. The geostationary orbital height of the planet was very busy because of how many ships were unloading their populations on the planet. Especially the civilian ships were very busy. Shuttles were zipping around the massive cruisers and around my wings to get to their destinations."Let's go somewhere interesting. Let's go to the ringworld we've found around 300 lightyears away. You need 5 jumps to go and then we will be there," T'Mera said to me. She was not very anxious to be on a ship with an experimental drive. So, I asked her, "Aren't you just a little bit curious?""Nope, I trust you," replied T'Mera. Truly, I had a hard time processing the idea of trust. It was a very organic thing. So, I stopped thinking about it and plotted the course to the ringworld."Drive core engaged," a noise came to my ear. Really? Did the
Last Updated: 2022-09-22