Novels by Natashia_Lou

Shadow On The Eyes
What did Sam find out? What do the horrific nightmares mean? Whose shadow does he keep seeing?
After trying to hold on to his sanity that was lost along with his wife and child, Sam pushes himself into writing a new book based on the story of William, a young boy who haunts him day and night in Sam's newly purchased home. All the while the townspeople are looking down on him for not farming the land where the house is located, Sam discovers a mystery of abuse, accusations, and secrets.
Ongoing · 3.9K views
Chapter: update notice
Unfortunately, I got very sick in early 2023, and in October of 2023, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma type cancer. I have finished chemo, and it is officially in remission (yay! thank the Lord). I will be updating soon, hopefully, as my energy returns. I want to finish my stories and continue others soooo badly, it is driving me crazy! I am soo sorry for the lack of updating, and keeping in touch. I hope everyone is well and I look forward to writing for you again soon. Please be patient and thank you for waiting on me, I promise to hurry!
Last Updated: 2024-05-26
Chapter: Kaleidoscope
With a brick in hand and the full intention of breaking the damned window, I stood there frozen and unable to rationalize what I had just experienced. Was there really some bastard that had broke into my home and mocked me, or was it just another delusional dream, and I was about to wake up soaked like I had pissed myself yet again? The innocent black kitten continued to bat around a small paper ball, oblivious to my staring inside. I dropped the brick. The sound of it hitting wet wood on the deck was loud enough to echo, and the sound reached inside, making the kitten bounce on all fours before he ran to hide under my recliner. Turning, I ran down the steps to the front yard, almost sliding on my ass, drenched and feeling the coldness of wet clothes. But, of course, no one was there when I spun in circles looking around me. “WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT?” I had yelled loud enough that my voice cracked, but I knew if an intruder was there or not, no one would really answer
Last Updated: 2023-02-22
Chapter: Locked Out
The little furball and I headed back to the house, and heavy rain started hitting the windshield. I was carefully driving but prayed the little thing wouldn’t make the ride difficult by suddenly jumping on the dash or climbing my face. Luckily, that didn’t happen, but the rain was coming down harder when I parked out front of the house. Making a plan, I stuffed the kitten in my hoodie the best I could and grabbed the bags before darting out the door and up to the house. After fidgeting with the keys, I was able to get in. I still managed to get soaked a bit, and the kitten wasn’t too happy either. “I’ll get your poop box set up first and then change,” I said out loud to fill the silence in the house. I put it in the spare room until I could move the desk in there. The kitten seemed grateful to relieve itself, and I left it alone to get out of my wet clothes. I had just pulled my shirt on after drying my hair when I heard scratching noises and loud banging outside. The kitten w
Last Updated: 2023-01-08
Chapter: Recognizing Truth
When I got to my driveway finally, I noticed two large boxes and a package of blinds thrown next to the mailbox. I figured they’d leave it there. I hated getting things by post. The shit either came up missing or was delivered, ripped, smashed, and plain old snooped through. Seriously, how can we not notice a hole torn in the corner or a flap of plastic ripped off? When I pulled up to the house, having taken my time driving along the field, I decided to fix the door to the shed. It was hanging loose again. Grabbing everything from the truck and trying to balance it with one hand, I unlocked the front door and went in. Setting the boxes down, I looked around, and nothing seemed out of order, so I went back outside. The sun, fighting through incoming clouds, was still a ways away from setting, so it gave me plenty of time. With the small toolbox from the back of the truck, I walked toward the shed. The door had shut again, but as I got closer, it moved. I watched it for a moment
Last Updated: 2023-01-08
Chapter: Still No Luck
I felt the same confusion the young officer did when he asked, “Assault, sir?” Frank grinned and held up his hand, showing bloody knuckles where he punched Ron, “Yes, officer Tigs, assault. His face assaulted my hand.” The young officer, Tigs, just nodded and looked back at his desk before he started writing. Ron spat blood onto the floor and seemed calmer when he said, “Ha! Good hit, Frank. Always easy when someone can’t defend themselves, but you WOULD know all about that, wouldn’t you?” Frank quickly turned and went back for more, giving Ron a couple more punches to the face. I wanted to stop him. His beating on the guy seemed a little excessive and unprofessional. “Put him in solitary confinement for a week, and add threat and destruction of property to the charges. Maybe he’ll learn to keep his mouth shut then,” Frank said once he was done pummeling the knocked-out Ron. I looked at Buck's face, and there was amusement at Frank's actions. This wasn’t a place for law enfo
Last Updated: 2023-01-08
Chapter: Pointless Inquiry
In a small building complex, very close to the Sunny Field Market, was the local police station coupled with a fire station and a small courthouse. Unlike larger cities, where you’d find them separated and imposing their position, this small complex served as a multifunctional beacon of enforcement and reliance for the town. I prepared myself for what I would ask as I pulled into the parking lot. Sometimes, we can get the most profound answers with the simplest questions. It’s human nature to share, boast and be informative, and to sound important and knowledgeable. I grabbed a pad of paper and a pen before getting out and opening one of the double glass doors to the sheriff's department. A bell jingled when I walked in and up to the front desk, much like Sunny Motel's desk. However, behind it, the room was open with several desks holding computers and at the back, behind a glass partition, was the sheriff's office. “Can I help you?” a woman said, standing up from the desk. I no
Last Updated: 2023-01-08

Catching the Wind
“Look at the ground! Those are yer brothers, yer kin, the men who have fought by yer side since day one! Must ye keep this up? Must ye hold to the false words of a deviant King?” ~Captain Bartholemue Nikolas Wingsward
Saving a dragon, fighting a battle, and dealing with a drunk witch was never ment to be easy for Nikolas. If you add in a misplaced woman from the future, you can never guess what's going to happen next.
Ongoing · 1.6K views
Chapter: Clean Open
Besides the rare utterings from Hagthoria as she bad mouthed Ally in her sleep, no other noise except soft snores and crackling embers filled the small camp. All of them were exhausted, but relieved, the battle had ended. The sun rose quickly, shining off the cool dew that blanketed the leaves and clung to their cloths by the fire. Vermanious was already awake, still in the form of a horse, munching on the sweet wet grass while Nikolas woke. Getting up, he walked over to where the old man was. “Goodmorn” he said stretching, looking through the trees at the sun peeking through. “Yes, it be right nice, though the cool nights will be getting longer soon.” Vermanious responded between chewing the vegitation. Nikolas just looked at him and laughed softly, as he patted his neck. “Never is it easy to be seeing ye like this and watchin ye speak old man.” Nikolas said nervously. The horse bobbed its head, “Trust, tis even funnier when the old witch and I be getting to the pub, I dare s
Last Updated: 2022-10-12
Chapter: By the Fire
Ally covered her smile and walked over to her horse. She had trouble when leaving the castle earlier, she had never mounted a horse on her own. “Let me help ye lass.” Nikolas said coming up behind her. She nodded, facing the saddle. “What made ye change yer mind?” He asked quietly. “I’m not sure. It’s crazy to think all the movies I’ve seen never prepared me for what this world is really like. Knowing that, it probably helped to change my mind. I will have to return home someday, but for now, without a job to go back to, I will just consider this a vacation, sort of.” She responded as he lifted her at the waist. Ally pulled herself up and looked down at Nikolas when she was seated. “Are you mad I stayed? Do you think I am crazy for staying?” She said smiling gently. He shook his head no in response. “What I be thinkin lass, is nothin to do with ye stayin or goin.” He was trying to hide his desire for her. Grabbing her small waist and lifting her up put images in his h
Last Updated: 2022-10-07
Chapter: On Their Way
“Well are ye ready lad?” He said watching Caspian who was now looking down at the field. “Umm..where’s Ally?” He asked turning to Nikolas. “Did she not say her farewells to ye last night lad? Did ye forget?” He responded walking over to the edge. “No, she didn’t say a word to me she wouldn’t be joinin us. She only asked how I was feelin and what would be the first thing I be doing when I can fly. There was nothin else.” Caspian said looking over at the castle. “I be not sure why she didn’t give her farewells then. She plans on waitin around for them to send her back, I’m sorry lad. She did say she will be missin ye though.” Nikolas relayed the words, not understanding why Ally didn’t say goodbye to Caspian. “I be figurin as much, she be nothing but a selfish devil, best she be goin back soon.” Hagthoria commented while she eavesdropped on their conversation. “Hush, old woman. She has a right to be wantin to return home, we cannot blame her for that.” Nikolas said, glancing
Last Updated: 2022-10-05
Chapter: Appearance Request
His words sat heavy her heart. “I cannot tell you what kind of experience this has been for me. I still am trying to believe this is not a dream. I appreciate everything everyone's done, in their own way, to make me feel accepted. It breaks my heart to leave Caspian, he’s like the little brother I’ve never had.” Ally said, feeling at loss on how to react. “I am sure he will be missin yer company, tis certain.” Nikolas responded, feeling suddenly awkward. “And..I will miss him too.” She wasn’t sure what else to say. “I, ehm..am sure the rest of them will miss ye as well.” He almost let out that he would miss her, but he didn’t want to appear desperate. Ally nodded and stared at him. If he begged her to stay at that very moment, she knew she would say yes. “Umm..I do have a question that’s been bugging me. Why does Caspian need his parents so he can learn to fly? I mean, isn’t it as simple as flapping his wings?” Ally never had the chance to ask, so with the short silence bet
Last Updated: 2022-10-04
Chapter: Time to Part
Nikolas could understand where his friend was coming from. The loss of a loved one was never easy to move past. He was hopeful that Cutterson taking over the new Kings army would give him reason to live. “Ye cannot be blamin ye self, brother. The person responisible will be rotten in the dungeon until her last breath. Y can be sure of that. Now, I need ye to drag yer self back up proper. Those men need a good captain and I cannot think of another who has more reason to keep going forward then ye.” Nikolas kept his words convincing. The biggest fear he had was that Cutterson would reach a depressive state and take his own life. Nikolas had seen it happen too many times amongst the men. Being far from home, away from a dying loved one. No way to see them. “The captain is right. Ye be best for this. It will give ye a purpose.” Barreth commented, not sure how else to help convince him. Cutterson asked that they give him time to think on it more before the morning. It was already lat
Last Updated: 2022-10-02
Chapter: No Mourning
Ally was feeling torn. She wanted to object, and beg them to try, she wanted to go back home. A hot shower with normal body wash and real shampoo was something she missed. Her body wanted a face mask, and to file away the jagged edges that developed on her nails. Her stomach missed a cold beer with fried chicken and she needed a good night's sleep in her own bed, not a hot sweaty back from animal skins. Then thinking about Nikolas, Barreth and Caspian, she had grown close to them in such a short time, how could she leave. What she witnessed on the field below was a piece of history, for someone’s future, probably not even hers. She wanted to see Caspian fly, if she were to ever go home, she wanted to take that kind of memory with her. “I understand, but I really need to get back soon.” She really didn’t, unless you would name off her wants as needs. Other than herself, she didn’t have anyone. No job, no real friends, back in her time. “We understand lass, ye are welcomed to stay
Last Updated: 2022-09-30