
Novels by Marissa



Lance was diagnosed with having a virus. His birthday was on the first so he had just turned eighteen. What a birthday present, getting such a deadly disease, or could it somehow turn into a good thing?
Chapter: Chapter 9
"Hey Eli, I don't exactly know how to control one of those..."My ear piece cackled and I heard Eli's voice."It's easy, just copy what everyone else is doing and if you need help I'll be right in front of you."I stepped onto the platform and rested my arms on the flat poles which I guess wouldn't be a pole since it's flat but whatever. The little green button at the end had on written above it so I pressed it. There was a slight whirring sound as mine and everyone else's helipods started up.I was wondering how exactly we were supposed to fly out of here when there was a roof on the building when I heard a loud creaking noise. I looked up and the roof was actually opening up outward like a double door. It stopped with a boom and the team started lifting off.Since I didn't know how to fly my helipod, I waited till everyone was already out of the building in the air. With my left hand I pressed the one joystick forward and my helipod rose off the ground. I pulled it back and the grou
Last Updated: 2022-11-06
Chapter: Chapter 8
Stupid alarm. With my eyes still closed I reached over to where I had set the alarm on my desk. I couldn't feel it with my hand and just as I opened one eye I managed to knock it to the floor. I heard it break and figured I should get out of bed.I swung my feet off the bed and stood up. A sharp pain shot through my leg and I fell back to the bed. I crossed my legs so I could see my foot. Stuck into my heal was a jagged piece of black plastic. I winced as I gingerly pulled it out and was amazed to see that a whole inch of it had gone into my heel.Dark red blood oozed from the gash on the bottom of my foot. The blood stopped and I stared in fascination as the wound seemed to be disappearing before my eyes. I could almost see the skin re-attaching itself as the wound fully closed.If I wasn't questioning myself before this surely made me do so. Now I knew for sure that there was something different about me. That was part of the reason that I had set my alarm for 4:00 A.M. so I could g
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
Chapter: Chapter 7
I hurriedly ate my breakfast and headed for the door. I wanted to explore the place completely. I jogged down the street heading for the perimeter. Someone had said that the place was about two miles long with the same width.The wall in front of me was about sixty feet high and I could see guards at the top patrolling it so I knew the wall itself was quite wide. I knocked on the wall with my fist. It was concrete and I wondred how it had been put up so quickly. I had only been gone for six days."Who are you?"I felt a knife against my throat and didn't dare move."Lance Pendleton."The knife was removed and I turned to see a guy my age slip the knife into a holder on his belt."Sorry about that but we have to be careful around here. I'm Michael by the way.""Nice to meet you, I guess. Why do you have to be so careful?""In case you were an intruder."I looked at the wall."I don't think anyone can get in this thing easily.""Yeah but in case someone does...""Then what?""We'd kill
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
Chapter: Chapter 6
360 days left. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a big room with stone walls. The one window was covered with wire mesh and there was a small TV in the corner. I was in a strange room. Then everything that had happened yesterday came rushing back.Who were those men in the black combat gear? And why was my mom driving them and wearing the same thing? I got up and tried the door. It was unlocked. I opened it to reveal a long hallway which I started walking down. I had to get some answers. Just then my mom came up the stairs at the end of the hallway."Good morning son! How are you feeling?""I feel fine, but what's going on? Why aren't you wearing a mask?"I gasped and quickly covered my mouth. There was no way I was going to give the virus to my own mother."Lance, it's fine. I'm immune to the virus. In fact everyone here is. Welcome to the fortress!""Immune? You can be immune?""Yes, perhaps I should explain."I nodded."It would be easier to explain while I give you a to
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
Chapter: Chapter 5
"Good morning!"I bolted upright and didn't even see how many days I had left even though I knew it was 361. Lea sure sounded cheerful this morning and I figured I better answer her because sleep was out of the question now."Good morning, Lea. How in the world can you sound so happy? What time is it? Like 5:00?""Seven thirty-four actually!I slapped my forhead and then grimaced at the sharp sting it had caused."Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?""No, I just like my sleep and right now it feels way too early for me.""Oh, you poor baby!""Shut up.""Fine, fine, I just popped by to say good morning and to ask how your test went yesterday."I cringed as I remembered how painful it had been."How do you survive going through that every day?""You get used to it.""I don't think I could ever get used to it."The VD came in carrying a tray and after setting it down he left without a word. What is it with that guy?"Hey Lea, what are you having for breakfast?""Sp
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
Chapter: Chapter 4
362. To some people it's just a random number. To me, it's what I saw when I first woke up. It's how many days I have left. It still seems like a lot but I know that the numbers will keep getting lower and lower.I looked over at my desk and saw that the VD must have been here already. There was a plate of food and I realized that I was really hungry right now. I wolfed down the cereal and buttered my toast and hurriedly ate that as well."Hello? Is anyone there?"I whipped my head around but I didn't see anyone. Maybe I was just hearing things."I guess not."Okay, I definitely had heard something that time. I carefully looked over the room but there was no one in sight. I got up and checked the bathroom but no one was in there and the door that led to the hallway was locked."Life sucks."I knew that no one was in the room and yet I couldn't deny that I was hearing a voice. I shut my eyes and concentrated on listening."I must be the only one."The voice was in my head. I was excite
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
Starship Hellbent

Starship Hellbent

Captain Morgan Gaisler leads the Starship Hellbent Federation on a diplomatic mission. Ashu Vern is a wormhole hunter, earning a living scouring the galaxy. Prince Tzulin, a weirdo alien from a distant galaxy, trying to prove his worth for the throne. The path of these three characters converge as they pursue their own motives.
Chapter: Chapter 6
Levy Alhum stepped into the Excalibur's shuttle bay. It was a vast, mostly empty rectangular space that ran along the bottom of the Exaclibur, spanning most of the length of the ship. The far side opposite the entrance opened directly into a view of stars, only an invisible energy field separated the inside of the bay from the coldness of space. There were four shuttles, two scout ships, and one light combat fighter positioned around the room.Just beyond the upper lip of the bay, Irfan could make out the shape of the Avalon in the distance. Two crew members chatted near a maintenance terminal. Alhum walked towards them."Hello!""Sir." The shuttle attendants broke off their conversation, and faced him."Would one of you be available to take me over to the Avalon?""Absolutely. I assume you're authorized?""Yes—pursuant to my active orders.""Okay." He leaned to type into a nearby console, "Well, what's the purpose of the shuttle for the log.""Just put, meeting with expert on Avalon
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 5
Morgan finished off a bite of steak. "Delicious," he said aloud, mostly to himself, but audible to the the others at the table in the Avalon's dining hall.The room was spacious and classically designed, with wooden tables, carpetting, and chandeliers—unlike anything he had ever seen in Federation ships. There were four other seated at the table with Morgan: the ship's captain, Mariam, Emily, the Federation ambassador to the Catechumen, and two Avalon officers. "Someone could get used to this ship.""Well," Captain Mariam Lancaster smiled, "it's a long trip ahead of us... and you're always welcome aboard.""Thanks for the offer, but once we get moving I should really be on my ship." Morgan chuckled. "I am the Captain, after all.""It's your call to make.""Say," Morgan looked around the dining hall, "I can't help but notice this room. Isn't it a bit much. I mean, for a starship?"Captain Mariam laughed. "I can see why you would say that. But then again, you must be used to military ve
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 4
"Be advised you are approaching Alliance territory. Identify yourself." The voice spoke coldly and matter of factly over the comms. Morgan Gaisler sat in the Excalibur's operations room, flanked by command crew at their stations. He casually tapped at the control panel on the arm rest. A beep indicated the channel opening. "This is Captain Morgan Gaisler of the Starship Hellbent Federation Excalibur. We have been authorized to enter Alliance territory for a joint operation with Alliance Avalon." Another beep indicated the end of transmission. The crew waited patiently for a response. Jorge Rutan, the compliance officer on temporary posting, was fidgeting with his grey uniform. "What's taking so long?" Morgan looked back over his shoulder. "They're just confirming with the Avalon." "It shouldn't take this long." "Relax." Jorge seemed to be growing more nervous. "What if something's wrong? There's a reason we try to minimize contact outside the Federation." "You worry too much
Last Updated: 2022-10-26
Chapter: Chapter 3
Nation/Alliance: Starship Hellbent FederationCaptain: Morgan Gaisler Class: Sabre Class Long Range Defense—MilitaryOperational: 3013 CELength: 90 metersMax. Population: 35 humanoidNon-Humanoid Accomodation: 1 variable environment mixed use deckFloor Area: 1350 square metersDeck/floor count: 4 mixed use, 8 maintenance and restricted access, 1 docking/shuttle bays, 1 variable"Captain Gaisler," Levy Alhum stood and bowed slightly towards Morgan. "It will be a privilege to serve on board the Excalibur."Morgan's office on the Excalibur was sparse. There was a desk and command console, two chairs, and a single potted plant.Morgan nodded to Alhum. "I suppose you'd like to know why I requested your assignment?""I must admit I am a little surprised.""Your powers didn't give you a heads up?" Morgan grinned."It's just that I was under the impression that you didn't appreciate the value of my ability.""That's one way of putting it. To be frank, I don't believe you have any ability—
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
Chapter: Chapter 2
The invading vessels patrolled the skies of Clarion after the initial attack. Ground crews scoured the colony for survivors, spreading like a swarm across the mountains, taking prisoners or killing those who put up a fight. Aaron and the others had holed up in a mine among a small group of colonists. It was a few days before they had been captured, and taken up to one of the invading ships.Aaron now found himself onboard one of the attack ships, pinned down by an energy field within a translucent tube, unable to move his limbs. He felt itchy in various spots where wires and tubes had been surgically implanted, most of them into his head. A large clear tube protruded from his abdomen. Red liquid flowed through another tube that penetrated into his chest on the left side. A tangle of metal wires extended from his skull to a panel on the inside of the tube enclosing his body.He was centered in a large, ornately decorated chamber. Unable to move his head, with his vision obstructed by t
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
Chapter: Chapter 1
Nation/Alliance: Starship Hellbent FederationCaptain: Quinna SheldonClass: Defensive Flagship—MilitaryBuilt: Construction began 2994CEOperational: 3001CELength: 1729 metersMax. Population: 49, 000 humanoidNon-Humanoid Accomodation: noneFloor Area: 612,345 square metersDeck/floor count: 57 mixed use, 40 maintenance and restricted access, 13 docking and/or shuttle baysPlumbing: 1.7 million liters water circulated dailyTransportation: 112 podlifts"Several hours ago we intercepted a general distress call on long range comms." General Quinna Sheldon stood as she addressed the Starship Hellbent Federation Defense Assembly.Several dozen captains, advisers, and academics were gathered in the mission ready room of the Federation, the Hellbent Federation's defensive flagship. The assembly sat along five concentric circles of seats, ascending towards the outer edges of the room like a coliseum. Most seats were filled, a few occupied by holographic avatars of distant participants. A
Last Updated: 2022-10-25
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