Novels by CINDY

He was referred to as George, after the world's most feared assassin.He has no identity or place of origin.up to now.George was his name, which in ancient Greek literature meant "apparition," "phantom," or "ghost."The most feared killer in the world goes by this name.Who he is, where he comes from, what he looks like, or even how to get in touch with him are all unknown.
up to now.
Fagin Ruler has lived in the shadows for 10 years.He has no past, so no one can find him.Certainly not one that could be located.He chose to live his life as a normal person.There was no military or government background to discover.He chose his own targets and remained invisible at all times.He was a nobody with a very special set of skills.He became known as George as a result.
He was nothing.
However, everything has changed now.
George is wanted by someone.
The fact of the matter is that a lot of people want him to die, but someone has found him, and the hunter has become the hunted.
The lonely person is suddenly no longer alone.He must rely on assistance from others.He has a woman he is now responsible for, and his barriers are threatened by feelings for her.The shifts have left him speechless.He is no longer in charge, and people are out to kill him wherever he goes in order to get the $10 million ransom that is now on his head.
Ongoing · 796 views
Chapter: Chapter 7
"Listen, I don't have time for trivial matters.The general public is unaware of this rogue.The Yanks are looking for him, but it doesn't matter what they do.They are not at all subtle.versus me.They blew it right away and sent someone after him."How exactly?"was unable to approach him.Not in the slightest.They are now terrified, though.Had to keep this person out of George's sight in case he tried to find him.“George?”“George.Whoo-oooo-oooo.A terrifying figure."Hastings waved his arms around like a child playing ghost.The Uncertain"He shaken his head.They are concerned that he will locate them.Why are they so afraid of him?"The fool is aware.They need to make a pair and send someone decent after him rather than a jarhead.Because they are so afraid that Sing Sing will discover the person they sent after him, they stuck the liar in Sing Sing to keep him hidden.In real life, I would have put him to death to punish the thief.Hastings was beginning to stumble in his speech.After the
Last Updated: 2022-11-11
Chapter: Chapter 6
I closed my eyes and let the hotel's natural sounds and rhythm relax me as I imagined the various international security agencies.What had changed about each of them to the point where I could cause them embarrassment or difficulty?I would, of course, be embarrassed if my activities were revealed for the majority of them, but that had been the case for years.Not only did I protect myself, but also the organizations for which I worked.I couldn't shame them if I didn't exist.I was a legend.However, Simbine's activation had been triggered by something, so something specific must have occurred.In the worst case, I would have to go through all of my primary contacts one by one.Time would be required.I had been cultivating them for years.Naturally, they were unaware of my identity.Although simple, it had not been easy.As a civil servant, get a low-level, part-time job at a government agency.I would use my credentials to gain access to a more secure location and then just act like I worked
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 5
The biggest smile she had so far was hers.But you wouldn't take it, wouldn't you?Remember, I saved your life."You've mentioned that once or twice, but that does not provide an answer to the question."It's possible, but highly unlikely.They are not in danger from me.She gave me a brief stare.What's the point?I gave it some thought.That was a question I frequently asked myself.When I was younger, I would respond to myself with idealistic notions of justice, world peace, and the like.I no longer had a reason to lie to her or myself.It wouldn't reveal anything about me to her.It pleases me.“Seriously?Is that it?Not even money? No purpose, no major motivation.The first time I hadn't lied to her or challenged me.All was well with this.Obviously, there was more to my motivation than that.My father and the priest were the ones who started it.At the Kung Fu camp, I had some time to consider my options and decided to become a vigilante.I wanted to assist others.But I decided to do somethin
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 4
In shock, my mother sat there with her mouth open.She did not yell.She simply sat there and alternated between me and her deceased husband.Her hands were all over.I focused on her.He was due this.He has raped me in my room weekly for the past six years.He then slapped me around because he was putting the blame on me and wanted to feel better.You were aware of the situation.You said you didn't believe me when I told you, but you knew.I'm sure you knew.She gave a violent head shake, but it wasn't a denial.I just knew, I don't know how I knew that."For what you allowed to happen, you deserve to die.He deserved it for what he did to me, so I killed him to stop him from doing it to anyone else.Living with it is your punishment.You can take your own life if you are a coward.I'm unconcerned.The only thing I require of you is that you notify me at least 24 hours in advance of reporting this.You will never see me again because I am leaving.I need some time to escape.You owe me this for all t
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 3
The interesting thing is that I was unable to locate anything.Although there is nothing to track, I am able to guess which hits are yours.Offering the agreements, instead of ready to be reached is extremely shrewd.I never had time to find you because of this.If someone can get in touch with you, they can find you if they work hard enough, no matter how much security you use.However, no one can reach you.It's a great idea.""So, assuming I'm George, what do you expect from me?"George is not a nickname; rather, it is a title.Because it refers to an apparition or phantom, I understand why it is used.Because you are a ghost, it is clever.But it's just a name.Can't I refer to you by name?I can come up with one or you can give me one."Make one up, and let's keep the theme going."I smiled once more to encourage her.I didn't want to give anything away.Let's call you Fagin then, okay?Thus, you have a variety of skills.There is no pattern to your hits that I believe to be yours.by hand, guns
Last Updated: 2022-10-31
Chapter: Chapter 2
She replied, "Just thought I'd check."No one can say for sure.I mean, I really don't know if you are who I think you are."It's clear that I am not, so you should just let me go right now."That might be a little risky for me, then.Additionally, I have not yet fulfilled my contract.“I see.Is this my contract?"Somebody is.""There is no one else in the vicinity that is within the range of that pistol, is there not?She smiled as she took a look at the gun.Yes, that exists.I seized the chance to slowly stand up.In order to ensure that I could not reach her, she stood and cautiously stepped back.I thought that was very wise, but my shift of position had covered the draw of my own pistol, which was now pointed at her."So, now what?"For the third time, I asked."I knew that button shit was a ruse," she said."You would have shot me if you had done that.""No, no, I still haven't decided if I'm going to."She had not once responded to my gun.She was talking like it wasn't there.It was cl
Last Updated: 2022-10-31

Since Kyle wanted more information, he was curious as to why Jareth was changing the subject.Consequently, you implied that I can and will use magic.How can you be sure?”
"It comes with your title and is in your blood.Despite the fact that it has been suppressed for such a lengthy period of time, it is still present.It is one of the reasons why you must immediately begin training.It will help when you guarantee who you genuinely are.Those who don't know who they are don't like magic.
"You talk about it as if it were alive."
“It is.Magic is alive and well.Although we can learn to work with it, we will never truly have control over it.We can believe that it is within us and allowed it to direct us.At some point, you will have to say who you really are, and when you do, I imagine you will be a powerful magician.
To this, Kyle had no idea what to say.Kyle discovered that he longed for what he had left behind because everything was so strange and new.He thought of many things that would be comforting as they rode on.He envisioned being before the warm fire in Danin and Jane's home.He found that he wanted warm bread and butter that was just made in Jane's kitchen.He recalled Katniss's supple hand and how it felt in his.When she gave him a kiss, he remembered how supple her lips were on his cheek.He nodded off for a split second, felt his eyes close, and almost fell off his horse, he caught himself.
Ongoing · 936 views
Chapter: Chapter 21
“Oh, Griffa, it’s you! Oh, thank goodness. I was so worried about you.” squealed a little, older woman who had just run into the room. She had a white hair pulled up into a messy bun. She had her arms around Clarabefore Kyle knew what happened. She gave Claraa long hug before letting go and looking at her. “Oh, you are such a mess. We must get you cleaned up. I’m guessing you are hungry as well, all of you. Ansel! My dear boy, you are here as well. Come here and give me a kiss.” Jarethwalked over and bent down and kissed the old woman on the cheek. “It is good to see you, Maybell. Might I introduce Kyle to you?”Maybelle went still, her light gray eyes huge. “You were successful then? Is this him, the king? Oh, how good it is to meet you, your majesty.” She dropped a deep curtsey.“Uh, thank you?” faltered Kyle, not sure what to do.“Now, now Maybell, he likes to be called Kyle and doesn’t want to be made a fuss over,” said Clarataking Maybell’s hand and bringing her back up to a
Last Updated: 2023-03-21
Chapter: Chapter 20
“You don’t really think you are a burden to me, do you?” asked Jarethtenderly.Clara Turned her head quickly to Ansel.“I don’t know, maybe. I feel like I was the little sister forced on you when you were almost a man. Then you felt you had to take care of me after your father died.”Clarapaused and closed her eyes. She knew she shouldn’t say what she was thinking, but she couldn’t stop herself. “Then last spring, when, well you know, at the festival, I was afraid I ruined things between us forever,” said Clarasadly. “I never meant to put you in that position.”Jareth Was silent as he turned his eyes from Claraand looked at the fire. Claracould feel her face go warm, and she knew her cheeks were red. She felt like such a fool.“See, I knew it. I knew that is why you stopped coming to see me. I knew that’s why you were gone for so long.” “Griffa,” started Ansel, but she interrupted him.“Oh, if I could just go back and stop myself from drinking too much, or thinking that you could ev
Last Updated: 2023-03-21
Chapter: Chapter 19
“Hello, my lord. It is nice to see you this evening.” She came over and put her arms around Kedan and he smiled at her. He took her hands and brought her in front of him. “You are very beautiful, Teryn. You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, even simply dressed as you are.”“You are too kind.”“It’s true. Come here and look out the window with me.”He led her to the small window. “It’s a wonderful view. The city is so beautiful at night,” said Teryn with a sigh. “It is. Do you see that large house with every window lit up? That is where I grew up. My father and mother are there now with many important guests I suspect. And that house there, that is the Fawner family. They are extraordinarily rich and very influential. They have a pretty daughter about our age. She plays the harp and sings like an angel. And there is that large house to the left; the Quillen’s live there. They actually have the most exquisite twin girls who came of age last year. I went to their
Last Updated: 2023-03-16
Chapter: Chapter 18
Kedan nodded and continued to make notes. “What should I say to him, Golnar?” asked Kedan. He still wasn’t sure of what to make of this man, but Kedan knew he needed help.“Ask him to tell you again why you need to take action in The Great Surrounding. Let him tell you the complete story. Then you can let him know that you know what he is leaving out. Let’s see his reaction to that and go from there.”Kedan nodded, thinking this was good advice. They waited in silence for a bit with the scratching of Kedan’s quill being the only sound in the room. When he was done making notes, he took out a small piece of paper and scratched down one more thing. Then he nodded at Golnar. Williams went to the door and let the guards know that Till could enter. Till entered the room in an agitated state. He looked around and saw Williams and Teryn in the room. “What’s this, my lord? I thought you and I were meeting alone?” asked Till briskly.“Williams is my trusted advisor, and Teryn is my trusted
Last Updated: 2023-03-16
Chapter: Chapter 17
Jareth pushed Claraback lightly with her staff behind his back. She took it from his hands and stepped back. “Back off, or you will find yourself in trouble as well. We have direct orders to take these children. This woman is impeding these orders. She’ll need to come with us too,” ordered the head soldier.“If I back off, I think it’s you who will find trouble. Take my advice and let her be,” said Jarethnot, taking his hand off the soldier. The soldier wrenched his hand free. “We don’t have time for this. Leave or we will have to use force.”“We will not leave until these children are free,” fumed Clarastepping to Ansel’s side. “Let them go now.”“Griffa,” whispered Jarethunder his breath. “Don’t do this; think about kyle. We have to keep him safe.” Kyle was right behind Griffa. He had a hard look on his face, and his eyes were narrowed. “Don’t worry, he will be safe,” said Claracalmly, raising the hood on her cloak. “Ansel, raise your hood and grab kyle; meet me at the entrance
Last Updated: 2023-03-16
Chapter: Chapter 16
“Talk to me about something else, kyle, anything. Tell me about your young woman back home.”“Katniss,” Kyle said automatically.“Oh, so there is a young woman. Good. Tell me about her.”“We’re just friends. Have been almost all our lives”“Friends, huh? Well that’s how things usually start. Go on.”“She is very clever, and she loves to read. She can keep more facts in her head than anyone I know. Her father says she is too smart for her own good. She is kind, but she does have a temper. You do not want to get on her bad sad,” smiled kyle. “She can make you feel like you are the only person that matters when she talks to you, and she is very pretty.“She has really nice blonde hair and light blue eyes. She has the best smile. Her father is the blacksmith, so she was always at the stables with him. We are the same age, so we’ve always been just thrown together.”“She sounds like an interesting young lady, and I like her already. I hope I get to meet her someday.” Clarawas smiling now,
Last Updated: 2023-03-16

As he considered the attack on Atlantis City, Drake's face darkened for a moment, but he shook his head to clear his mind and looked the king in the eye.I can only say that I was going about my business in the city from which I came when it was suddenly bombed.I was, as far as I could tell, the only one who made it through that.After that, I fell down a shaft, struck my head as I fell, and eventually fell asleep.Next thing I knew, I was here in chains.I'd rather keep things that way;I really do not want to discuss my past right now.Everything just went missing.
The observers debated what they had heard as more murmurs and hisses filled the grotto.
"I'm expecting that by 'bombarded' you imply that your city was gone after, right?"The crowd's murmuring was stopped when the king asked.
Shortly after, Drake replied, "Completely leveled."Bastian tapped the high position arm with a claw a couple of times as he suspected peacefully.After that, he stood up straight and spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear.
Bastian stated, "I would easily be able to say you’re not guilty of anything" if this decision were simpler to make.While the crowd erupted into a hystearical commotion, Andromon and Prismo shared a brief glance, displaying a hint of surprise.However, "I'm afraid I can't just let you off the hook, after your involvement with the actual thief's escape," he continued, immediately silencing the grotto.
Ongoing · 1.1K views
Chapter: Chapter 33
The gate in front of Drake’ waiting room was lifted, allowing Draco to walk out and join Bastian in the middle of the arena. His eyes darted down to Drake before returning his gaze to Bastian and uttering a short snort. “It appears we won’t find ourselves with a moment’s respite while Drake is around.”“Indeed,” Bastian agreed. He focused his eyes on Draco. “Can I trust you to carry the lad to the infirmary? Judging by the performance we just witnessed, he will require some rest before he can muster the energy to fight again.”Draco silently dipped his head towards the Dragon King before bending over and gently scooping Drake up in one hand. “You know that we cannot leave him like this. If we don’t make an effort to teach him to control his magic, then--.”“I am aware of what must be done,” Bastian interrupted Draco quietly, his flat tone causing his advisor to fall silent. His tail slapped the ground a few times. “Needless to say, I will be making the necessary preparations for Drake
Last Updated: 2023-03-15
Chapter: Chapter 32
The gate in front of Drake’ waiting room was lifted, allowing Draco to walk out and join Bastian in the middle of the arena. His eyes darted down to Drake before returning his gaze to Bastian and uttering a short snort. “It appears we won’t find ourselves with a moment’s respite while Drake is around.”“Indeed,” Bastian agreed. He focused his eyes on Draco. “Can I trust you to carry the lad to the infirmary? Judging by the performance we just witnessed, he will require some rest before he can muster the energy to fight again.”Draco silently dipped his head towards the Dragon King before bending over and gently scooping Drake up in one hand. “You know that we cannot leave him like this. If we don’t make an effort to teach him to control his magic, then--.”“I am aware of what must be done,” Bastian interrupted Draco quietly, his flat tone causing his advisor to fall silent. His tail slapped the ground a few times. “Needless to say, I will be making the necessary preparations for Drake
Last Updated: 2023-03-15
Chapter: Chapter 31
“Move,” Vinzgar hissed, glaring at Poseidon. Poseidon returned the glare and remained silent as he refused to budge from the spot.“Vinzgar,” Bastian started, “I can understand what you are trying to do here. However, you know as well as I do that we need to let this match continue for the time being. If we interrupt it, we’ll never be able to see how Drake handles himself if his emotions flare up after winning the games and starts investigating things on his own down below on the surface. This is the perfect test to see whether or not we can trust him to act properly on his own out in the world.”Vinzgar growled dangerously but didn’t respond; he couldn’t refute what his king had just said. After glaring with Poseidon for a few more moments, he humped and turned back around, sitting back down on his throne as he resumed watching the match.Brock was back on his feet, cautiously observing Drake as he remained standing on the spot motionlessly, still glaring at Brock. Brock finally spo
Last Updated: 2023-03-15
Chapter: Chapter 30
“Is there a problem, Damrabe?” the crimson-scaled dragon king questioned, an eyebrow raised. Something caught Bastian’s eyes, and he and everyone else in the room proceeded to stare at it in shock.One of the test tubes of blood in Damrabe’s sash glowed red-hot as it visibly vibrated in its slot. As everyone continued to observe the spectacle, the test tube shattered without warning, sending shards of glass and droplets of blood flying throughout the room. Wherever the blood splattered, be it on skin, scales, cloth, or stone, the surface splattered immediately sizzled and burned black. Several dragons hissed in pain as their skin and scales were burned.“What the hell just happened!?” Vinegar growled, shock evident in his voice. “Damrabe, what was that!?”“I...I don’t know!” Damrabe responded as he attempted to heal his right hand and torso, which had received the brunt of the blood exploding. “All I can tell you is that vial contained a sample of Drake’s blood that I took from him tw
Last Updated: 2023-03-15
Chapter: Chapter 29
Back up in the top box where Bastian and the Dragon Council observed the battles, Reothand and Poseidon entered the room. Bastian turned around and looked at them, raising his eyebrow in a silent question.Poseidon shook his aged, golden head and stroked his beard. “We didn’t find anyone in the magical maintenance room, but we did find evidence that the lottery-system spell used to randomly determine matchups had been tampered with. All the crystal ball surveillance cameras had been smashed, as well.”Prismo groaned, covering his face with his left hand. “None of the guards openly admitted to seeing anything, either,” he added to Poseidon’s statement. “My hunch says someone with the Shadow Strikers may be involved in this.”Several sets of eyebrows shot up at the mention of the Shadow strikers. “The Shadow Strikers is that group of assassins-for-hire, correct?” Vinegar questioned. “Why would they be involved in this?”“Isn’t that obvious?” Bastian asked, looking down at the fight belo
Last Updated: 2023-03-15
Chapter: Chapter 28
“This year, we have a slew of new and old participants in these bloody games! In addition to the two-time runner up dragon Balara, we also have a prisoner who’s convicted of stealing the Orb of the First King! Who’s excited to see what these two are capable of during the games? I know I am!”Drake slapped his forehead as the crowd cheered even louder when the announcer brought him up. What the hell is wrong with these people?“Now then, let’s get the ball rolling! We have one hundred and twenty-eight prisoners that passed the assessment exam and made it to the games this year! That means we’ll have seven rounds of one-on-one fights, so there will be plenty of time to watch the carnage in the arena! Let’s begin with deciding the first match for the day!There’s something wrong with that MC. Is he a frickin’ devil or something? Drake stood up from the cot and walked over the iron gate. The arena was set on the ground and was separated from the elevated stands by a large wall. Standing j
Last Updated: 2023-03-15