Novels by Kaikazima4

The Witch's Revenge
In an ever-changing, quickly-evolving world, nobody was expecting the emergence of something as unrealistic as magic. Witches have begun appearing all over the world, most of them very young. Magic slowly starts to replace science as some parts of the world embrace it, while others persecute it, denouncing it as unnatural.
Hotaru is a witch, invited to learn all about his kind at Albion's Magic Academy, but he isn't there just for the sake of studying. Unlike the other students, he has an actual plan for magic.
Revenge on the people who took everything from him.
Ongoing · 771 views
Chapter: Chapter 63
"A spell gone wrong brought me here, I tell her, turning my palms upwards in a show of pacifism. I mean you no harm, I only wish to leave"The woman hisses, pointing one finger at me. "Then leave." From all around her, a whirlwind of petals comes flying toward me. I sense no true power within, so I let the spell hit me. The next moment, I'm in the middle of the rest, rushing through the trees. Then I'm above the ocean, one with the wind. Then I'm being pushed through a stone archway on a remote island.I get flung through it, and emerge back in New Sunshire. Well, that was a trip.Looking around, I see the others have realized what this is all about, too. With everyone going in and out of houses, the doorways are unable to fully close, letting some of the power of those inside them leak out. Perfect.I follow the stench of scented candles and expensive perfume, letting it guide me through an archway leading into a garden overcome by weed. I protect my body before stepping through, jus
Last Updated: 2024-03-28
Chapter: Chapter 61
HOTARUOnce again, Quinn is the teacher sent to chaperone us on the field trip. The buses drop us off in New Sunshire, many miles away from regular Sunshire, all the way on one of Scotland's shores. Don't ask me to tell you if it's the east or the west, though. Maybe north and south? Scotland does touch the sea on all sides, right?"I can't believe you brought that," I mutter to Mac, who has a small plant in his lap. "You're gonna break it.""There's a burner moth somewhere in our room, and it keeps messing with my plants. Puffing out his chest as though he were personally challenged, he gets a serious look in his eye, which is not something you often see on Mac. "I'm not letting it have this one.""Why's that one special?"The blonde giant shrugs, looking down at his plant, a tender smile on his face. "It just is. Got the seed from the last one, so this'll be my first time going through multiple generations."I thought that was a regular thing to do, honestly. Well, I never did claim
Last Updated: 2024-03-26
Chapter: Chapter 60
IAN"We don't have time for this." Maria approaches, and I can tell what she's going to do by the look in her eyes. Too late to stop her, I can only watch as her palm harshly connects with Hotaru's cheek, nearly knocking him back to the ground. "Wake the hell up."He looks at her, his face turning red, more clarity in his eyes. "Tll curse you into being bald." It's a genuine spell we've learned. Makes one wonder what sort of witch was bored enough to invent such a thing.We throw the dreamcatches into the fire, a large burst of white smoke rising from it, making us all pull back a little.The image that forma inside is nothing like the ones we saw in the bubbles. Instead, what we see is a woman- maybe a man with the same colors as Choronzon, only different features. They're wearing a black centurion-like armor, with absolutely no cloth attached to it, meaning no pants, cape or anything. The armor has jagged shoulder. pads and no sleeves, showing off a pair of thin, pale arms. They hav
Last Updated: 2024-03-25
Chapter: Chapter 59
HOTARUPotions aren't really a class I remember all that much about, for whatever reason. Quinn is the teacher, and seems to be looking kind of stiff whenever our eyes meet. Why do I not remember this?I seem to remember the potions well enough, I just don't remember learning how to make any of them. What gives? It's a class we only take once a week, so it should be pretty memorableSeeing that one of the pages of my book has had its comer folded, so I turn toward it. 'Memoria Damnum: How to Delete Someone's Memories.I guess that explains it.With Mac no longer interested, Maya is the only other person who bothered to take it, and this is the one class she excels at. Doesn't take much magic control to make a potion work, so I guess it makes sense she'd put all her energy into this.it's the last class of the day, so we're all free to meet up once it's over. Other than Diana, I'm the first to arrive at the library, Maya probably heading off to meet with Erik first to try and steal eve
Last Updated: 2024-03-24
Chapter: Chapter 58
He just gives me a wink, saying nothing. Alright. Keep your secrets."Dreamcatches are typically used to protect children" Diana continues, shooting lan a quick dirty look. "These would be woven in a slightly different pattern. The dream bubbles would have to go through them, where they'd remains until we burned the catcher and saw the dreams inside the smoke. That's the only method described here."If she knows that, she must have gone through the entire damn book. How? How can a person read so fast? She has to be using magic for it. If so, she better share.Antoine's fingers gently, reach for my lower back, giving me a pinch. I reach over to his face, flicking his nose harshly enough to make him wince. His response is to shove his fingers under my ribs, forcing me to squirrn back as I try to get away. This only results in my elbow hitting Maya in the back."Ow. Watch it, man. That hurt.""Sorry""Are you children quite done?" Crossing her arms, Diana starts to fume "Honestly. How ca
Last Updated: 2024-03-23
Chapter: Chapter 57
ANASTASIAThe maid is beginning to irk me. The fool is incapable of dusting anything off without dropping it. The earrings we gave her are the only reason I haven't fired her aiready. If she can't offer good services, at least she can offer her energy. Shouldn't be long before her Soul Seed shows itself.I wish there were a quicker method. The Heralds are hunting for us relentlessly, always sending one of them to search. the globe. The Master is keeping us hidden from them, but that simply means wasting his power on things other than his revival, slowing things down even further.I enter Doctor Crowley's lab, the scanner set to recognize my eyes. Once inside, I walk over to the large glass wall, through which the Doctor is currently looking. "You called, sir?""It's about to happen""What is, sir?"A man is inside the other room, in the nude, strapped to the operating table. He keeps twitching around, his eyes flickering with a strange, red light. Every few seconds, a rune appears on
Last Updated: 2024-03-22

The Second Life of Demon King
Maximus Bloodthorn, once a powerful Demon Ovarlord, was betrayed and killed by his own subordinates, vowing revenge with his dying breath. Reincarnated as Isaac Ackerman, a human baby, he must adapt to his new mortal life without demonic powers. With his past memories intact he embarks on a journey to master the art of mana and attain power in the mortal realm.
Ongoing · 238 views
Chapter: Episode 44: Betrayal and Test of Loyalty
Angin menderu kencang, mengguncang pepohonan dan mengaduk debu dari tanah tandus. Di dataran luas dan tandus, Zephar, Sang Pengendali Angin, berdiri tegak dan ramping. Matanya yang tajam menatap tajam ke arah Isaac dengan kebencian yang membara, tubuhnya yang kurus kering dipenuhi dengan kekuatan yang tak terkendali. Angin berputar-putar di sekelilingnya, memanggil elemen-elemen di bawah komandonya untuk bersiap berperang.Isaac menatap mata Zephar dengan tenang. "Apa yang ingin kau buktikan?" Suaranya tenang, tetapi kilatan di matanya yang merah menunjukkan kesiapannya menghadapi bahaya yang akan datang.Zephar mencibir. “Aku tidak percaya transformasimu, Isaac. Kekuatan barumu itu hanyalah ilusi. Kau hanyalah bayangan Maximus yang pernah kita kenal. Kali ini, aku akan memastikan kau hancur menjadi debu.”Dengan gerakan cepat, Zephar mengangkat tangannya, melepaskan hembusan angin kencang yang diarahkan ke Isaac. Tekanan udara menekannya dengan kuat, tetapi Isaac tetap teguh. Kekuata
Last Updated: 2025-02-08
Chapter: Episode 43
Arena yang tadinya riuh itu kini sunyi senyap. Penonton yang menyaksikan pertarungan antara Isaac dan Malgor berdiri membeku, dicengkeram oleh ketegangan yang memenuhi medan pertempuran melingkar itu. Angin panas membawa bau belerang, bercampur dengan debu yang beterbangan di udara.Isaac berdiri tegap, tubuhnya dihiasi luka dan goresan, tetapi matanya menyala dengan tekad yang tajam. Tangan kanannya terangkat, berdenyut dengan cahaya biru yang berdenyut seperti detak jantung. "Kau tahu, Malgor," katanya dingin, "pengkhianatanmu telah menyakitimu lebih dari yang kau sadari. Biar kutunjukkan padamu."Lingkaran sihir bercahaya muncul di sekitar Isaac, memancarkan energi yang menembus pikiran Malgor. Panglima perang yang menjulang tinggi itu, yang dulunya memerintah dengan mata merah menyalatiba-tiba goyah. Pedang besarnya terlepas dari genggamannya, jatuh ke tanah dengan bunyi gedebuk yang menggelegar."Apa ini?!" Malgor meraung, suaranya serak karena panik. Ia memegangi kepalanya, seol
Last Updated: 2025-01-05
Chapter: Episode 42: The Traitor’s Trail
Isaac berjalan di sepanjang jalan berbatu yang dingin, udara padat dari alam iblis menggigit kulitnya. Langit di atas berwarna abu-abu gelap, berputar-putar dengan awan yang bergulung-gulung yang kadang-kadang meledak dengan kilat merah, memecah kesunyian dengan guntur yang mengancam. Sisa-sisa kehancuran masa lalu berserakan di mana-mana—menara yang hancur, sisa-sisa kerangka raksasa, dan kota-kota yang runtuh yang tampaknya meneriakkan kisah-kisah sejarah yang tragis. Namun fokus Isaac tetap pada jejak samar di tanah berlumpur—jejak kaki yang dalam dan berat. "Ini hanya milik satu makhluk... Malgor." Isaac mengepalkan tinjunya, matanya menyipit karena kebencian yang membara. "Kau pernah bersumpah setia, Malgor. Apa yang membuatmu mengkhianatiku?"Ketika akhirnya dia mendekati benteng Malgor, dia berhenti sejenak untuk mengamati dari balik bayangan reruntuhan yang runtuh. Benteng itu menjulang tinggi, dinding-dindingnya yang hitam dipenuhi duri-duri tajam. Di atas gerbang utama, lam
Last Updated: 2025-01-02
Chapter: Episode 41: The Guarded Gate
The dark night sky enveloped them as Isaac and his group arrived at the location they had long searched for. These ancient ruins looked like the remnants of a forgotten world—tall cracked stone walls overgrown with glowing green moss, and grand statues weathered by time. The air around them felt heavy, charged with magical energy that vibrated in their bones. Each of their steps on the hard ground made a rustling sound, as if something was watching them."Is... is this the place?" Darius asked, his voice faltering as his eyes darted around, looking uncomfortable. "It feels like we're walking in another world."Isaac did not answer. His gaze was focused, his eyes glowing with a calculating gleam. "This is the first step toward my destiny," he thought, though his heart beat faster than usual.However, just before they could take another step, the atmosphere suddenly shifted. The calm wind turned into a cold breeze that howled, carrying a sharp metallic scent. From the shadows of the rui
Last Updated: 2024-12-15
Chapter: Episode 40: A Fragile Balance
Markas sementara Isaac, sebuah benteng tua yang tersembunyi jauh di dalam hutan lebat. Cahaya bulan bersinar di dinding batu yang runtuh, sementara suara burung malam dan angin sepoi-sepoi menambah suasana muram. Api unggun kecil di tengah aula utama menerangi wajah-wajah lelah sekutu Isaac. Isaac berdiri di ujung ruangan, jubah hitamnya menjuntai ke lantai. Tatapan tajamnya menyapu semua orang yang hadir. Cahaya redup menonjolkan garis-garis tegas di wajahnya, memperkuat perannya sebagai pemimpin di tengah kekacauan."Ini tidak bisa terus berlanjut," pikir Isaac sambil mengepalkan tangannya. "Aliansi ini harus diperkuat, atau akan runtuh sebelum misi ini selesai.""Aku harus bicara!" teriak Darius, suaranya menggema di aula yang sunyi. Tubuhnya yang besar dan berotot menegang, menunjukkan kemarahan yang tertahan. "Rencana ini semakin gegabah dari hari ke hari, Isaac. Kau ingin kami mengejar portal yang mungkin merupakan jebakan. Berapa banyak lagi nyawa yang harus dikorbankan demi
Last Updated: 2024-12-15
Chapter: Episode 39: Recruiting New Allies
Di sebuah desa yang hancur di tepi tebing, dengan langit kelabu yang menggantung rendah. Asap tipis masih mengepul dari pendingin, meninggalkan aroma terbakar dan kesedihan yang tertinggal di udara. Isaac berjalan perlahan, jubah hitamnya berkibar tertiup angin dingin. Tatapan tajam dan postur tubuh yang tegak memancarkan aura seorang pemimpin yang tak tergoyahkan. "Kekuatannya tidak bisa dibangun sendiri," pikir Isaac, matanya mengamati sekeliling yang suram. "Aku butuh sekutu, bukan sekedar alat. Mereka harus cukup kuat untuk bertahan hidup, tapi tidak terlalu pintar untuk melawanku."Di tengah-tengahnya, Isaac mendengar suara samar yang berasal dari bangunan yang sebagian runtuh. "Tolong...siapa pun..." Dia mendekati sumber suara itu dan mendapati seorang wanita muda, baru berusia dua puluh tahun, dengan luka di lengannya. Rambutnya yang merah gelap kusut karena debu dan darah, tetapi matanya berkilauan dengan kekuatan tertersembunyi. “Seorang penyihir,” gumam Ishak sambil berjo
Last Updated: 2024-12-15
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