Novels by Eldificant

Intergalactic Warriors: An interlock
yelled the space trooper.
Rogers groaned with pain. He stood up and with all his weight dived on the space trooper, he didn't know what he was even thinking but somehow the trooper had already lost balance and his gun fallen from his hands. Rogers kicked him in the groins and then with a penknife stabbed him in the temples. The trooper was silent. Rogers thought for a moment maybe he was dead. He wanted to check for his breathing but common with space troopers they always had their helmet on. Rogers proceeded to dislodge the helmet, he was familiar with the technicalities. The battle was still ongoing, he was hearing gunfires afar off, he had checked his attacker pulse, the man was as good as dead. Rogers retrieve his penknife and put it back into his pockets. He was tired and weak to the bones, pains that ran through his stomach made him nauseated. He wanted to vomit. He stared at the sky that has turned with haze and ash, he thought when will all this wars be over, it has been a decade and the galaxies had been at war. He was from Megma, but the people from Metoris and Xival had been their enemies. Aquaris was their ally, and Infact the aquaria have been their supporters from time immemorial. The bone of contention was Resmore, the planets all wanted Resmore for its minerals and diamonds. News had it that the main villain Lord Firemetal and his counterpart Aruma each of them from
Metoris and Xival had always wanted to dominate the planet Resmore, then comes the DROIDs from Entexx a place found in Aquaris, who always help them in fighting each battle they went. Their opponents have space droids too.
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Chapter: A fight with the claws of Iron
He was now standing. A storm was coming and soon the sandstorm will reach where he was. He knew that he has to wait for a few moment. His mission was done and if it's wasnt ..well that is no more his business. He has to see Firemetal and get back to LIQUIDSTEEL ,it was the base of the Xivallians and it was a big stationery spaceship on outer space close to the orbit and hangs above planet Xival. A crackled sound. Ironclaws paid attention, it repeated itself. He turned and there he was the least expected person, STORMRISER. Stormriser was a lone wolf, he needs no park and no pact. He kills and never cares. He works for no one. Ironclaws has always been his nemesis. As long as Ironclaws knows Stormriser has always bwen travelling from one planet to another. And he alone knows what his mission, nobody else knows. "Come to dine with the devil?" Ironclaws turned towards him." There is a storm coming" he pointed at the fast-approaching sandstorm. Stormriser. An assailant on mask, with
Last Updated: 2024-10-15
Ironclaws already knew about the arrest and detention of Ex-machina, but he wasnt here for that only. If he wanted to assasinate the cyborg it was a easy job made swift. His order from Firemetal was to locate the camp of the Patrols and not yet kill Ex-machina. He had already informed Firemetal of what has befallen Ex-machina and his camp, and Firemetal had told him that he would personally give Base Q33 a surprising visiting; whatever that means Ironclaws doesn't care but for sure a surprising visit in most case means a fight. He looked at Titan for a moment." Where are the diamonds?" He asked the man." Well diamonds are kept in stalls and one the stalls are been handled by Jagsaw when the space trades sums up we sell it and everyone in the camp gets a share" Titan bluntly told him.Spacetrade Ironclaws has heard about it, it was an interplanetary business.Hearing that and conscious that someone might come in through. Ironclaws went aback towards and in one second sprinted instan
Last Updated: 2024-10-15
Chapter: Rogers and allies
military. Being alone together before his departure, Rogers wanted to convince Titan to reconsider the general's request."My good friend Titan, I wish you came with me I would love that honestly. The base is good place to be, with all you got we may need your help and wisdom, . Rogers began." I absolutely understand" Titan was still his jovial and meek self." But I don't think staying in outer space has been my dream, maybe later but not now""What would you be doing now." Rogers asked. Compassionately."I will still be with the patrols, they need a hand, with X-machina gone now I and the others might reason ways out" Titan replied." would you ever want to go back to your real planet?" It was a sudden question that Titan wasnt expecting.He was silent and thoughtful for a moment." Terix. Well I don't think so for now" "What about your family?" Rogers was still on it." nope buddy. I got know family of my own, only old age parents""What if" John and Sonia was coming towards Roger
Last Updated: 2024-10-15
Chapter: Another day another attack
The Megmas arrived on their spacecraft. John and the team were also with them. Lord.Gemini has been placed on Intensive care to further notice, to cut long story short, he was on coma but still alive. He was operated on, he lost alot of blood and a damaged spine. He will walk but it will be with an artificial support according to Dr. Crest the space doctor, who was a military surgeon. Arriving the camp of the desert patrols. Gen.Tecro had given instructions. Get Rogers and move out once everything goes smoothly or fight the enemy if they try to ambush them. Their was definitely aerial support from space once things gets excalated. Gen.Tecro was standing among the frontliners, Caspier beside him and Lieutenant.Lee on his other side. Lieutenant has been managing her affairs and office quiet remarkably. She was the only one that once survived a gigantic collapse of the cosmo in another galactic dimension. She was an astro-physicist and an astrologist and could very much tell from her
Last Updated: 2024-10-15
Chapter: A cyborg claws
He is six feet tall, on assailant mask. His claws are made of steel. And he was an energetic figure who owns a stainless sword. Doesnt relent when he attacks except he gets signal to retreat, one thing is that he doesnt exposes himself. He always hide in the dark or hidden spots and only presents himself if he wants to attack.He is known as IRONCLAWS. Ironclaws is one the hired assassins that works for Firemetal, he was the second assassin of the five assassins of the galaxy that were under Firemetal. The first assassin was Flameburner, then after Ironclaws- Zex, Stargazer and Moonreactor. The rest of Ironclaws team were dispersed to other planets were they are on different missions. Ironclaws was sent to Resmore to garner information on the whereabouts and movement of the Desert patrol and also give out information if the ENEMY were having spies and infiltrating the planet in any means...Any means seeking for diamonds inclusive. Ironclaws has picked up a signal. It was a stranded s
Last Updated: 2024-10-15
Chapter: A space friend
The space shuttle "XANAX" has left base Q33. It was heading towards planet RESMORE. X-flux and the others were on their monitors, navigating the planet to see if they could find where either Rogers or Regenad where. They were now in the northern Hemisphere and where beginning to land on the plains. X-flux was the one that alerted them that they have to go "land search" because of enemy spacecraft locating them. John and others wore their helmets,they all had their rifles while John led the way. Xanax opened it docks like a seawhale ushering out the troopers.Walking through a place with few trees and landscapes was not what they ventured for but, what can they do. They had to save their friends, the order was already authorised by Gen.Tecro who suggested they go with backup but John told him is best they went alone giving that going with troopers would rise alarm for the enemy to re-visit Resmore for another attack. FEW IS SAFE PER SAY John hinted the general. Reluctantly the gener
Last Updated: 2024-10-15
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