In a world of Numerators and Denominators, one should always assume that one would be stronger than the other. It was the natural way of things; the Numerator will fight in the front lines using their Elementalism and increased essence reserves, as the Denominator supports said Numerator from the sidelines by crafting weapons and armor that would enhance their partner's fighting prowess. It was the way the world had worked for millennia, unchanged by the passage of time or even the innovations of those that came through it. It was inconceivable that a Denominator would be able to stand toe-to-toe against a Numerator, much less even defeat one in combat. In the history of the Numenorian Empire, only one person had managed to defeat a Numerator, even more so, a Prime; someone that had the caliber to level armies on a wave of their single arm. And that someone was a Denominator, of all people.&nb
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