Having made my peace, I wiped off what few sniffles I had on my nose before calling out to my two companions. If they ever noticed just how much of a wreck I looked like, they didn't comment about it beyond their eyes widening a bit. I was grateful, perhaps; that they stuck around long enough for me to do my thing with my parents. I probably looked like shit while doing so, but I could finally focus enough that I got my thinking face back. Which meant that it's time to think about who the fuck had the time, knowledge, and resources to erect this ornate a gravestone in the first place. "So, any idea on who did this?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest as Lace eyed the errant gravestone. Olivia was also doing her own once-over, but she only held a frown as she ran her hands across the engravings. At first glance, my sister seemed to recognize the
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