All Chapters of I AM BEYOND HUMAN: Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
466 chapters
Standing in the middle of the room with a armrest-less and backrest-less long stool behind me, Mr Jade Monday and two other of his associates sitting next to him in a side by side position and all behind a long desk with a grin worn on the face of the man in the middle, my boss and the one who called me into the room announcing that he needed my help with an urgent issue and needed to test me first while his associates looked shocked,confused and isolatedHow did the test go from being in my favour to this, having two GHA officers by my side as I put up a struggle for my freedom and defenceMy phone had been seized, being blocked on both fronts with my path to freedom which is the door behind me completely shut but that isn't what is wrong here, with me, with what they did to meA sting was felt around my neck and moments later light shone around my eyes almost covering my vision of Mr Monday who at this point has seemed to be my en
*tap* *tap* *tap*The short passenger seat GHA officer rigorously Pat his partner on the shoulder as he checked on him in the drooling state that he was "Dude, what's wrong with you? You look kind of insane right now""__Huh?" The driving GHA IT officer scrolled his head slowly to the right to look at his partner while having a blank expression and dead fish eyes and a slightly opened mouth which leaked saliva"Umm... tsh... tsh... *gulp* tsh... Oh!" he mumbled before finally getting himself "What's going on... Why's your hands on me, get them off right now!" He fussed until his partner pushed himself back and remained in a surrendered position with both hands up"Dude! What is your problem?! I was just trying to be of help and this is the thanks I get? You really are trouble" He glared at his partner with contempt with a little bit of fear mixed in*snort*"W
*STEP**BAM* *BAM* *BAM* "GET UP!!"*STEP**BAM* *BAM* "GET UP!!"*STEP* *STOP* "Hmm, what do we have here..."Standing in front of a milk brown prison door with a translucent standing rectangular shaped hard glass at a distance close to the top which was at average head height the warden of the place while holding his black baton by the handle with the base pointed outward to face the door he struck three times like he did with the previous doors before this one but with a more slower interval*BAM*........*BAM*........*BAM*[Door 306CB] which was boldly written in the middle of this particular door in dark brown colouring which was the same as for the other previous doors the warden had visited before this one and the ones he will after this one but they all had different numbers and last two capital letters on them for a specific reasonThe numbers represented your pr
*JOLT*The sudden command jolted me to my core followed by my sliding the glass opening shut *bam* then he walked off to the next door and banged on it as well but that was where the banging stopped He started his journey to bang the doors of the first three rooms before mine and then the next one after mine and although there were more doors ahead and behind those he didn't bother with them He didn't seem like the man who would do any unnecessary things without a good reason just from his face and demeanor alone from our limited interaction I got that vibe and the alarms were going to go off in a couple of minutes anyway so for what purpose did he have to call out both me and the other four inmates who were now my cell neighborsI decided to do as told when I heard my door unlock but first I turned to look at the room again before stepping forward and I slid it open to be greeted by this huge area just
*CLICK* *SNAP**CLICK* *SNAP*"Turn that way please and can you hold the slate a little higher... higher... take it back a bit... make sure that the numbers on it are showing... Alright, good!" The officer in charge of taking the mugshots instructed while Officer Victor stood at the corner waiting for me to finish He didn't seem very adapt at starting or even keeping up a conversation so although there were other officers there with him in the room and some were having their own little chats he didn't take the initiative to join inIt would have been easy enough he would have at least stood close to them but while the stood relatively to the center of the room he stood by the left corner of it with legs crossed as he stood In the entire prison the only person he talked to on a regular and beyond work related basis was Warden Max Faller and that must have been because that they were
"No? Nothing huh? Really? Damn, you are a tough one... It was fun while it lasted like what? A second? Are you sure your only crime was just hacking a mainframe and not hacking someone's arm off or something" The third and silent officer in the group if three finally spoke out as well"So why did you hack into the mainframe? Looking for porn or something?" the first officer amongst the three who had also been the one to ask what crime I committed retorted his opinion"..." I didn't give a reply while at the back officer Victor scoffed almost inaudibly then repeated what the other officers had said about the pornNone of the other officers heard him and neither did I but his body movement when he raised his hand to cover his smiling mouth when he had scoffed was all to attention grabbing to be left unnoticed"So you too were part of this foolishness huh" I mumbled before looking back at the officer who had asked the
"Where on to next?" I asked officer Victor as we both walked out of the room and into yet another corridor leaving the four officers to device on what to do as none of them won their bet They also had a subsequent bet where they would guess what the new prisoners occupation was based his age and when I was taken in yesterday my age was made known to all of them with the first officer who and asked the question saying I worked as a teacher, the one who faked anger said that I was unemployed, the previously silent one said a banker while the officer who had taken the picture said that I would be a company worker and he was correct as the GHA Log Outpost which I was working in until recently was part of a company technically making me a company worker but because of what had happened inside they had forgotten to ask me this question of my work I and Officer Victor
This whole scenario that just happened represented that an assailant ran into the kitchen and pulled and object from it then ran back to previous location be it the living room or anywhere else in the house then stops after getting 50cm away from victim then assailants tries to stab victim with the object but gets stopped when victim holds his hand with the object held in it After this assailant uses free hand and grabs a hold on one of victims hand then pulls it away freeing his hand with the object in it to continue with the stabbing motion. Victim stabbed and begins to bleed From the location the object was gotten, how it felt in the bearer's hand who was the assailant with it's weight distribution and handle size, the vibration gotten from stabbing the victim, the size of the injury from the intensity of the pain the victim receives it will be algorithmically dec
No interrogations, no confessions, no reasons given as an excuse and as long as they could prove that the code used for the hack was yours just like how they did me then it's time in prison no questions asked while a court hearing scheduled two weeks after you are caught and brought in is just done for formalities as they try to get more evidence which provsd that it really was you but even if they can't as long as they can prove that your code matches that of the hacker then it's a sealed fate This was because every hacker's code was different from another just sort of like how different magicians have their own unique playing cards which they use because it is what they are accustomed to so the same applies here, no hacker would be able to get to a certain level in the hack if he tried using another person's writing style just to hide his identity Because of this w
*blink* *blink* *side step* Officer Victor stood in silence while slowly batting his golden brown coloured eyelashes which matched just as much the other bodily follicles with their seeds of hair growing out of them as I aired my views about our current location and it's unseemly philosophy and principles He had lowered his head a bit while looking at me with the lowered snout manner in which a wolf posseses when they are about to hunt and had set their sights on their prey His grip on the doorknob also tightened and if possessing the required strength he would have crushed it within fist but alas all that could be done was generating a minute volumed giggling noise from the tremors which his hand endowed the doorknob with "I can't believe I was